Broke and happy
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)
Clown is inevitable.
Clown is inevitable.
How do we know that Steve didn't change anything in the past timeline? We were told that whatever they do in the past will not change the future. If it was a simple as that they could of just gone back to when they fought Thanos on Wakanda and cut his head off rather than having Thor aim for the chest. But nothing they did would change their future, so the only option was to take the stones from the past, use them again in the future and return them to their past to balance the reality.
How would Peggy have married Steve Rogers and that not being an issue? She works for spies and they wouldn't be interested in how Captain America survived the war? We don't know the things that changed in this new past, but it wouldn't change anything in Cap's original timeline.
We know that changing the past won't change the future because Gamora leaves the 2014 timeline without meeting the Guardians at that point, and arrives in 2023. Quill and the others remember their whole life with her over the previous 4 years, but this Gamora never lived it. It didn't change their past at all.
Nebula even killed her past self and that has no effect on her current self.
Thanos and his crew all arrived from 2014 never acquiring any of the stones by that time, but that didn't change anything that happened between 2014 and 2023.
I do think it would have made more sense if Steve had come back in the time portal as an old man rather than already being there. It doesn't make sense that he could have lived in this same reality when history couldn't be changed in this reality.
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Well that makes up for Cap 3 basically being "Avengers: Civil War."![]()
Why didn’t Vader just stow away on the millennium falcon and wipe out Yavin base once there lol
Why why why!
Just got back from the 10PM showing (packed theater)!
What can I say, I liked it a lot! It's not some kind of cinematic masterpiece, but it is amazing what the MCU has managed to create. Such a huge universe! These guys can be rightly proud of what they have accomplished.
As for the movie itself, (maybe slight spoilers ahead) I was blown away with the first act. The entire devastated Earth, the way people are trying to cope with the catastrophe... wow! So well done! I guess I could've used a bit more backlash from people towards the Avengers, and Superheroes in general, the "why didn't you stop this/it's all your fault anyway" fallout. But I can understand why they wouldn't go that route. Conversely, I didn't quite get Stark's reaction and animosity when he first gets back. It felt a bit exaggerated and out of place. His reticence in helping out five years later was much more understandable.
Towards the second act I felt the movie drag a bit, as it went into usual MCU-fare. It was fun seeing some of the events from different perspectives, and it was nice to see a few of the cameos, but it was the weakest part of the movie. Incidentally, if future Thor took his hammer from the past, what hammer was past Thor wielding? Or did that open a new timeline that we did not get to see?
Also, I did not like what they did with Thor and Hulk. Again, using Thor's anguish and the destruction of Asgard for laughs felt wrong to me. It's kinda sad that Thor became the comic relief of the Avengers. As for the Hulk, well... I felt the unresolved relationship with Black Widow was just glossed over, and I think the characters deserved better.
Third act was great. Spectacular battles and really deeply emotional scenes. Marvel's appearance at the end was pretty epic, other than that, I felt she was a bit underused, but again, I understand that she couldn't be featured more prominently. A bit of a wasted opportunity though, it would've been great to see her pissing Stark off, or vice-versa...
The Cap and Stark really had the best closures, although what Cap did seems to me a bit of a change in continuity?
Also, this is the first MCU movie were I really liked the photography. There were some amazing visuals. Sound was also great, I loved how quiet the movie is at the beginning, they really used sound design very well.
So, overall, I think it's a great finale to this ten-year ride. Am I in a hurry to see it again? Nope, but I will surely catch it once it shows up on HBO.
Spiderman will surely feel very anti-climactic after this.
Well, now to go back and read through this thread!
That maybe your opinion but the consensus with the masses was these were amazing films. Titanic won 11 Oscars. Avatar showcased new 3D technology. I loved both of those movies and I also enjoyed Endgame. I don't love those movies as much as I did when they were released, but I still enjoy them. I will likely feel the same about Endgame after time goes by.
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Well when you really think about it the way Stark, Strange and Spiderman end up on Titan in the first place was due to an unplanned bizarre set of circumstances trying to save Strange in the first place after Maw kidnapped Strange in NYC so it wasn’t like they had a well planned out assault but i’ll say it again had Stark not sided with General Ross the group would’ve never been separated to begin with so in essence Starks demise was all of his own doing a byproduct of not only his arrogance but of his genius as well ironically enough so when you really look at his story arc it is pretty tragic to say the least.
Both him and Rogers have tragic arcs but Cap figured out a way to make it no longer be tragic for him he turned it all around and made it work in his favor at the end.
Damn he even outsmarted Stark even though Stark would always pick on him for being the old fashion naïve person.
This movie should be called Captain Rogers Triumphant lol
Stark dies and leaves behind a wife, child and his empire while Rogers lives, gets the girl at the end and can even carry a God’s weapon lol
Hulk ummm yeah less said the better.
Khev chose wisely!
JAWS did not lol
Man how can you not watch any MCU movie that has Cap in it and NOT be super thrilled where it all ends up for him geez!
I know your joking but a lot of people feel that way. I never got an "Avengers" vibe from Civil War. Always feels like a Cap movie to me. Sure there are other hero's but the focus is always Cap.
EG did not feel like a Cap movie really... But It did feel like the directors probably have a huge crush on him![]()
Yep no doubt and it's like the Russos even went out of their way to make "lesser" MCU films like AOU and TDW more relevant. How can anyone not smile watching the AOU hammer scene at the party and not smile thinking about what lies ahead. Same with Cap putting the plane down at the end of TFA (after telling RS "not MY future!") or missing his date with Peggy.
Cap's victory is like the reverse TFA Han death since now we watch everyone hugging and celebrating at the end of ROTJ and think oh good this all still ends in death and tragedy, lol. Though I'm sure as we speak Tony Gilroy is filming hundreds of Force portals opening up so that Palpatine can face Ben, Yoda, Han, Qui Gon, Fett, Ackbar, PT Jedi, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, SNL Christopher Walken, Josh Trank, etc., lol.
It really benefited having the same two writers from Cap:TFA also write the scripts for TWS, CW, IW, and AEG. A nice uniformity there that was definitely a step up from how Whedon wrote him in TA and AOU.