With all due respect tho I pretty much didn't feel that much about IW except irritated

. There's bits and pieces I like, and IMO the beginning has lots of promise, but will always have the issues I didn't like in the first place. Including a mostly IMO weak and practically un-needed Wakanda battle, which IMO was only there to give Thor a super hero landing. It was a version of a climatic buildup, but not what I wanted. Not even sure I'll ever watch IW that much.
And I know millions think it's a "masterpiece".
So EG was a relief at least it had the darkness I was looking for and not-boring heard-this-before script lines, which I'm gonna assume means Marcus and McFeely did most of the script lines thank Gawd. EG wasn't exactly the movie I was looking for either and the handling of Cap/Bucky/Falcon and Loki and Valkyrie is a travesty, but dammit there was so much good too

. I think Rudd really got a chance to shine; outstanding performances. Thanos/Cap fight mindblowing. So much good stuff like weaving music from other films in. Just little moments too like the kid staring at Rudd without answering, 'coz you really can't talk about something so awful just like that. It was perfect. And Thanos at the last was - perfect.
Still not sure how I feel about Thor but it's hard not to laugh at the end, Hemsworth seems like he's having too much fun.