Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

I hope Black Widow dies. As the universe expands and more characters with powers show up, I find her less believable and honestly, I think she diminishes other characters by somehow being an equal or better, when she's literally a human with glow sticks and guns. Either enhance her, or kill her already. Proxima should have easily overpowered her in a fight. The same goes for Corvos Glaive. They're like 7 feet tall for god's sake. She's not only as skilled as BW, but literally much bigger and stronger, so BW has no advantages.
Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

Deadline is reporting an estimated 248-250 million domestic which will surpass TFA. :thud:


I hope Black Widow dies. As the universe expands and more characters with powers show up, I find her less believable and honestly, I think she diminishes other characters by somehow being an equal or better, when she's literally a human with glow sticks and guns. Either enhance her, or kill her already. Proxima should have easily overpowered her in a fight. The same goes for Corvos Glaive. They're like 7 feet tall for god's sake. She's not only as skilled as BW, but literally much bigger and stronger, so BW has no advantages.

Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

Deadline is reporting an estimated 248-250 million domestic which will surpass TFA. :thud:

Maybe that's just Disney messing with the numbers just to get the pretty headline and create more hype. Is there really a way to truly know how much money any of these movies make?
Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

Nothing but respect that it didn’t end up sucking because a movie with this many characters has no business being even good forget great.

But if they drop the ball in A4 with Cap’s and Stark’s outcome and with that super delicate time altering plot device then there will be hell to pay.

IW1 will go from being respected to being super hated by every MCU fan as will IW2.

I actually can’t believe there’s not a huge push back against Marvel for having Hulk front and center running with the Avengers in Wakanda on their first trailer which turned out to be 100% false!

I mean it’s not like Hulk was on the battlefield but they showed him doing something else in the movie, oh no no no, Marvel was fully aware when they cut that trailer that Hulk was never even going to be on the battlefield because previs was done a year before that trailer even existed!

Crazy **** lol

Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

Well it's still a marvel movie through no major character deaths frankly the ending felt like the rapture for me it was silly.

None of the main characters died they should have, but none did not even faded away . And it was teased so heavily in the trailer it was such a disappointment.

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I don't understand comments like this. Those that feel this way are judging a movie by only seeing the first half. We still have lots of surprises in store for the next installment.

It has been stated that the MCU will not be the same and will be very different in Phase 4 moving forward after Avengers 4. We know those that faded away have to return as they are slated to have upcoming movies such as Spider-Man 2 & Black Panther 2. It makes sense that none of the original Avengers faded away. They are the ones that started it all, and will end it. Avengers 4 will very likely be the last time we see some of them. Who's to say some of them won't die in Avengers 4/IW Pt.2 just because they didn't die in IW Pt.1?

This is a movie version of a comic story. While obviously not 100% faithful, they are taking many cues from the original story. If the Gauntlet is used to restore the Universe after Thanos snuffed out half of existence, those that were effected will return. He needed all the Infinity Stones to accomplish his task. Restoring those that faded away doesn't mean Time Reversal because of the Time Stone. I don't believe the story moving forward will be going back in time to relive and see them retry to avert the events that led up to Thanos' Snap of his fingers. That's not what is going to happen. Those that were killed by other means may stay dead, IE Loki, Heimdall, Gamora.... Vision is an android so he may well be able to be repaired. Shuri was seconds away from being able to remove the Mind Stone from Vision while retaining his conscious. Who's to say she didn't succeed and just didn't have the time to actually remove the Stone?

We have to wait till next year after seeing Part 2 to truly determine whether there are flaws in IW. I'm not simply making up my own "Fan Fiction" in my head that some people love to throw around out there. I am basing my opinion on the established classic story from the comics, Thanos Quest & The Infinity Gauntlet, that the Russo Bro's & Feige are following as the guideline.
Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

Deadline is reporting an estimated 248-250 million domestic which will surpass TFA. :thud:

Maybe that's just Disney messing with the numbers just to get the pretty headline and create more hype. Is there really a way to truly know how much money any of these movies make?

Holy crap it’s coming in at just a sliver over 250 GTFO lol

Even if they fudged it does it really matter it only beat their own movie so they don’t care it’s still a win/win.
Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

Nothing but respect that it didn’t end up sucking because a movie with this many characters has no business being even good forget great.

We've seen studios/directors drop the ball with the final act before (SM3, TDKR, Matrix Revolutions, Alien 3, heck even ROTJ to an extent) but have we ever seen a "Part II" fail that was filmed back to back with an awesome Part I? At least with TDKR, Spider-Man 3, and Alien 3 you can just ignore them and pretend that the series ended with the previous film but that will be hard to do with IW so the stakes couldn't be higher for IW2 to deliver.

I guess the closest example would be Matrix 2 and 3 since I know a lot of people really liked Reloaded but hated Revolutions. Hopefully that won't be the case here. Russos are 3/3 though so for the time being I have faith that they'll stick the landing. :pray:
Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

We've seen studios/directors drop the ball with the final act before (SM3, TDKR, Matrix Revolutions, Alien 3, heck even ROTJ to an extent) but have we ever seen a "Part II" fail that was filmed back to back with an awesome Part I? At least with TDKR, Spider-Man 3, and Alien 3 you can just ignore them and pretend that the series ended with the previous film but that will be hard to do with IW so the stakes couldn't be higher for IW2 to deliver.

I guess the closest example would be Matrix 2 and 3 since I know a lot of people really liked Reloaded but hated Revolutions. Hopefully that won't be the case here. Russos are 3/3 though so for the time being I have faith that they'll stick the landing. :pray:

There's a Matrix Part 2 & 3!?? Looking at my Movie collection I only seem to have the original Matrix movie. :lol

That series was a one and done for me. The other 2 were awful in my opinion. I agree with all the movies you listed, except ROTJ. Never heard anyone soil that movie until the epic fail of TLJ.. TDKR was horrible, and thankfully the ending of TDK was good enough to end it there as if there was no 3rd movie. Spider-Man 3 isn't so bad to delete it out of existence for me. It's still far better than Sony's attempted reboot with ASM & ASM2. :nono
Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

Saw it again last night. Liked it better the second time.

This is Thano's movie - he is not the "villain". He is the most developed character in the story.

The other thing I noticed this time around is...yes, characters like Cap and BW may get the short end here, but it's the more "cosmic"-oriented characters that get more play in this story. Since the more "earthbound" characters are the ones "left behind" at the end, it will be interesting to see if they pick up the heavy lifting in part two of this.

Are we going to see the "one" out of all those millions of options Strange saw play out in part two? It must have been the option where he had to give up the stone to make it work....we'll see.

Speaking of Strange, his turn in this movie made me actually want to go back and finally watch "Dr. Strange" - I passed on that one in the theater because I'm NOT a Cumberbatch fan and I prefer the more "grounded" aspects of the MCEU- not the real "magic-cosmic" stuff. Couldn't make it through it - too much of a "Inception-meets-Matrix" sloppy stew and I can't get past Swinton- she's just plain awful in it.

But back to IW- my hope is that the characters that were "raptured" will somehow be returned, but the ones who actually are killed are truly dead. It will give the whole thing more dramatic weight.

C'mon...we all know everyone turned into potpourri at the end are coming back - here's hoping it's handled in an effective dramatic effect,w ith some real sense of consequence and not just with a huge wave of the sparkle-glove with a loud "just kidding!".

I still stand by some of my earlier criticisms- some of the effects were just plain bad (looking at you Banner-head!) and whole Wakanda battle seemed pointless (you have a big shield, but you just open it? You have all of this future-tech but you just throw spears and shoot guns at them?) - it also felt "beefed up" like the studio noticed BP's huge success and told the production "More Wakanda! The kids just love it".

And most of everyone's "moments" came across like a "best of" instead of something new.

This movie also continued the sad tradition of lackluster scores- every "Avengers" movie features music that is just "adequate"-like one long string of incidental music. Other than the one short "Avengers" fanfare (and a little burst of BP music), nothing stands out.
As a huge fan of movie music, it's the one constant that I'm always disappointed in.

All and all, a good entry into the MCEU- here's hoping that they don't drop the ball on part two and that it holds some genuine surprises.
Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

James Cameron is severely depressed this morning. He's probably in the fetal position right now, holding on to the Hot Toys Avatar doll that no one bought. :lol
Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

James Cameron is severely depressed this morning. He's probably in the fetal position right now, holding on to the Hot Toys Avatar doll that no one bought. :lol

He's slowly becoming irrelevant. He needs to make public comments that the media runs with to keep him in the public eye. Just like he did with Wonder Woman, although his comments were spot on that time :)

On Jimmy Kimmel live last week, Kimmel asked Zoe Seldona what she thought of his comment about hoping fans get tired of Marvel movies. She didn't know how to respond. RDJ jumped in and defended him, then pleaded to the camera how he'd love to work with Jim Cameron in some upcoming endeavor. It was pretty funny.

Skip to 4:48..

Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)


Like many are saying, there was the issue of not having Cap or IM die. Iron Man's was set up, and then it almost felt like he was spared by convenient plot armor. As a result Loki, Heimdall and later Gamora were the biggest gut punches since everyone knows the "rapture deaths" will be reversed. Otherwise, the story, pacing and action were excellent. The set-up for Avengers 4 allows for more heroes to step up. Trying to decide whether or not to catch this one again.
Thanos is now my #1 MCU villain.
Loki #2, Killmonger #3
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

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Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

James Cameron is severely depressed this morning. He's probably in the fetal position right now, holding on to the Hot Toys Avatar doll that no one bought. :lol

I don't think this is a good thing though. Disney basically owns the entertainment industry already and the damn mouse keeps grabbing with both hands.
Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

So leaving all of the original Avengers alive was big mistake on Thanos’s part. The’re the smartest and strongest of all of them.