Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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I think they're related to "them". :D

Who's "they"...?

I can't think of anything that has leaked in regards to any big movie ever being accurate. Some details maybe, but mostly false.

If you watched Avengers week on Jimmy Kimmel last week, which had like 5 actors together per night, they said the Russo's actually had various versions of fake scripts written. That very few people actually got to read the entire accurate script. So, this could likely be the same.

Plus, it doesn't seem to plausible to me. Like I said, sounds interesting, but I wouldn't bet a dime on there being any truth to it.

Everyone already knew that gamora was sacrificed for the stone and loki died because of them
Everyone else that read the spoilers duhh

Remember too, we knew there were gonna be deaths. That was a fact. So anything read about plot or predictions had a 50/50 chance for each character that was rumored to meet their demise.

And I think I did read some spoilers, but don't remember anything standing out to have been true and spot on.
Favorite line:Stark to Banner.. Dude' your embarrassing me in front of the Wizards.
Most emotional Death:peter Parker
Favorite scene:Nick Fury (post credits) as he watches Hill dissipate into nothingness.. he just makes it to his vehicle and grabs a device which looks like a cell phone or beeper and presses a button.As Fury dissipates and the device drops to the ground the screen on the device for a few moments displays nothing.Then an eight pointed Star appears which turns into gold red and blue.Who ya' gonna call?Carol Danvers and not for a date.:lol
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Remember too, we knew there were gonna be deaths. That was a fact. So anything read about plot or predictions had a 50/50 chance for each character that was rumored to meet their demise.

And I think I did read some spoilers, but don't remember anything standing out to have been true and spot on.

A lot of people here and online knew about gamora.
I remember reading it here