Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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I guess villains pontificating and grandstanding is what makes us hate them and why they are a time honored cinematic tradition.

But Thanos wasn't pontificating. He seemed very honest, he wasn't monologuing, wasn't trying to convince anyone, he wasn't even arrogant. He doesn't act like a villain at all, which is why I like this version of Thanos. He doesn't even speak in third person like comic Thanos. He doesn't raise his voice, lose his cool trying to explain why he's so right and everyone is wrong...which is sooo typical of villains. He even said he was just going to rest and watch the sunrise after his done...and he did just that... :lol
Well you can pontificate and still be honest about what you’re pontificating about but I get what you’re saying.

I honestly think Dr. Strange could have talked to Thanos longer, maybe even suggest another way to save the universe. Thanos didn't even attack first...Strange and Stark did, so THEY started the physical battle, not Thanos. He was having a civilized conversation...then Strange went for blood. Usually the villains are the ones who put an end to the talking and start fighting.
I honestly think Dr. Strange could have talked to Thanos longer, maybe even suggest another way to save the universe. Thanos didn't even attack first...Strange and Stark did, so THEY started the physical battle, not Thanos. He was having a civilized conversation...then Strange went for blood. Usually the villains are the ones who put an end to the talking and start fighting.

Hmmm nah no way Banner had already warned them about the asgardian ship and the BO had attacked NY already.
Hmmm nah no way Banner had already warned them about the asgardian ship and the BO had attacked NY already.

Then Dr. Strange should have used this attack on Thanos.

Hulk will be back in A4, so I can see HT making that version. The question is, are they going to make a bunch of 2.0 Avenger figures from the first film, since they're all back in their OG costumes.
TIH is very underrated IMO.. Just watched it about 2 weeks ago and still fully enjoyed it.. The CGI is a bit dated at times but personality wise this is the best Hulk and has some of the best Hulk moments. I love that William Hurt's Ross is in the newer movies so to really make this film part of the MCU.

What? I did not know TIH is considered part of the MCU.
TIH has a great deleted extended scene between Ross and Bronsky having a discussion about the WW2 super soldier serum should’ve been left in it.

You know technically Bronsky going up against the Hulk at the college campus while juiced up with the serum pre Abomination transformation was a precursor to seeing Cap’s enhanced agility so Bronsky was our first cinematic super soldier.

Man I so just scored me some JAWS brownie points my nose is green now lol
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TIH is very underrated IMO.. Just watched it about 2 weeks ago and still fully enjoyed it.. The CGI is a bit dated at times but personality wise this is the best Hulk and has some of the best Hulk moments. I love that William Hurt's Ross is in the newer movies so to really make this film part of the MCU.

This. This is exactly why I have TIH so low on my list.

If the CGI had actually looked good I'd give it more of a pass, but even by 2008 standards it looked bad and I couldn't buy it for a second. It looked too animated, like something out of a glorified anime cartoon.

I hate anime.
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Yeah, the CGI sucks, and Emmo hot Hulk looked terrible. I was so happy with the Avengers Hulk. The look was perfect. The body language was perfect too. He still looks goo in Thor 3 and IW, but I miss the longer hair, jeans, and gorilla style posture. Now he stands like a normal person.
Yeah, the CGI sucks, and Emmo hot Hulk looked terrible. I was so happy with the Avengers Hulk. The look was perfect. The body language was perfect too. He still looks goo in Thor 3 and IW, but I miss the longer hair, jeans, and gorilla style posture. Now he stands like a normal person.

I cringe at gorilla Hulk.

He’s Hulk not a damn stinking ape.

Gorilla Grod stands upright more than Avengers Hulk screw that noise.
May the 4th be with you.......


IW! lol

Tracking just confirmed that it will get to 1B faster than TFA!

Was just about to say this. Might i add. WITHOU CHINA! opened in Russia and set a new all time record as well. Im starting to believe this will surpass that A1 1.5B. Maybe JW 1.6 as well. Do i dare say 2B??!

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