Yeah, can't wait! And thanks again Jamal!
I'm building up my collection, I have a pretty damn nice Kotobukiya Predator 2/AVP collection, of their insanely detailed Predator and Alien figurines, and currently from Hot Toys I've got the Predator 2, and the Elder of Predator 2, Wolf on Pre-Order, and Scar coming sometime soon.
Also in the mail a custom red Predator 1 bio, and a Celtic bio, plus (in scale with Hot Toys), 7 helmets, and 4 skulls.
I'm also looking to pick up one of the Ancients in the For Sale board... yeah Jamal, make fun, I broke down and decided I needed one.
Some time this week, I'm getting my friends together to help me assemble a curio cabinet, it was $170 from Big Lots, and the instructions to assemble it have me stumped, so I needed to call in help. When I get it together though, I plan to put the Hot Toys in it, all on one shelf, with some of my comics in the background. So real soon, I'll have a post in the gallery!