I have seen the frikkin' movie!
OK. I liked it.
Not LOVED...but I liked it ok.
Thanks to all the letdowns and bad press I sort of noted as I tried in vain to not read here...

I was not let down.
Quickly, what I didn't like...
The people stories. Wish the Sheriff had been more badass.
Was tired of the slack stuff with the meanies, and the "Ripley" chick setup, Whatever. Would have been fine if they hadn't even been introduced, just been bystanders that got involved.
The Pred dying...AGAIN.....dammit! I came up with some great ideas on my drive home from the movie with my buddy today. (Drove 60 miles to see this thing! I wasn't letting another day go by...)
The aliens were wusses. Just critters. It was funny when the PA was in that doorway, or opening or whatever, and all of a sudden, a warrior stuck his head in there to catch the heat. Smart PA. Too funny.
It was derivative and all that. Same sound effects in that entire military segment to the Marines in ALIENS. Did they have to say the SAME LINES and have the SAME SOUND EFFECTS?
What I liked.
WOLF! That is one bad dude!
He may be close to my fave Pred now. He doesn't look as cool as my beloved P2 Elder, or as coarse and P1, but he was cool. I was laughing at how he is the Intergalactic LEON and was the CLEANER guy, and still took time out to kill and skin him a dude. Cracked me up. I imagined him smiling, if Preds can, and thinking "What the hell..." and getting a little senseless hunting in...
Even though it was totally unnecessary in the plot.
But my favorite scene is where he is in the tree, repairing himself, ala Predator 1, and all that crap is going on around him, you can hear folks screaming from the OH SO FAST Alien infestation, and he looks like he's going, "WHAT THE F..." And "THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND..." that sort of thing.
And, when he killed the IBBB (Incredibly Beautiful Blonde Babe), which I knew was coming from the all too revealing previews, I laughed and was like, MAD PREDATOR IN THE HOUSE! DON'T GO RUNNING ABOUT FOOLISHLY!
Laughed at that one. Was sad to see the IBBB die though. Laughed when fella that liked her lost it though. Went all John Maclane until he experienced what should have been INSTANT DEATH, and like...lived. Still not sure about that....
Anyway, I will buy it. Liked it. Less than AVP actually, as a movie, but old Wolfie stole my heart. What movies could have been made if they had allowed him to go jump in the pond and get away at the end.
The tears I cry are for him...
Maybe we will see some comics tales of him before this story. I would enjoy that.
:chew:chew:chew Three dancing wookies. And that's stretching it.
All for the Wolf!