Bank Robber Joker

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I am so excited!
Went and pre-ordered the BRJ from a fellow boardie on another forum - he still had them available for an awesome price!
I am not a DC fan, and never thought I'll will spend more than 12.99 on a toy, but this is sooooo yummy!
broke down and pre-ordered.. I need his shoes and possibly his shirt for a custom project, might keep his head, and I need a trutype body.
I have this guy on order, but I'm wondering about hair color. Wasn't his hair brown (not green) when he robbed the bank?
Oh, that's good. I couldn't tell from the scene on the sidewalk or the "reveal" scene. Screen accuracy crisis averted. Thanks
...But the BR Joker has brown hair (toy)

Before the reveal in TDK he has brown hair, then after, he has green
...But the BR Joker has brown hair (toy)

Before the reveal in TDK he has brown hair, then after, he has green

Not really true. His hair was wet and slicked back. Since it was wet, it was darker than it really is when dry. So it showed up brown on the street, but when he takes the mask off it was dryer so the green started to show up. It was always green. Very sneaky though!
Not really true. His hair was wet and slicked back. Since it was wet, it was darker than it really is when dry. So it showed up brown on the street, but when he takes the mask off it was dryer so the green started to show up. It was always green. Very sneaky though!

It was also not always a strong green, the promo image I put in your sig is a good example, it looks like a fine line between brown and green.

Ultimately, it was shot to look brown so that people who hadn't seen the prologue may not know who that clown was since they talked about the Joker in the car like he wasn't in their backseat and make the reveal something. Once his identity was known to everyone, they could let the green shine.
Kenmoo of Mediworld posted this pic of the Joker. I really hope they didn't change the sculpt. Looks like an ad from Japan.

there is definitely a difference in those two pictures, hope its a mistake because i really like the first sculpt. it looks like the second one is smiling and has more black around his eyes.
screw the change! for all we know this could've been the "old" one... if they do infact change it than I'm not getting bank robber joker. the other head was a dead ringer.
I cannot fathom why they would change the headsculpt from what we have already seen of Bank robber Joker and I sincerely hope that this apparently new smiling sculpt is not intended as a replacement. That sculpt looks good but its not the one I would want...and the hair looks a bit erm...90's boy bandish.
Perhaps it is the angle of the pic but the face looks different than the ones posted awhile back.

It is definitely a different sculpt. The funny thing is if this is an older sculpt why do they have an advertisement for it. If they pull off another wow you with amazing sculpt and release inferior sculpt I'm done with them.

But no need to worry until they pull the display piece from the window :banghead