Batgirl The Movie

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Re: Batgirl - Written, Directed and Produced by Joss Whedon

I hope he does. Snyder isn't the only one that can film nice crunchy arms breaking.
Re: Batgirl - Written, Directed and Produced by Joss Whedon

Who thinks this will be an origin story thereby sidestepping the timeline or will WB fast forward and inject her into the current universe? Which would yo prefer?
Re: Batgirl - Written, Directed and Produced by Joss Whedon

If this takes place 20 yrs in the future or whatever then it'd make since to have Stephanie brown as batgirl since I'm sure Barbara was in action for awhile unless it's a flashback movie
Re: Batgirl - Written, Directed and Produced by Joss Whedon

You know what? I'll be that guy. I don't think The Killing Joke should be canon, anymore. Mainly? Because it's just not as great as I thought it was, and it kind of took seeing the animated movie for me to realize that. Outside of Bolland's art (which IS that good and, in my opinion, is the main reason the book is remembered so fondly), to me, it's just pretty basic stuff, and I can totally get why Alan Moore doesn't even like it that much, anymore, because, in many ways, The Joker of that book has the same problem as Leto's Joker. There's nothing really funny about it. I mean, when you think about the argument he's making; that life's not fair and that all it takes is one bad day to ruin someone's life, that sounds more like a Two-Face scheme to me than Joker, and, also? There's nothing really funny about that plot, and that's kind of where I start to have a problem with how Babs is treated in that book. Because there's nothing, even, darkly funny about Joker's plot, much less what happens to her, and that basically means The Joker is acting out of character through the whole book all for the sake of perpetrating one pointless act of cruelty.

I have no problem with Babs being paralyzed, but, in all honesty, I think Paul Dini did it way better in Over The Edge, even if it was just a dream sequence. For one thing, of her injury occurs while she's Batgirl, she isn't just a victim defined by one bad thing that happened to her for no reason other than to get under Batman and Gordon's skin, it happened as a consequence of her own actions, when she was doing something she believed in and loved. Plus? I absolutely, positively love the distrust it breeds between Batman and Gordon. The idea that, while Babs is on life-support, Jim hits "**** it," and goes all Elliot Ness on Batman's operations, knocking down the doors to Wayne Manor? I love it. Now, if you were going canon with it, you couldn't have such an extreme and irreversible reaction, but you could still have Batman denying he knew she was Batgirl, Gordon calling bull**** because Batman knows everything, Batman admitting that he thought she'd be safer with him than out on her own, and, over time, healing their fractured friendship by Barbara basically saying they need to quash that **** because she knew what she was doing, she loved what she was doing, and she was going to do it one way or the other.

Moral of the story: I like Babs as Oracle. She's cool as Batgirl, too, though, but I do think it was kind of cool that she became a disabled hero that people could relate to on another level.
Re: Batgirl - Written, Directed and Produced by Joss Whedon

The Joker of that book has the same problem as Leto's Joker. There's nothing really funny about it. There's nothing really funny about that plot, and that's kind of where I start to have a problem with how Babs is treated in that book. Because there's nothing, even, darkly funny about Joker's plot, much less what happens to her, and that basically means The Joker is acting out of character through the whole book all for the sake of perpetrating one pointless act of cruelty.

It's all very funny to the Joker.
Re: Batgirl - Written, Directed and Produced by Joss Whedon

Except it's not befitting of the character. What the hell's the joke? That "life's all one big joke?" Congratulations, Mr. J, how does it feel to have graduated from clown price of crime to angsty 15-year old?:lol
Re: Batgirl - Written, Directed and Produced by Joss Whedon

B-But, that's Moore's whole thing... Even dr Manhattan is all we're all puppets, nothing matters, I cut myself, I am so detached from humanity raWr XDDD

I do agree with TKJ being overrated af. It's a very good short story but boy was it blown out of proportions.

The animation is still horrible though.
Re: Batgirl - Written, Directed and Produced by Joss Whedon

Except it's not befitting of the character. What the hell's the joke? That "life's all one big joke?" Congratulations, Mr. J, how does it feel to have graduated from clown price of crime to angsty 15-year old?:lol

Isn't Batman deep down an angsty 15-year old boy crying for mommy and daddy? :lol

Except my boy Bale-man, he moved on, got over his issues and became a man, a real hero, and a real human bean.
Re: Batgirl - Written, Directed and Produced by Joss Whedon

Isn't Batman deep down an angsty 15-year old boy crying for mommy and daddy? :lol

Except my boy Bale-man, he moved on, got over his issues and became a man, a real hero, and a real human bean.

My ideal Batman is a dude who does the majority of his good work as Bruce Wayne, and who is Batman because he's a thrill seeking billionaire who decided he wanted to be a superhero. Informed by the trauma that befell him as a child? Perhaps. Centered completely around that tragedy to the point where he can never move on with his life? Nope.

I like the idea that it was an idea he has as a kid. That whole angsty "I WILL AVENGE YOU!" thing, and, as he got older, even though he'd become a pretty well adjusted dude who'd moved past it, he was just like "**** it, why not?":lol
Re: Batgirl - Written, Directed and Produced by Joss Whedon

My ideal Batman is a dude who does the majority of his good work as Bruce Wayne, and who is Batman because he's a thrill seeking billionaire who decided he wanted to be a superhero.

That's not Batman :lol

That's Thomas Crown.

Centered completely around that tragedy to the point where he can never move on with his life? Nope.

Now this is Batman...for better or for worse. :lol
Re: Batgirl - Written, Directed and Produced by Joss Whedon

My ideal Batman is a dude who does the majority of his good work as Bruce Wayne, and who is Batman because he's a thrill seeking billionaire who decided he wanted to be a superhero. Informed by the trauma that befell him as a child? Perhaps. Centered completely around that tragedy to the point where he can never move on with his life? Nope.

I like the idea that it was an idea he has as a kid. That whole angsty "I WILL AVENGE YOU!" thing, and, as he got older, even though he'd become a pretty well adjusted dude who'd moved past it, he was just like "**** it, why not?":lol

That's not Batman :lol

That's Thomas Crown.

Now this is Batman...for better or for worse. :lol

batfan just described iron man, should change his name to ironfan
Re: Batgirl - Written, Directed and Produced by Joss Whedon

Nah, he can still be Batman, I just don't see why Batman can't evolve and develop like any other character. I see no reason why he couldn't start out the same as he's always been, but progressively grow to the point where he no longer does what he does because of some solemn vow, but because he's found that he likes it, and he's capable of doing it, and he has all the tools he needs to succeed.
Re: Batgirl - Written, Directed and Produced by Joss Whedon

Nah, he can still be Batman, I just don't see why Batman can't evolve and develop like any other character. I see no reason why he couldn't start out the same as he's always been, but progressively grow to the point where he no longer does what he does because of some solemn vow, but because he's found that he likes it, and he's capable of doing it, and he has all the tools he needs to succeed.




#baleman #GOAT


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