1/6 Batman 1989: Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

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Make the paint glossy so it's the batman returns and add the windshield wipers

Sent from Le iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk - now Free

In fact it's more complex that it seems to repaint the wheels/tires/hubcap because you can't remove the wheels or the hubcap. You have to dismantle the entire car...:horror
So to avoid dismantling all i protected the entire car with an alimentary film, made a protected access to the wheels, painted the wheels protecting the sides of the tires then painted the sides of the tires protecting the wheels and finaly finished the hubcaps with a very small brush:

It's a long and meticulous work but no regret!
I have two. One on display on my case.. and one still in storage. So yes. The only time it saw the light of day was when I inspected it for any blemishes, which it did not have. I then put a plastic cover in between the car and the cover to prevent and rubbing which caused the issues of most of these when it was shipped.
I left it out in the open for a while, but then put it back in storage mostly because I got mine shipped without a box, but finally ended up getting a box from China and assembled everything back together and finally have it in storage... I'm waiting for the perfect time to display it in the near future

Sent from Le iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk - now Free
Yeah mine too is still in storage...:monkey3 It saw the light of day 6 or 7 times for modify it and take pictures...
But i planify to display it in a few weeks/months...
Don't know if we are talking about the same thing but you can clearly see the lines on this one:

Is that padded foam inside the flame engine? Is that for packing or is it supposed to be there?
Ok, I've just bought it.

When it arrives I uploaded a video.

67 dollars with shipment to Spain.
I just ordered some of the Tethercell's from Amazon and should be here in a couple of days. I hope they make them for AAA batteries as I want to use them in my IM HOA.
I'm still looking for that retired Ikea coffee table touse for display. Can't remember the name of it though.
Iv been reading the app is a bit hit and miss.... would be interested to hear peeps thoughts when they recieve theirs. Nice little idea tho.

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