Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I want Kevin Sorbo to play Wonder Woman.

NO, I'm not gay... I just want... Kevin Sorbo... on a big screen...


Dude, that sounds... :lol

BTW, he would totally do it. After a few waxing sessions, of course.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I don't know, dev. I just don't know what women want, what they consider "sexy" nowadays, heh. They criticize you if you're too buff, they criticize you for being too skinny, they say money matters, that it doesn't's enough to make one's head spin.

Unlike men, who take EVERYTHING into account - intelligence, wit, charm, personality, a good sense of humor, with looks pretty much an afterthought - when they assess and evaluate women (which we don't really do, because that would be sexist), women just seem I really wish they weren't that way. But they are. It's so unfair. Sigh.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I don't think anyone here has anything personal against Gadot. She seems nice and looks to be a great model and commercial actress.

People are just questioning whether she can be Wonder Woman. Maybe she'll pull a Ledger or Keaton but that remains to be seen. Nothing wrong with being skeptical unless you're sending her hate mail and trying to kidnap her . . . Jye.

I'll give her a bologna sandwich.

jye's not interested. Not enough jelly in the belly or junk in the trunk.

My wife's trunk belongs on an SUV. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Supergirl was always skinny....

Wonder Woman has a different physique and she is a ****ing amazonian. They spent all their lives training.
Wonder Woman has been depicted skinny too, and c'mon, Lynda Carter's arms were about as thin as Gadot's.

And btw, in that pic where she's rowing or something, you can clearly tell there's some good progress, looks like she skips leg day though.

That's all I'll say of the matter if the argument starts up again for the 30th time :lol

No, they're genuinely upset that she doesn't have a classic Wonder Woman look, and because of this they feel the need to constantly bash and insult the girl.

How pathetic and stereotypical is that? Comic nerds actually bullying a girl because she doesn't have their ideal physique for a superhero. :rotfl

But yeah, none of these trolls are dating/married to a girl half as gorgeous as Gadot.

From what I've read, everybody's been real civil so far, really, compared to previous occasions, I can see why people might question Gadot, because she's not a prove actress at all, if she was I think people would give more a pass to her physique, everything else I've seen is in good fun.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

How pathetic and stereotypical is that? Comic nerds actually bullying a girl because she doesn't have their ideal physique for a superhero. :rotfl

Dude how melodramatic can you get. You make it sound like a bunch of Kevin Smiths just cornered her in an alley and are taunting her like "Carrie" while she weeps in the rain or something. There are probably millions of women who'd LOVE to be considered "too skinny" to play Wonder Woman. That's all we're talking about here, good grief.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Who says wonderwoman had to be extremely fit though? Attractive, yes... But not muscular.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

And this is why ultimately I will be ok with Gadot.

Her powers are not dependent on a few extra pounds of muscle.

She looks fit enough to do the job in her one official photo.

I really was was pleasantly surprised when they revealed her in costume.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

True. The reason I was fine with ScarJo as BW and Emma Stone as GS is due to the fact that we're constantly hooking up as a threesome. Gadot turned me down so I'm retaliating by pretending that her pencil thin physique makes her a less than ideal WW. I thought I was doing a good job of concealing my motives but you got me.
Man - I know she's not 'ideal' (seemingly so far), & of course no one with all their faculties isn't wishing her any ill per se'.. I don't think that's in question at all.'s just.. give her a ****ing chance. :lol

I mean, I can't stand Ryan Reynolds, but he's got a body of work that we can draw from to either compliment or critique him on - not one or two things.

So if DC fan girls are bashing the choice of Affleck to play Batman, constantly making jokes about his chin and acting abilities...
That's sexist too, right? Or does he need to look like Domhnall Gleeson for it to be considered sexist?
Good point. I think it's fair to say that we're all guilty of a little selective criticism now & then, but it's just so exaggerated in here with Gadot that it makes it look like peak time in the herd stampede.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

And this is why ultimately I will be ok with Gadot.

Her powers are not dependent on a few extra pounds of muscle.

I'm reserving judgment just because we don't even know what Snyder's version of her can even do. Maybe she'll just be some skinny girl in an insane asylum who imagines herself kicking ass and we'll see that Gadot makes perfect sense.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It's very hard for women to retain size/bull when lifting weights. They announced that Gadot was going to have a minimal role, a la black widow in IM2. Filming just wrapped in the movie a couple weeks ago. Gadot could have finished filming months ago and lost all her gains in that picture that was posted of her on the water...

Give it a rest and have faith.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

You guys are just projecting your own inadequacies on a girl you'd have zero chance with anyway.


No, they're genuinely upset that she doesn't have a classic Wonder Woman look, and because of this they feel the need to constantly bash and insult the girl.

How pathetic and stereotypical is that? Comic nerds actually bullying a girl because she doesn't have their ideal physique for a superhero. :rotfl

But yeah, none of these trolls are dating/married to a girl half as gorgeous as Gadot.

First of all, it would be wrong not to criticized her just because she's a "girl."( girl? what are we in high school?). She's a grown woman playing a role that's essentially, the female version of Superman, but it's not ok to say she doesn't look the part because she's a "girl"? GTFO here with your millennial "bully" BS. If it was a man, and he didn't look the part, he would be criticized too. :dunno

You know what I find hilarious, that bashing and making fun of Anne Hathaway for batman was perfectly fine in here. (Someone who can actually act)
even more funny how everyone hates and bashes on Megan Fox for the Ninja Turtles, yet another woman that has better acting skills than Gadot, and I don't remember anyone getting so upset at the bashing of those two.

I think making fun of her shape is funny. And I've said this for months now. Over and over, again and again...
My biggest problem with Gadot is that she can't act for ***, she is just not that talented. They could give the role to Queen Latifa and it wouldn't matter as long as she could act. Gadot CANT ACT.
they could have given this role to so many other girls... girls that can actually act. That's my problem.

and she only got the role for being a pretty girl (The same way that Megan Fox gets her roles)
Yet for some reason We need to accept and defend Gal Gadot but everyone should hate on Megan Fox? someone who actually does better acting?

And we need to defend Gadot because of her looks? just because some of you guys have crushes on her?

What's more sexist?
hating on someone for their appearance being wrong for the Role? A certain body type that everyone is used to seeing with that character?

Or hiring someone that is wrong for the role just because of her pretty face? hiring not for her skills but because of how hot she will look on a poster?
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Why are you so adamant about Gadot not being a good actress? I never thought she was bad in Fast and the Furious... her character didn't really have much to do other than be pretty and have an accent :lol

Did she have the starring or lead role in a film I don't know about? Like Gina Carano in Haywire who showed how ****** of an actress she was? Or Megan Fox in about a dozen of the films she's starred in?