Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

she can't even say her lines correctly... when she is on screen it doesn't feel genuine at all. the best actors are the ones that make you feel like they are not acting at all. make you feel like they are a real person.

I've never felt that way about her, not even on interviews for God's sake! it always feels like she is putting up an act, Like her answers are not even genuine....well, because she can't act that well yet. Maybe with more years of practice she might get better at it.
and this is supposed to be the one for Wonder Woman's first time on a movie???? It's like, Do these people even respect their characters? their legacy? the fans? If that's the case why didn't they go with a first time director or cheaper actors than Ben Affleck or Henry? why bother spending so much when they could get actors from a tv show or something?

BUT why did they have to give her one of the biggest roles in the world? to someone that can barely act her way out of a paper bag?
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

You know what I find hilarious, that bashing and making fun of Anne Hathaway for batman was perfectly fine in here. (Someone who can actually act)
even more funny how everyone hates and bashes on Megan Fox for the Ninja Turtles, yet another woman that has better acting skills than Gadot, and I don't remember anyone getting so upset at the bashing of those two.

I think making fun of her shape is funny. And I've said this for months now. Over and over, again and again...
My biggest problem with Gadot is that she can't act for ***, she is just not that talented. They could give the role to Queen Latifa and it wouldn't matter as long as she could act. Gadot CANT ACT.
they could have given this role to so many other girls... girls that can actually act. That's my problem.

and she only got the role for being a pretty girl (The same way that Megan Fox gets her roles)
Yet for some reason We need to accept and defend Gal Gadot but everyone should hate on Megan Fox? someone who actually does better acting?

And we need to defend Gadot because of her looks? just because some of you guys have crushes on her?

What's more sexist?
hating on someone for their appearance being wrong for the Role? A certain body type that everyone is used to seeing with that character?

Or hiring someone that is wrong for the role just because of her pretty face? hiring not for her skills but because of how hot she will look on a poster

Both are sexist, but the same can be said about plenty of good-looking male actors and the roles they get because of their looks. Most people want to see pretty people on screen because it's a visual medium and for the longest time, studios have used pretty people, but there are exceptions of course. I don't make too much fun of Gadot's acting skills because I honestly haven't seen her outside of the F&F I have no idea what her potential is or what she can do in a different role. However, Megan Fox had plenty of chances to show that she can act, and she can't, so people make fun that. As far as Ann Hathaway, I doubt people were making fun of her acting, but who knows? I never had a problem with her. I do make fun of Godot's body, but not because I don't think she's attractive (I don't actually) but because she doesn't look right to play WW, imo.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Don't talk about faith after saying stupid crap about visuals of SWOT.


Lol! It's just obviously dated man. I beleive in seizing every opportunity to use this new technology we have at our disposal.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

What's the point of even complaining about her until we see her in the film? I've changed my mind about Ben in the sense that I'm just going to wait and see. Nothing is going to change from here on out. They are what they are.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

she can't even say her lines correctly... when she is on screen it doesn't feel genuine at all. the best actors are the ones that make you feel like they are not acting at all. make you feel like they are a real person.

I've never felt that way about her, not even on interviews for God's sake! it always feels like she is putting up an act, Like her answers are not even genuine....well, because she can't act that well yet. Maybe with more years of practice she might get better at it.
and this is supposed to be the one for Wonder Woman's first time on a movie???? It's like, Do these people even respect their characters? their legacy? the fans? If that's the case why didn't they go with a first time director or cheaper actors than Ben Affleck or Henry? why bother spending so much when they could get actors from a tv show or something?

BUT why did they have to give her one of the biggest roles in the world? to someone that can barely act her way out of a paper bag?

You're basing all that on her Fast and Furious roles?

If so, then that would be a mistake since those films don't require much real acting, they just have to look sexy/tough and deliver "badass" one liners.

I do agree with you about the double standard when it comes to others actors/actresses though.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well looking at her resumé, you can pretty much only go off of her F&F films. Besides she has 6 other movies in her resumé that haven't been released yet. So really it's both sided. We won't know til we see, but we can be skeptical as she hasn't subdued our worries yet.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

What's the point of even complaining about her until we see her in the film? I've changed my mind about Ben in the sense that I'm just going to wait and see. Nothing is going to change from here on out. They are what they are.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

You know what I find hilarious, that bashing and making fun of Anne Hathaway for batman was perfectly fine in here. (Someone who can actually act)
even more funny how everyone hates and bashes on Megan Fox for the Ninja Turtles, yet another woman that has better acting skills than Gadot, and I don't remember anyone getting so upset at the bashing of those two.

I think making fun of her shape is funny. And I've said this for months now. Over and over, again and again...
My biggest problem with Gadot is that she can't act for ***, she is just not that talented. They could give the role to Queen Latifa and it wouldn't matter as long as she could act. Gadot CANT ACT.
they could have given this role to so many other girls... girls that can actually act. That's my problem.

and she only got the role for being a pretty girl (The same way that Megan Fox gets her roles)
Yet for some reason We need to accept and defend Gal Gadot but everyone should hate on Megan Fox? someone who actually does better acting?

And we need to defend Gadot because of her looks? just because some of you guys have crushes on her?

What's more sexist?
hating on someone for their appearance being wrong for the Role? A certain body type that everyone is used to seeing with that character?

Or hiring someone that is wrong for the role just because of her pretty face? hiring not for her skills but because of how hot she will look on a poster?

I didn't agree with the way Hathaway was treated, and I don't agree with how Gadot is being treated. As far as the notion that she was hired based on how she looks goes, look at every other bit of casting in the film, as well as in Man of Steel. I can name one hundred other actresses that would've looked more like Lois in the comics, yet I would wager that Amy Adams is a better actress than half of them. If there's one thing that Man of Steel did perfectly, it was casting. Regardless of how people feel about the way they were written, Kevin Costner and Diane Lane as Jonathan and Martha Kent? That's about as definitive as you could get for a couple of middle-aged farmers. Cavill as Superman was great. I saw no one complaining about Russell Crowe as Jor-El, or Michael Shannon as Zod, either, and Laurence Fishburne's Perry White may have been one of my favorite parts of the film.

With that kind of a track record, I have to ask where the trust is? The backlash for Affleck was ridiculous, Gadot wasn't much better, and I swear Eisenberg was turning some people into lunatics. None of the other people they cast in these films were based on "how they would look on a poster," so, why is Gadot the exception, in your eyes? I'll say this, though, I thought she looked damn good in the role when the SDCC costume pic was revealed, but, nevertheless, my point still stands, when they've gone out of their way to get ridiculously talented actors and actresses for even the smallest of supporting roles, why is it that they wouldn't do the same for one of the biggest characters in the film? I don't think people realize how this stuff works. You have to READ for a part. It's not just given to you. A casting director doesn't sit down with a binder full of women like Mitt Romney and pick the one who looks most like an Adam Hughes drawing. You get a bunch of actresses who come in and audition for the role, and, based on their submissions, that's when the parties involved decide on who they like best for their interpretation of the role.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

You're basing all that on her Fast and Furious roles?

If so, then that would be a mistake since those films don't require much real acting, they just have to look sexy/tough and deliver "badass" one liners.

I do agree with you about the double standard when it comes to others actors/actresses though.

like I said, she doesn't even sound genuine in interviews.

And like I said... again, They are giving one of the biggest roles, the role of a character that has never been in a a Newcomer like that???

JUST because she has a pretty face? someone with no experience and someone who needs more acting lessons? that's who they give this iconic role?

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

like I said, she doesn't even sound genuine in interviews.

And like I said... again, They are giving one of the biggest roles, the role of a character that has never been in a a Newcomer like that???

JUST because she has a pretty face? someone with no experience and someone who needs more acting lessons? that's who they give this iconic role?

You know who else doesn't sound genuine in interviews, Ann Hathaway, and she's a great actress.

And plenty of huge roles have gone to unknowns before, this is nothing new.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I think its pretty slick. Yes, bikinis do help. Whole other level of rich there.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I didn't agree with the way Hathaway was treated, and I don't agree with how Gadot is being treated. As far as the notion that she was hired based on how she looks goes, look at every other bit of casting in the film, as well as in Man of Steel. I can name one hundred other actresses that would've looked more like Lois in the comics, yet I would wager that Amy Adams is a better actress than half of them. If there's one thing that Man of Steel did perfectly, it was casting. Regardless of how people feel about the way they were written, Kevin Costner and Diane Lane as Jonathan and Martha Kent? That's about as definitive as you could get for a couple of middle-aged farmers. Cavill as Superman was great. I saw no one complaining about Russell Crowe as Jor-El, or Michael Shannon as Zod, either, and Laurence Fishburne's Perry White may have been one of my favorite parts of the film.

With that kind of a track record, I have to ask where the trust is? The backlash for Affleck was ridiculous, Gadot wasn't much better, and I swear Eisenberg was turning some people into lunatics. None of the other people they cast in these films were based on "how they would look on a poster," so, why is Gadot the exception, in your eyes? I'll say this, though, I thought she looked damn good in the role when the SDCC costume pic was revealed, but, nevertheless, my point still stands, when they've gone out of their way to get ridiculously talented actors and actresses for even the smallest of supporting roles, why is it that they wouldn't do the same for one of the biggest characters in the film? I don't think people realize how this stuff works. You have to READ for a part. It's not just given to you. A casting director doesn't sit down with a binder full of women like Mitt Romney and pick the one who looks most like an Adam Hughes drawing. You get a bunch of actresses who come in and audition for the role, and, based on their submissions, that's when the parties involved decide on who they like best for their interpretation of the role.
Very nicely put mate, although I do take issue with some of the casting in MOS. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm curious, which casting? Jonathan Kent was one of my biggest disappointments, but I found the issues with that character to be the way he was written. The fact that it was Costner only made it that much worse because he's a hell of an actor.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

No, like you say, Costner & Lane were good as far as 'fitting', as well as Cavill (of course), but.. ehh. Michael Shannon as Zod? Nah - didn't buy it. Didn't like Russ-El much either - great actor, but he was just being himself really, with a pompous accent. :lol Amy Adams is good - but she didn't sell Lois to me either. :huh
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

That's fair. I think it's safe to say that Brando pretty much spoiled any future interpretations of Jor-El, eh? :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I actually didn't mind Russell as Jor El, and I'm normally not a fan of his at all. Really liked Michael Shannon as Zod as well. Amy Adams was the only real weak link I thought. Not that she's a bad actress, just really didn't think she worked as Lois at all. She sounded really timid all the time, as if she was trying really hard to seem tough and it just wasn't working. Other than that though I agree Man of Steel had a real solid cast, and I see no problems with the cast for this film so far either. And anyone I haven't seen before I'll give the benefit of the doubt until I see them on screen. So far everything I've seen is great and I'm definitely super excited to see the finished product and the expansion of the cinematic universe.