Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I've got that little ditty saved. It's a nice little teaser, but it's also probably the best 8 seconds of the movie too.

The rest will be the crustacean mobile tearing through Fleck & Hope city, some Fleck chin close ups, & maybe Hopes crying for most of it.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Just out of curiosity, I know the status quo here, and I've come to enjoy it, even if I don't always agree with it, but, hypothetically speaking, is it possible for this film to redeem Superman, or is he too far gone for you guys with the whole "neck snap" thing? If this was the second part of Man of Steel with Clark growing into his role as the classic Superman, could you ever see yourselves growing to like this version?
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm willing to write off Man of Steel as an unfortunate mistake, but I don't think Snyder sees it that way. Chances are, he'll see Batman V. Superman as a chance to one-up the mayhem, violence, and general grittiness.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It's quite the uphill battle but I do think Cavill's Superman can be salvaged. On Snyder's watch? I don't see it but who knows.

If those reports about him saying things like "I'm not going to snap your neck, I'm taking you to jail" are true then forget it.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm willing to write off Man of Steel as an unfortunate mistake, but I don't think Snyder sees it that way. Chances are, he'll see Batman V. Superman as a chance to one-up the mayhem, violence, and general grittiness.

It's quite the uphill battle but I do think Cavill's Superman can be salvaged. On Snyder's watch? I don't see it but who knows.

If those reports about him saying things like "I'm not going to snap your neck, I'm taking you to jail" are true then forget it.

I think Snyder is only as strong as his script. I liked Watchmen (with a couple of reservations). Goyer is the real poison in Cerebro.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I agree that Snyder has some strengths, but we saw what his having free creative reign meant in Sucker Punch. I suspect he had more than a little creative input in Man of Steel. The rest of track record--300, Watchmen, Dawn of the Dead--showed a propensity for dark, dramatic, over the top violence in spades. But yeah, so long as he's simply directing, I'm OK with him. He facilitates action really well.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I agree that Snyder has some strengths, but we saw what his having free creative reign meant in Sucker Punch. I suspect he had more than a little creative input in Man of Steel. The rest of track record--300, Watchmen, Dawn of the Dead--showed a propensity for dark, dramatic, over the top violence in spades. But yeah, so long as he's simply directing, I'm OK with him. He facilitates action really well.

Yup. Sucker Punch was when I first got that '93, foil-cover vibe. When I saw Hopeman's tribal belt, I knew something smelled like teen spirit.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm willing to write off Man of Steel as an unfortunate mistake, but I don't think Snyder sees it that way. Chances are, he'll see Batman V. Superman as a chance to one-up the mayhem, violence, and general grittiness.
:lecture :lecture :lecture

When I saw Hopeman's tribal belt, I knew something smelled like teen spirit.
Good one. :lol

I'll give Snyder a chance, sure.. but with a few exceptions, there is no 'classic' anything anymore.

When I see the Neal Adams Supes / Bats / GL on screen one day.. that might change.

What're the odds of that happening though.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

:lecture :lecture :lecture

Good one. :lol

I'll give Snyder a chance, sure.. but with a few exceptions, there is no 'classic' anything anymore.

When I see the Neal Adams Supes / Bats / GL on screen one day.. that might change.

What're the odds of that happening though.

I would be very happy if DC animation took a shot at some old-school stories and styles. The movie-verses will of course try to appeal to mainstream audiences. Frankly, we're so lucky to be getting all the good stuff we're getting it's hard to complain. Except about Fantastic Four.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

You're right about that. The Nu-52 animated stuff kind of stinks, be we got loads of great DC animated movies over the last several years. Young Justice is one of the best animated comic series there ever was, plus all the great X-Men movies and Marvel Studios stuff, etc. There is stuff to complain about, but part of it is because we're so spoiled with the good stuff IMO. A lot of folks may not remember the dark period of the mid-90s when all we had were crappy Batman movies, Stallone's Judge Dredd, Tank Girl, Lois and Clark, horrible FF and Avengers cartoons, etc. Sadly, Man of Steel would have been a pretty nice change of pace back then!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I would be very happy if DC animation took a shot at some old-school stories and styles. The movie-verses will of course try to appeal to mainstream audiences. Frankly, we're so lucky to be getting all the good stuff we're getting it's hard to complain. Except about Fantastic Four.
To an extent, I agree I guess.

We really are in the golden period of CBMs.. but as mentioned by others in the past, it's gotten to a point where they're shoveling movies out at an exponential rate. It's the story of the world really; when there's not enough, people pine. When the supply increases, the demand increases, to only then plateau eventually & peter out due to a collective gag reaction to the glut that's resulted from maniacal capitalization on a niche market.

Hollywood will eat themselves in the end, & we'll go through another drought for 20 years before anyone gives a **** again about seeing these guys on screen. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

So when exactly IS this trailer supposed to be released? :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

If the Kardashains (spelling, if you're man enough to admit you can correct it?) have shown me anything it's that we're due for a biblical-style, world-wiping event. I think, unfortunately, that will preclude the Blue Beetle/Booster Gold found-foottage docu-come-drama that five of us would watch. I'm not religious, but if God does address comic book fans at the pearly gates, I think your Man Of Steel ticket stub might come up.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I think of Guardians of the Galaxy as the best JLI movie we're ever gonna get. And that's OK. But yeah, if WB wants to hire on Judd Apatow or Mike Judge to take on Beetle, Booster, G'Nort, Guy Gardner, and the rest, I'll surely buy a ticket or two.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Just out of curiosity, I know the status quo here, and I've come to enjoy it, even if I don't always agree with it, but, hypothetically speaking, is it possible for this film to redeem Superman, or is he too far gone for you guys with the whole "neck snap" thing? If this was the second part of Man of Steel with Clark growing into his role as the classic Superman, could you ever see yourselves growing to like this version?
There's nothing to redeem about this Superman, some can't seem to grasp the concept that this is a slightly different Superman, this Superman's morals are a little more contextual and less set in stone, and that's ok.

Superman can get past that neck snapping thing and become the Superman we know, for some reason it's ok for every single MCU hero to have been a downright a ****** or made mistakes or killed people before and then become an Avengur, becoz that makez dem more relatablez, but it's unfathomable for this Superman to make a mistake or a desperate call or a tough call with the objective of saving people, even when there's precedent for that, but people choose to forget it because that's just how MS brown nosers are :lol