Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah he does look similar, also with the gold armor and green pants it's not such a departure.

All the promo pics we've seen so far have been muted, so I am hoping they pop more on screen. I can't wait for the trailer.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Pfft, Captain Planet pisses in his oceans.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Okay. If it was a simple typo then I understand. I find it interesting how much you seem to escalate things in your mind. Costumes that are close are "nothing alike," people that are calm are "spazing out." And so on. Usually only people with great...biases...tend to exaggerate so much. Just sayin'.
Buddy, you told me to grow a pair, you're obviously upset, don't try to hide it :lol

Being on the spot/spotlight, typo or not I could be speaking Spanglish or Chinese and your argument would still be silly.

Do you honestly believe AM Movie costume is closer to it's source than Aquaman's, even when it's glaringly clear it's unrecognizable?

Right, because a guy in a super bulky costume with no silver helmet with antennae totally proves your point. See my previous post re: exaggerations.

You really don't see the point in exaggerations do you? Sorry man, you're looking like a real hypocrite right now, I'm not even trying to bait you.

Put a silver helmet on that dude and tell me it wouldn't look like Ant-man, nevermind, you're so blinded by fanboyism you'll say it doesn't.

My point is, Aquaman's costume is not more different from the source than Ant-man's is.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Just because of the fivedent arguement.


I wouldn't say Snyder got it wrong on that.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Ant-Man's powers are cooler than Aquaman's?

Difabio does a terrible job at pretending not to be a Marvel fanboy.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Talking to fish vs. shrinking really small? Not an obvious winner there, though I would probably pick turning really small if I had to choose :lol

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids > Dr. Doolittle
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Ant-Man's powers are the greatest because shrinking makes all of the breasts on Earth exponentially bigger.:lecture
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well, he's also tough enough to go head to head vs Superman, I mean, the dude lives in depths where the pressure would crush a Submarine.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Im sensing a lot closeted Marvel fanboys in this thread.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I just saw the costume! I figured they'd do something like the 90's outfit. This looks like a really neat interpretation, and it seems like they'll be focusing on the mythology aspect with that design.

I always thought Aquaman had the most terrifying powers because of all the National Geographic specials I've watched with the creatures of the deep. Those ones with the teeth, man:


Plus he's super strong, because of living under all that pressure. I think they've done a great job of adapting these costumes. I prefer the more modern look for Aquaman with the orange, but I'm happy to see something new. All I ask is that they don't rely too heavily on CGI effects. It looks really bad in so many modern movies. Although, I thought they did an amazing job with it for Superman's cape in Man of Steel. That didn't even cross my mind that it wasn't real, while watching the movie.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

You can do that for any comic book character that has more than one look.

Yeah, but the point is that the film Starlord doesn't look like the comic version, yet no one complained when he was wearing red, listening to a walkman, and dancing. Yet, some tattoos is too much for some people. I'm not a fan of the Aquaman film look because I prefer the clean cut look, but I don't take sides.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Buddy, you told me to grow a pair

I honestly think you do. You can't react to a single hint of criticism against a DC movie character without immediately carrying on ad nauseum about how there's this big double standard, Marvel coalition, bla bla bla. Every Marvel movie gets criticized, even Ant-Man (as this very thread shows.) There's no "us and them" BS. So man up and recognize that there isn't some blanket attacking of all things DC and praising of all things Marvel. It doesn't matter how often it's pointed out that Cap's Avengers suit sucked, TIH, IM2, Thor 2, etc., were subpar, Renner Hawkeye is lame, etc. You still carry on as if everyone unfairly criticizes DC and worships Marvel.

You're the one-sided fanboy here. If you weren't you'd see that both companies are criticized. I'm sure even that as far removed as Mamoa Aquaman is from the clean shaven short haired orange shirt look even 90% of Marvel fans would agree that at least he doesn't look as derpy as Cap did in The Avengers. Hell he doesn't look derpy at all, he looks like a total badass, and I'm sure he will be.

Everyone is taking every single character on a case by case basis, praising some, criticizing others, and here you are sounding like the same whiny broken record every time. Man up dude, seriously.