Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Kinda like Hulk Hogan only wrestling on main events. :lol

More people will pay money to see Batman on the screen than a TV show.


See, I don't get this logic. Batman has been one of the most popular heroes, if not the most popular, for decades, regardless of whether or not he had a movie or TV show running. End of the day, I don't see how watching a Batman TV Show would somehow have a negative impact on the films. Providing you presented a quality product on both fronts, so as to discourage negative comparisons between the versions, I don't see how they wouldn't be making even more off of him by utilizing him in two different formats.

To me, saying that Batman shouldn't be on TV because of the movies is like saying that Arkham Knight should be pushed back until the DC Cinematic Universe is finished, or that Batman should be withheld from any appearances in comics. It's an entirely different format, and that whole argument that the suits at WB is absolute bull****. Of course, it's not likely to change when people gobble **** like Gotham up when they put it out. I watch it, and I really try to like it, but, if we're being honest, it's less that I enjoy it and more that I choke it down because it's all they're giving us.

DC has more than enough to get the multiverse thing going on with movies and TV, same characters and all.

I think there are several reasons why we won't see a live action Batman show. The first reason is that the film medium is still seen by many people within the industry as the big leagues of entertainment, the place where the real A list stars play and all the tv actors want to be eventually, because TV is not on the same level. However, the quality of television shows has gotten better and shows like the sopranos, breaking bad, Mad Men and many others has given the TV format more prestige, but as good as some of those shows are, the perception of film being "superior" is still prevalent.

I also think that it's about money and perhaps the studio not wanting to compete with itself. You can have a cartoon batman or a video game batman, and no mater how good they are, you can't compare them to a live action film, but if you have a tv show with actors playing those roles, now the films have to compete with that series and deal with the fanbase that likes it. So the success or failure of that series can have an effect on the brand. In addition, why give people the most popular character for free on tv when they can make more money by putting him in a film franchise?

As far as the multiverse idea, it could work, but I think one of the reasons why people get excited about BVS or the Avengers 2 is because they are going to see a live action version of something that only exists in comics, cartoons, and video games, so it feels special. If you make an Avengers live action tv series or a Batman series, it might take away from the film experience.
But Prince makes a good argument, it's really much more special to see the big hitters in the movies, and a TV show may remove that factor.

IDK really.... this is just IMO but I don't think casting has been done very well for this movie or future movies with some exceptions, I think the Nolan trilogy doing so well will have a negative impact on the new Batman, I also think WB are making a mistake bringing loads of characters together so quickly, instead of building a fan base for each one first :dunno
IDK really.... this is just IMO but I don't think casting has been done very well for this movie or future movies with some exceptions, I think the Nolan trilogy doing so well will have a negative impact on the new Batman, I also think WB are making a mistake bringing loads of characters together so quickly, instead of building a fan base for each one first :dunno

Yeah ok, but what does that have anything to do with the hypothetical TV universe? :lol

With my previous comment I meant that DC has enough material to be able to juggle a TV/Movie multiverse.

You're right about the Nolan trilogy, I like it myself, but I hate how most casuals think that's the definitive representation of Batman :slap I understand people who think Ledger will be hard to top, but everything else? Nah.
I don't give a ****. As much as I'd like an awesome DCU on film, I'd probably trade it for a DCU on TV. It'll happen, don't worry. When VOD makes theaters extinct and True Detective Season 38 stars Daniel Day Lewis and Laurence Olivier's ghost, we'll get our DCU on TV. It will happen, mark my words.:lecture
Yeah ok, but what does that have anything to do with the hypothetical TV universe? :lol

With my previous comment I meant that DC has enough material to be able to juggle a TV/Movie multiverse.

You're right about the Nolan trilogy, I like it myself, but I hate how most casuals think that's the definitive representation of Batman :slap I understand people who think Ledger will be hard to top, but everything else? Nah.

I think they'll be hard to top in terms of quality, but I'm almost sure Batfleck will be the definitive live action Batman and the new DC universe will be a hit with fans. The Nolan trilogy is already fading in most fans minds.

Nolan's Batman is my definitive Batman though. I just prefer the more realistic take on him.
Yea I think Snyder and Batfleck will give us Batman at his full physical capability. Keaton looked good in the suit, that is about it. Bale was a pretty good mix and fought close to Batman would. West....well he was Adam West.

I would to see the detective in Batman brought to life, but I doubt that will ever happen on the screen.
I'm still super excited about the DC movies, but I still hope that, some day, we get a Batman series that does for live action what TAS did for animation. Also, there is a bit of sour grapes going on over the fact that the film division gets carte blanche, while the TV people have to cater to their every whim (*cough*Deadshot*cough*).
You're right about the Nolan trilogy, I like it myself, but I hate how most casuals think that's the definitive representation of Batman :slap I understand people who think Ledger will be hard to top, but everything else? Nah.

If you put DC comics fans have varying opinions of what is the definitive Batman. That's why I'm not a fan of the whole "from the comics" thing when refuting movies, unless it's the characters' original incarnations. I think Nolan did an admirable job bringing in so many classic stories and giving Bruce a complete story arc. I know comic fans that have been reading Batman consistently every week for decades and believe Nolan's to be the best. It's one of my favorites since it's a complete saga, but I prefer the interpretations under Denny O'Neil's editorial.

Dark Knight Returns and Year One are my favorite individual Batman stories, but they don't offer a complete saga for Bruce. That's why Daredevil I say my favorite comic book story-line because Frank Miller's and Brian Michael Bendis' runs can stand a lone as complete runs for the character. I barely read stuff in between, but I didn't have to because they gave closure in their interpretations. Well, I guess Year One and Dark Knight Returns stands on their own, but I didn't get why they were so great until I got more into understanding the Batman Universe.
Nolan trilogy . . . I hate how most casuals think that's the definitive representation of Batman :slap I understand people who think Ledger will be hard to top, but everything else? Nah.

Do people really think this though? There are always people complaining about it and sadly, it does seem,

already fading in most fans minds

Like it's fading from audiences perception of what Batman is or "should be". Every couple of years it seems like there's a new interpretation of Batman. That "image" is always changing and has been for 75 years. I think it will really depend on how people respond when we first see Affleck Batman and his world in motion. It'll either work or it won't.
I totally agree when Nicholson came out with his comic over-the-top clown Joker it was fabulous. Fast-forward years later all of a sudden everybody thinks the Joker has to be dark Dark and tormenting . I think it has a lot to do with the generation gap I do not look at the two jokers the same I look At them as different interpretations and love them both for their own unique qualities . Everybody is going to expect that Heath ledger Joker from now on, I hope they throw a total curve and do something totally unique
So got a Google alert with an article saying that Thursday morning Snyder is going to show a 5 sec clip of the trailer on his twitter before all the star wars stuff and let people sign up or some crap to see full trailer in theater April 20th. Who else seen this
I would to see the detective in Batman brought to life, but I doubt that will ever happen on the screen.
Guess you'll have to go to Marvel to get your fix there, as is usually the case when anyone wants something from the comics done well in live action.

Snyder is going to show a 5 sec clip of the trailer on his twitter
How exciting.
Snyder is going to show a 5 sec clip of the trailer

So got a Google alert with an article saying that Thursday morning Snyder is going to show a 5 sec clip of the trailer on his twitter before all the star wars stuff and let people sign up or some crap to see full trailer in theater April 20th. Who else seen this

Yeah I heard, it's alright, but I hope they release the full trailer online too cause I don't want my 1st view of the trailer to be from someone's iPhone.