Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Holy crap! :horror: it IS dark :lol it's like the trailer was made from Luthor's point of view, I liked it, it shows both sides of the Superman "controversy", but it makes Superman look baaaaad, like the way Luthor talks about him.

Thanks for the link. Looks interesting, I have to say. And right up Snyder's alley with the pitch dark, masculine melodrama and uber-action approach. Trailer actually makes me a bit uncomfortable, which I'm guessing is what he is going for. Batman sounds like an evil robot. . .which fits.

i like the dark tone because something like superman SHOULD make people afraid, specially if he is being worshiped.
batman being worried fits. i love what i saw, im full on hype right now. i wasnt fully on board before but i am now
Trailer actually makes me a bit uncomfortable, which I'm guessing is what he is going for. Batman sounds like an evil robot. . .which fits.

I actually agree with you about this, it did made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

I do like how Batman sounds in the armor, I bet he won't sound like that in his regular suit.
I'm curious if the synthesized Batvoice is just for the armored suit or if that is the complete Batvoice.

Even though it is jarring it would make more sense than an actor doing their best "I swallowed a bunch of glass" attempt.
i like the dark tone because something like superman SHOULD make people afraid, specially if he is being worshiped.
batman being worried fits. i love what i saw, im full on hype right now. i wasnt fully on board before but i am now

Yes, exactly, that's why it made me feel a bit iffy, the trailer for some reason tries to put you on the side of the crowd that antagonizes Superman, not in the side that cheers him, as seen how the only 2 good images of Superman are overshadowed by the music and the rest of the context, like putting you on Batman's side from the get go.
Wonder Woman's gonna get with the guy who wins, Aquaman the guy who loses. :lol

Not against Superman it's not :lol

My bet is, nobody will win, Lex Luthor and Co. will do some evil **** and it will make Superman and Batman unite against them.