Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I'm not sure that was the Batwing.

What the hell, JYE??!? :lol where have you been?

Busy, recently retired from EMS after 22 years as a medic.

Now busy writing my micro budget horror movie and working with some of the original F13th actors on a screening project.

That wasn't Superman's plane, nor was it WW. :lol
People on the interwebz say Batman's voice isn't actually Batman, it's Metallo, I believe them.

:mwaha LMAO at Gaspar's and CP's pics. :duff
:lol :duff

Busy, recently retired from EMS after 22 years as a medic.

Now busy writing my micro budget horror movie and working with some of the original F13th actors on a screening project.

That wasn't Superman's plane, nor was it WW. :lol
Woooooo you have been busy, are you starting a thread here for your project?

Good to have the lolcat lord back :duff
People on the interwebz say Batman's voice isn't actually Batman, it's Metallo, I believe them.

:lol :duff

Woooooo you have been busy, are you starting a thread here for your project?

Good to have the lolcat lord back :duff

Thank you GZ!

I did start a thread but the screening has been put on hold twice now because of business problems at the Historic Blairstown theater which needs to be resolved before we can move forward.

Good thing comes to those who wait.
Is Batman holding a riffle tdk-Returns style?

You know what I like about the trailer? It makes Pa Kent's death not seem utterly pointless (scene is still stupid), or his ideals at least, people is literally losing their **** because of Superman, he was right after all.
You know what I like about the trailer? It makes Pa Kent's death not seem utterly pointless (scene is still stupid), or his ideals at least, people is literally losing their **** because of Superman, he was right after all.

Valid point, but Superman could've behaved differently for the world to think different, stop hovering around during scary thunderstorms for starters, too brooding. :lol
You know what I like about the trailer? It makes Pa Kent's death not seem utterly pointless (scene is still stupid), or his ideals at least, people is literally losing their **** because of Superman, he was right after all.


Looks like the tower antenna to me, although I can see a gun there as well.

I think you're right. Why would he use a riffle? Unless he was like, **** it, I can't beat this alien, so I'll just shoot him....with a really old weapon.
Yep. Only difference is, here, Batman is actually sniping random people. Because it's Snydark, which is darker than regular, Frank Miller-level dark.

Depends. Are we talking TDKR Miller or Holy Terror! Miller, because, if the latter, then that's appropriate.:lol