Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Is that the Bat-voice they're going for? I was hoping since Ben Affleck is Kevin Smiths' BFF I figured his portrayal would sound more like Kevin Conroy instead of angry-growly man.. Oh well. :(

How would he do that though? Affleck is too old to be a fan of BTAS, so he probably doesn't know or care about that, but even if he was a fan, how would he make his less than masculine voice sound like Conroy's, unless he gets Conroy himself to rerecord all his dialogue from the movie?
I have seen it. I really like this shot of him from the trailer. He looks so bad ass from this angle. I am crying out of joy right now.

I've seen people who're saying that's actually Metallo, makes much more sense to me.

Hope that's true, that Batman voice doesn't sound good at all, which is a shame since I think the costume looks awesome!

How would he do that though? Affleck is too old to be a fan of BTAS, so he probably doesn't know or care about that, but even if he was a fan, how would he make his less than masculine voice sound like Conroy's, unless he gets Conroy himself to rerecord all his dialogue from the movie?

Well, wasn't Affleck been mentioning he's trying his best to get this right? I figured no way Kevin Smith wouldn't suggest on how to approach the voice since he's the only film maker we know who champions Kevin Conroy AND is best friends with Affleck. I guess that never happened. :lol
Yeah. It sounds way too robotic/metallic. It doesn't even work for the armored suit unless at some point it covers his mouth.
Hope that's true, that Batman voice doesn't sound good at all, which is a shame since I think the costume looks awesome!

The more I listen to it, the more robotic it sounds, in fact it doesn't sound anything like Affleck, plus, it's an odd line for Batman to say.
The more I listen to it, the more robotic it sounds, in fact it doesn't sound anything like Affleck, plus, it's an odd line for Batman to say.

I think we should wait for the official trailer so that we can hear his voice clearly, before saying whether or not we like it. So far, I think I like it. :lol

Admittedly, anything's better than this:

In Smallville tv show, Green Arrow had a voice scrambler to alter his voice and he wasn't wearing a robotic suit.
What do you guys think about this article??

The leaked Batman v Superman trailer is everything wrong with DC's films | Polygon

It seems like there are some people trying so hard to hate this movie without having any real arguments. C'mon we actually don't know yet for sure how the plot will develope through The movie

I wish Superman was real. He would snap that guy's neck in a second, and half of the world would worship him for it...the other half not so much :lol
"Maybe he's just a guy trying to do the right thing" - Jimmy Olsen
"We know better now don't we? Devils don't come from hell beneath us, no, they come from the sky" - Luthor
"That's how it starts, the fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness, that turns good men, cruel" - Alfred possibly referring to Luthor?
"Tell me, do you bleed?... You will" - Metallo

That was freaking awesome!!!!!!
Everything feels so right, perfect follow up to MOS.
Consequences good or bad of the Métropolis battle, Supes revealing himself to the world, a angry Bat torn between justice and vigilantism.
Poor Kal El its gonna get a lot harder before it gets better.
I just love that the movie does not Forget about the regular peoples, how it affects humanity.
Its really like Wtf would really happen and they keep going that way.
Really love it.

It is a rifle that Bat us holding and i think its a batDrone (as rumored) that is shooting at the cars.

Damn its gonna be monumental.
What do you guys think about this article??

The leaked Batman v Superman trailer is everything wrong with DC's films | Polygon

It seems like there are some people trying so hard to hate this movie without having any real arguments. C'mon we actually don't know yet for sure how the plot will develope through The movie

just trying to earn views. pretty pathetic actually

obviously some people will be against the movie but all the writer cares about is getting angry nerds to click on his article :lol
Is that Batman's voice at the end of the trailer? It sounds so robotic. Not that I don't like it, it would be a weird thing to do though.