Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Wasn't really impressed to be honest. Maybe I am still on yesterday's Star Wars high but this just didn't have the same excitement.

Yeah its low quality cam leak. Maybe we should wait official trailer, beside I am opposite I think star wars trailer is nothing special and mediocre
Good teaser-trailer, very Miller-ish mood.
I hope that synthesized voice is Batman's, exactly what I wanted to hear since "Batman Begins".

I agree with everything said here. Felt very Miller-ish and I have also felt a voice modifier would be something Batman would use. And I like the result.
First earlies are normally sown in late February in the Northeast. Second earlies are sown from early to mid March and maincrop are sown from mid March (mainly April) to early May. Plant maincrop potatoes in April, when soil temperatures rise above 7oc. Plant about 10 cm deep and in general 20-25 cm apart(in 80 cm drills).

Potatoes need significant amounts of N, P, and K nutrients and in some cases additional trace elements. Use
the result of a recent soil test to decide the rate of fertiliser application.

That's more complicated than I was expecting, I'll just wing it.
Ep7 teasers were puketasticly lazy and lame, yet people got excited.
BvS teaser is extremely stylish and perfectly toned, yet people say it's crap and too dark.


Ep7 marketing got me turned off from SW.
Cam footage of the BvS teaser got me excited for a film I wanted to skip.
I agree with some of this. I don't like the tone, but they do seem to be doing a good job with the approach. And this is actually what I hoped Snyder would do after MOS--I knew I wasn't going to get a Superman story I could really care about, so the best we can hope for is that Snyder and pals stick to their guns and just go balls out with it. Hard to imagine a much bleaker comic book type trailer than what we're seeing here.

And the Star Wars stuff feels pretty by the numbers to me. I'm not much more excited for it than if Abrams were taking on a totally new sci-fi franchise. Movies will probably be OK, but it's not blowing my mind or anything. And really not evoking much of an emotional response from me, or a response of any kind.
Ep7 teasers were puketasticly lazy and lame, yet people got excited.
BvS teaser is extremely stylish and perfectly toned, yet people say it's crap and too dark.

Ep7 marketing got me turned off from SW.
Cam footage of the BvS teaser got me excited for a film I wanted to skip.

Ep7 trailers have done little to nothing for me so far. Even with the Chewie and Han reveal, I haven't felt that THIS IS STAR WARS OMG moment. I was ready to write BvS off but this trailer was pitch perfect. I'm actually looking forward to this. I'm also really glad to see such a drastic tone from the Marvel films. Watchmen is one of my fav comic book films, and even though I didn't really enjoy Man of Steel, Snyder has my money for BvS.
One thing I can surely say about the trailer, this is not your Christopher Reeve type of Superman film.
Watched it again... man, Supes is a scary son of a *****. Hopefully Batfleck takes him out.

He is scary. In Batman: Endgame #35 and #36 when Batman is fighting Sups, he says, "The truth is, when gods do come down, it's terrifying, because you never know what they're going to do. If he wants to kill you, there's likely nothing on earth that can stop it."
Wow, Rob Zombie's Superman and Batman preferred over Han and Chewie together for the first time in 32 years.

Do you bleed, you will now.

Ever been raped by Superman, you will now.
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I don't like the tone, but they do seem to be doing a good job with the approach. And this is actually what I hoped Snyder would do after MOS - I knew I wasn't going to get a Superman story I could really care about, so the best we can hope for is that Snyder and pals stick to their guns and just go balls out with it.
I'm now interested because it seems that the story's gonna be very unique for a CBM and the tone is very fleshed out.

I was ready to write BvS off but this trailer was pitch perfect.
I'm actually looking forward to this.

"Move yo ass Tracy Morgan, Batman and Superman are fighting."
:lol:lol:lol :exactly: