Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Hard to see in that bad video- but it certainly looks impressive for just the few seconds they show. Dark yes- who didn't expect it to be that way? Snyder & Co going the gritty, somber NOLAN-esque route. There- I said it!:rotfl
I think Cavill is fine, he's not a great actor but he's not terrible either. And he's likable.
It is was the rest of the movie that made people dislike him.
Hard to see in that bad video- but it certainly looks impressive for just the few seconds they show. Dark yes- who didn't expect it to be that way? Snyder & Co going the gritty, somber NOLAN-esque route. There- I said it!:rotfl
Nah, this is video game cutscene dark.
WB should just release the official trailer already like Marvel did with the Avengers 2 teaser. They're idiots. Millions have seen the low quality trailer already, and WB rather wait until next week, than to show people an HD version of the trailer.
WB should just release the official trailer already like Marvel did with the Avengers 2 teaser. They're idiots. Millions have seen the low quality trailer already, and WB rather wait until next week, than to show people an HD version of the trailer.

Yeah, I agree. I'm actually suprised they haven't release the official thing yet.
Yeah, I agree. I'm actually suprised they haven't release the official thing yet.

I'm not surprised...they're idiots. Marvel made fun of the leak and released the trailer within an hour, but WB just tries to take it down, which is impossible at this point, just so that they can have people watch it on IMAX on Monday, which it wasn't a bad idea, and it's too bad that the trailer got leaked, but instead of taking control of the situation and making the best of it, they want to stick to their pointless schedule, and act like it's a big deal on Monday, when most people have seen it already in low quality.
Published April 17, 2015 by Devin Faraci
The BATMAN V SUPERMAN Trailer Leak Debacle

I can't imagine anybody at Warner Bros is too happy about this.


The first teaser trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice* debuts in a special IMAX event on Monday. It's supposed to create fan engagement and social media buzz, and to launch the trailer out there in a major, major way.

And then somebody pirated it on their phone, leaked it to the internet, and every single site - including many trades! - ran it. Oh, and they leaked it just a few hours after the Star Wars: The Force Awakens had reduced many in fandom to actual tears. It's safe to say that the tone of the BvS trailer caused a little bit of nerd whiplash.

Like you, I've seen the leaked trailer. Unlike the trades, i won't post it here. If you feel like you need to post it in the comments you will be banned, as we have a strict 'no pirated material' policy for our comments. You won't be warned - you'll just be gone. But like I said, I know you've already seen it. We've ALL already seen it. And this is part of a two-pronged problem for WB.

Prong one: the cam version of the trailer - not great, a little blurry, muffled sound - is a bad representation of what WB is trying to sell. There's a reason why the trailer reveal event is an IMAX thing - they want to get across the enormity and power of the film. That does not read when filmed on an iPhone. Also, it hit hours after the Star Wars trailer, which was so good and so rapturously received that there's no way BvS could be seen as anything but secondary and lesser.

Some people have claimed that WB leaked the trailer on purpose, but those people are idiots. It would be insane to leak a bad cam of your big trailer right after one of the biggest buzz moments of the year. The Star Wars trailer was so well received that Disney stock added 2 billion dollars in value yesterday afternoon. Diving into the wake of that excitement is suicide. This was a legit leak, and I think it hurt the film - the reaction to the trailer has not been positive. Which brings us to

Prong two: it's a bad trailer. I mean, it's hard to judge exactly just from the cam footage, but this is not a trailer that instills confidence in this movie. All the opening chatter about Superman as an alien coming to Earth is fine (and is, in various iterations, part of the larger mythos), but the tone of the trailer is so unrelentingly dour and unhappy that when it gets to the confrontation in the rain at the end the whole thing simply seems silly. Part of that is the vocal effects on Ben Affleck's Batman (enough with stupid Batman voices, already), but part of it is the sheer operatic scale of these two posturing dummies in the rain. I said this in my Daredevil review, but I'll repeat it here - grimdark done too far or wrong becomes just silly, and that's what's happening here. There's no sense of wonder or awe or even excitement.

The trailer also continues the new WB narrative, whicn is 'We really hate Superman.' I'm familiar with the script, so I know that the movie is very much Superman's film, and that they handle him better than in Man of Steel... but they still **** him up in this film. They still miss out on core aspects of the character, and I'm baffled as to why this is. But no matter how he's treated in the script, this trailer is so profoundly anti-Superman that it's puzzling they have his name in the title.

There are certainly some people who like this trailer, and I'm happy for them. I think the movie will be a little less sturm und drangy than this first peek (there's stuff in the script that I would absolutely call 'fun'), and I think Snyder and company have erred on the side of being kewl here, not in really accurately reflecting the film. Or maybe I'm wrong and the stuff that felt broad and superhero-y in the script is going to be drowned under torrents of rain and awful vocal effects.
* insert joke here

About the Author: A ten year veteran of writing for the web, Devin has built a reputation as a loud, uncompromising and honest voice – sometimes to the chagrin of his readers, but usually to their delight.
I agree with everything said here. Felt very Miller-ish and I have also felt a voice modifier would be something Batman would use. And I like the result.

It might not be Batman.
Metallo is supposed to be in this and that voice fits him better.
That trailer was fantastic! I was so worried about seeing a comic book accurate Batman costume, because I wasn't sure how it would translate; however, it looks great!

I really hope this movie delivers for Superman. Henry Cavill is a great guy, and I'm hoping they allow time for his character development, since it was lacking in Man of Steel. While the movie wasn't so hot, I loved the ideas of what they were going for, and it was the movie that made me interested in Superman again. Depending on how he's written, Superman is a character I either love or despise as much as Jar-Jar Binks and every Joss Whedon character combined. When I love him, he's right up there with Batman as my favorite superhero, such as in John Bryne's stuff up to the Death of Superman. However, there's been so many different interpretations that are not consistent with that characterization which hurt my perception of the character. I ignored stuff in Man of Steel because it just felt like lazy writing, rather intentionally trying to make Superman look incompetent.

I'm more excited for him than Batman, since I think Batman has already had such great representations with the Nolan trilogy and Batman TAS. Although, since Batman is my favorite superhero and a top favorite fictional character of mine, I can't wait to see their take!
The trailer pretty obviously seems to be suggesting (to me) that Batman is talking at the end. But I hope it's Metallo, because that would be a pretty inappropriate thing to have Batman say IMO. "I'll make you bleed you son of a *****!" On the other hand, its very Snyder-esque, and something I can imagine his Batman (aka Punisher-lite) saying.
What a weird and awful trailer. Very surprised, I was expecting super exciting crazy action and style. It's super dark cheesy instead of super light cheesy.

Is DareDevil in this as well? He should be.

I remember the 1st man of steel teaser didn't reveal much either, then came 2 other trailers that were more substantial but didn't spoil anything, and last came the action trailer, I'm sure we'll get more trailers, with different moods.
Published April 17, 2015 by Devin Faraci
The BATMAN V SUPERMAN Trailer Leak Debacle

I can't imagine anybody at Warner Bros is too happy about this.


The first teaser trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice* debuts in a special IMAX event on Monday. It's supposed to create fan engagement and social media buzz, and to launch the trailer out there in a major, major way.

And then somebody pirated it on their phone, leaked it to the internet, and every single site - including many trades! - ran it. Oh, and they leaked it just a few hours after the Star Wars: The Force Awakens had reduced many in fandom to actual tears. It's safe to say that the tone of the BvS trailer caused a little bit of nerd whiplash.

Like you, I've seen the leaked trailer. Unlike the trades, i won't post it here. If you feel like you need to post it in the comments you will be banned, as we have a strict 'no pirated material' policy for our comments. You won't be warned - you'll just be gone. But like I said, I know you've already seen it. We've ALL already seen it. And this is part of a two-pronged problem for WB.

Prong one: the cam version of the trailer - not great, a little blurry, muffled sound - is a bad representation of what WB is trying to sell. There's a reason why the trailer reveal event is an IMAX thing - they want to get across the enormity and power of the film. That does not read when filmed on an iPhone. Also, it hit hours after the Star Wars trailer, which was so good and so rapturously received that there's no way BvS could be seen as anything but secondary and lesser.

Some people have claimed that WB leaked the trailer on purpose, but those people are idiots. It would be insane to leak a bad cam of your big trailer right after one of the biggest buzz moments of the year. The Star Wars trailer was so well received that Disney stock added 2 billion dollars in value yesterday afternoon. Diving into the wake of that excitement is suicide. This was a legit leak, and I think it hurt the film - the reaction to the trailer has not been positive. Which brings us to

Prong two: it's a bad trailer. I mean, it's hard to judge exactly just from the cam footage, but this is not a trailer that instills confidence in this movie. All the opening chatter about Superman as an alien coming to Earth is fine (and is, in various iterations, part of the larger mythos), but the tone of the trailer is so unrelentingly dour and unhappy that when it gets to the confrontation in the rain at the end the whole thing simply seems silly. Part of that is the vocal effects on Ben Affleck's Batman (enough with stupid Batman voices, already), but part of it is the sheer operatic scale of these two posturing dummies in the rain. I said this in my Daredevil review, but I'll repeat it here - grimdark done too far or wrong becomes just silly, and that's what's happening here. There's no sense of wonder or awe or even excitement.

The trailer also continues the new WB narrative, whicn is 'We really hate Superman.' I'm familiar with the script, so I know that the movie is very much Superman's film, and that they handle him better than in Man of Steel... but they still **** him up in this film. They still miss out on core aspects of the character, and I'm baffled as to why this is. But no matter how he's treated in the script, this trailer is so profoundly anti-Superman that it's puzzling they have his name in the title.

There are certainly some people who like this trailer, and I'm happy for them. I think the movie will be a little less sturm und drangy than this first peek (there's stuff in the script that I would absolutely call 'fun'), and I think Snyder and company have erred on the side of being kewl here, not in really accurately reflecting the film. Or maybe I'm wrong and the stuff that felt broad and superhero-y in the script is going to be drowned under torrents of rain and awful vocal effects.
* insert joke here

About the Author: A ten year veteran of writing for the web, Devin has built a reputation as a loud, uncompromising and honest voice – sometimes to the chagrin of his readers, but usually to their delight.

I think I disagree with everything this guy is saying...