Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I don't particularly care for the texture in Superman's suit, ever since MoS, but in that close up, the patterns in the S are quite pretty to look at, very intricate.

I got into an endless marathon of HISHE cafe videos, this has got to be my favorite :lol

Yeah, hell, we idolize dumb celebrities, but for some reason idolizing a god-like alien is cliche heh.

The Wicked and the Divine is actually a pretty damn good comic. It's not everyone's cup of tea, and it has more in common with the Tumblr crowd than the average comic book reader, but it's got a weird premise, good characters and great art. Gillen in general is a great writer if I say so myself.
The Wicked and the Divine is actually a pretty damn good comic. It's not everyone's cup of tea, and it has more in common with the Tumblr crowd than the average comic book reader, but it's got a weird premise, good characters and great art. Gillen in general is a great writer if I say so myself.
I've been reading it and I like it, I've always been a fan of mythology and everything related to gods, they concept of divinity has always fascinated me, so this comic is right up my alley even if I detest the Tumblrinas :lol the fact that they made Baal and Lucifer actual gods and not just Christian demons is refreshing.

I love Image so much right now.
I've been reading it and I like it, I've always been a fan of mythology and everything related to gods, they concept of divinity has always fascinated me, so this comic is right up my alley even if I detest the Tumblrinas :lol the fact that they made Baal and Lucifer actual gods and not just Christian demons is refreshing.

I love Image so much right now.
I'm jumping ship as soon as Secret Wars starts, since I'm bored to death by all the "superhero" stuff. So, I'm thinking of getting a bit of Image, Valiant, maybe some Dark Horse and IDW. From Marvel I'll keep Moon Knight and from DC Batman and I'll probably add JLA and Midnighter. It's just that everything is the same nowadays in the superhero books.

I thought about checking out Injection from Ellis and Shalvey, since their team-up created Vol 6 of MK which was brilliant. I'm also a big fan of Hickman's work, though most of the comic world is divided on his books.

PS: I've using Tumblr for a while now, and in reality it's much, much, worse...
:rotfl it was a matter of time, once your argument is proven weak "b-but fanboiii fanboooooi :cuss" :lol never fails.

It's really ironic, I've been one of the few people in this place that has criticized MoS the most objective possible way, most people here, including you, bashed it based on nostalgia, poor memory or just spite, so please tell me more about objectivity, but you should get off the bandwagon first.

Having said that, I don't deny the critical position of MoS, where did you ever get that from? :lol

Also, in the real world the majority of people thought it excelled in the visuals department and thought it was a good movie.

By all means, that is cheesy alright, hell the kiss scene is cringe worthy, but we weren't talking about that were we? We were talking about the very specific line delivered at the end of the trailer for this movie, why are you even bringing this unrelated subject? :lol

And you've proven that you will bash it without the slightest hint of intelligence or good taste :lol

You make absolutely no sense and your arguments are completely fanboy based. Whatever man, whatever.. You have been having these arguments with numerous people now for a year. A lot of people think MOS is absolute trash, just get over that fact. You like it? Great, good for you, you are entitled to your opinion. It's 55% on rotten tomatoes? Is that what you're clinging to as majority? :lol
No one is saying you are wrong for liking it. It's your diehard defence of the movie over and over that comes across as a fanboy, I'm not the first person in this thread to tell you that. "Slightest hint of intelligence"? :lol butt hurt over someone criticising your bestest mostest favourite superman movie?

I gave my opinion of the movie, you can't handle other people with different views? don't leave your bedroom.
I wasn't even talking to you in my original post. You just can't bear it can you? :lol
Now move on, I am.
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I'm jumping ship as soon as Secret Wars starts, since I'm bored to death by all the "superhero" stuff. So, I'm thinking of getting a bit of Image, Valiant, maybe some Dark Horse and IDW. From Marvel I'll keep Moon Knight and from DC Batman and I'll probably add JLA and Midnighter. It's just that everything is the same nowadays in the superhero books.

I thought about checking out Injection from Ellis and Shalvey, since their team-up created Vol 6 of MK which was brilliant. I'm also a big fan of Hickman's work, though most of the comic world is divided on his books.

PS: I've using Tumblr for a while now, and in reality it's much, much, worse...

I want to read Injection too, Ellis and Shalvey won my praise with MK as well, I've decided to skip Secret Wars, is it like Convergence? I've decided to skip that one too, sick of crossovers and big events for now, hell, I've just read the death of Deadpool and I still don't understand how it happened :lol

Did I recommend Glory and Jupiter's legacy to you already? I feel like I did :lol anyway, you should read those, they're a different take on capes.
I want to read Injection too, Ellis and Shalvey won my praise with MK as well, I've decided to skip Secret Wars, is it like Convergence? I've decided to skip that one too, sick of crossovers and big events for now, hell, I've just read the death of Deadpool and I still don't understand how it happened :lol

Did I recommend Glory and Jupiter's legacy to you already? I feel like I did :lol anyway, you should read those, they're a different take on capes.
Basically all different universes are collapsing and colliding with one another. Some will collide together and create a giant planet, with each universe being a "region" on it. Kinda like Convergence, but Hickman's been planning it since his FF run back in 2011.

I'll check it out, after I cancel/pick up a few titles. I get my series through a sub, so when I cancel something I have to pay for it for two more months. Therefore I'm waiting for the current series to end when SW starts, so that I'll at least have the complete volumes.
You make absolutely no sense and your arguments are completely fanboy based. Whatever man, whatever.. You have been having these arguments with numerous people now for a year. A lot of people think MOS is absolute trash, just get over that fact. You like it? Great, good for you, you are entitled to your opinion. It's 55% on rotten tomatoes? Is that what you're clinging to as majority? :lol
No one is saying you are wrong for liking it. It's your diehard defence of the movie over and over that comes across as a fanboy, I'm not the first person in this thread to tell you that. "Slightest hint of intelligence"? :lol butt hurt over someone criticising your bestest mostest favourite superman movie?

I gave my opinion of the movie, you can't handle other people with different views? don't leave your bedroom.
I wasn't even talking to you in my original post. You just can't bear it can you? :lol
Now move on, I am.
Why are you always so whiny and aggressive? Relax. :dunno
You make absolutely no sense and your arguments are completely fanboy based. Whatever man, whatever.. You have been having these arguments with numerous people now for a year. A lot of people think MOS is absolute trash, just get over that fact. You like it? Great, good for you, you are entitled to your opinion.
I'm making no sense? This coming from the guy who needs to take unrelated tangents to save face? :rotfl actually, it's not numerous people, it was but a handful and it's been ages since I've been into an argument, hell, I didn't even dispute your opinion on Man of Steel, you brought it up... :lol

I only said the divinity stuff was established in MoS and you went all "MoS sucks grumble grumble" :lol

It's 55% on rotten tomatoes? Is that what you're clinging to as majority? :lol
That 55% is from the almighty critics bruh, whose entire general review can be summarized to "iz 2 durk 4 me :'(" :lol

Try 76% audience and 72% on imdb, call me retarded but that's quite the big majority :lol Hell, even the poll in this very place 80% of the people like it.

No one is saying you are wrong for liking it. It's your diehard defence of the movie over and over that comes across as a fanboy,
I don't even defend it anymore, there hasn't been an argument about it in AGES :lol

Hell, people here can testify I don't care what people say about MoS anymore, I think you're coming off across as a baiter more than I'm coming across as a "fanboi".

Because really, we didn't even talk about your original comment because you've been desperately trying to avoid it :lol

I'm not the first person in this thread to tell you that.
Yeah, you and Nam :lol back when you got mad at me for poking holes at your arguments, way to appeal to popularity I guess.
"Slightest hint of intelligence"? :lol butt hurt over someone criticising your bestest mostest favourite superman movie?
Now move on, I am.
Not butt hurt, I didn't mean to insult you, I meant it as an honest observation, I don't mean you're dumb or anything, I meant that your MoS bashing was devoid of intelligence, and it was.

Okay, let's move on...
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Basically all different universes are collapsing and colliding with one another. Some will collide together and create a giant planet, with each universe being a "region" on it. Kinda like Convergence, but Hickman's been planning it since his FF run back in 2011.

I'll check it out, after I cancel/pick up a few titles. I get my series through a sub, so when I cancel something I have to pay for it for two more months. Therefore I'm waiting for the current series to end when SW starts, so that I'll at least have the complete volumes.
That's what I hate, we were getting major character development in Deadpool and his death is complete collateral damage.