Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Even if I LOVE BvsS I don't think that will make me all of a sudden enjoy MOS.

WS made me enjoy TFA even more because TFA had a heart.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that Thank God Batman was added to the MOS sequel. :lol
I dont know what some of you expect from these types of films. Consider the source from which they are derived and the audience targeted and just enjoy it for what it is. Let yourself be removed from reality for 120 mins and be entertained.

As far as Bats voice, I wouldnt worry or fear its his voice thru-out the movie... either it is Metallo as one suggested or its his voice altered by the battle suit. But IMO, anything is better than Bale's screaming growl.

However in the real world, many people have an incredibly low opinion of the movie, it's cheesy script, it's rag doll physics VFX and ridiculous video game action scenes.

Cheesy? No? :lol "he's Hawt" or how about Costner getting wizard of oz'd. Hilarious stuff.

So one line at the end makes the acting on the film cheesy? :lol Most action/sci fy/ adventure/ films have cheesy lines and scenes. In fact, most of the films represented on your cool signature (or whatever you call it) have some cheesy lines and scenes too. Real world? Do you mean the internet and FB? As far as people's opinion of this film goes, the majority of critics still gave the film a favorable review, and over 75% of people liked the film, not that RT or IMDB are reliable, but they do give you an idea of what the consensus is...unless you have a more reliable source to determine how people feel about the film?

Even most of the negative criticism comes from people not liking the tone of the film or because how "dark" it was compared to the Marvel films or the 1978 film because they still want the boy scout Superman from the 70' about a cheesy film, which by the way, they got with Superman Returns and it failed too, so who knows what people want?
Here's the Sideshow poll:

My rating is lower now, but I clearly enjoyed it very much when I first saw it. I didn't know a single person that liked Superman until Man of Steel, so that really impacted my experience. The time travel of Superman the movie and the entirety of Superman II made a lot of people hate Superman as a character, me included, so I have to be thankful. It got me reading Superman comics again.
Here's the Sideshow poll:

My rating is lower now, but I clearly enjoyed it very much when I first saw it. I didn't know a single person that liked Superman until Man of Steel, so that really impacted my experience. The time travel of Superman the movie and the entirety of Superman II made a lot of people hate Superman as a character, me included, so I have to be thankful. It got me reading Superman comics again.

Well, according to your poll, about 75 -80% gave the film a good score. I'm not surprised by the 3 people giving it a 1, which I know films are subjective, but a 1, is just ridiculous on a trolling level. :lol
Yeah, that's pretty disingenuous. I don't even think I'd give Batman and Robin a "1," but it's been around 15 years since I've watched it. At least Batman and Robin had some impact; no one even cares to talk about all the other 90s DC and Marvel movies. I didn't even know they existed!
I never saw it! Until the first Spider-man, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm was the only superhero movie that I thought was good.
Says the MOS fanboy who doesn't understand objectivity. If you want to ignore the huge negative backlash this film got internationally, good for you. I actually admire you for sticking to your convictions.
:rotfl it was a matter of time, once your argument is proven weak "b-but fanboiii fanboooooi :cuss" :lol never fails.

It's really ironic, I've been one of the few people in this place that has criticized MoS the most objective possible way, most people here, including you, bashed it based on nostalgia, poor memory or just spite, so please tell me more about objectivity, but you should get off the bandwagon first.

Having said that, I don't deny the critical position of MoS, where did you ever get that from? :lol

However in the real world, many people have an incredibly low opinion of the movie, it's cheesy script, it's rag doll physics VFX and ridiculous video game action scenes.
Also, in the real world the majority of people thought it excelled in the visuals department and thought it was a good movie.

Cheesy? No? :lol "he's Hawt" or how about Costner getting wizard of oz'd. Hilarious stuff.
By all means, that is cheesy alright, hell the kiss scene is cringe worthy, but we weren't talking about that were we? We were talking about the very specific line delivered at the end of the trailer for this movie, why are you even bringing this unrelated subject? :lol

Anyway you've proven time and again that you will defend the movie to death. That's your perogative, doesn't make you right though. :lol
And you've proven that you will bash it without the slightest hint of intelligence or good taste :lol
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Trailer looks pretty sweet! I have hope for this movie. Batfleck looks Bat'tastic. As Bruce Wayne and as the Dark Knight. I think we could get our best incarnation yet of Wayne and Batman. I'm pretty stoked after this trailer. Hopefully the end product will deliver. DC deserves to have quality films as a part of their cinematic universe. It's a huge positive that Snyder is working with Affleck's people. The Town and Argo were exceptional films IMO. I also dig that it appears that they are continuing to explore themes from MoS. There was a lot of symbolism in MoS with Supes being viewed as a God, and it certainly looks to continue in this film. I'm hyped for this!!! :rock
Affleck is going to knock it outta the park..yes I think it'll work. Period. Film itself not sure- Snyder has alot on his shoulders.