Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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If they are saving the heavy hitter villians for justice League part 1 and part 2 who cp I led they utilize for the superman sequel. It would have to be some one who furthers along that plot line
I like The Crow :)
Yes!! *(I amend my earlier post Jye.. :lol)*

My apologies for forgetting that one, & I really dig that film too. :slap

Some wtf moments, but still pretty solid - &.. BRANDON. :rock

I actually really like SPAWN too. I know most folks think it's kahkkah - & I acknowledge those bits, but there's still some great stuff in there too.
Yes!! *(I amend my earlier post Jye.. :lol)*

My apologies for forgetting that one, & I really dig that film too. :slap

Some wtf moments, but still pretty solid - &.. BRANDON. :rock

I actually really like SPAWN too. I know most folks think it's kahkkah - & I acknowledge those bits, but there's still some great stuff in there too.

I like Spawn, although the CGI in all the hell scenes are tough to watch now. I thought John Leguizamo as the Clown/Violator was great. I think there are a few other comic films from the 90's that were pretty good if you like the source material, like TMNT (1990), Men in Black, and maybe Darkman? It's silly, stupid, and creepy, but it's weird or so bad that I find it entertaining. :lol Does **** Tracy count as a comic film? I always liked the look of the film...can't remember the story though.
That's what I hate, we were getting major character development in Deadpool and his death is complete collateral damage.

I know right? Same with Superior Spider-Man. Just as Ock was becoming more of a human being, in comes the Devil-dealing Man-Child to make the book boring again. Because you know what happens in the latest vol of TASM? Peter once again neglects his responsibilities and is making corny jokes, still! 50 years later,and not ONE change to his character....

Yes!! *(I amend my earlier post Jye.. :lol)*

My apologies for forgetting that one, & I really dig that film too. :slap

Some wtf moments, but still pretty solid - &.. BRANDON. :rock

I actually really like SPAWN too. I know most folks think it's kahkkah - & I acknowledge those bits, but there's still some great stuff in there too.

Spawn was pretty great for his time. Todd's supposed to be writing a new script, but considering he writes it while high out of his mind, I don't have much hope. Plus, his current writing abilities are, well, not that good.....
Realistically this movie could suck big time, be the biggest piece of crap since Batman and Robin and I'd still buy a ton of merchandise. I love the designs here especially with Batman. Bring on the Hot Toys
I cannot wait for this movie. I'm still very curious about how HT are going to tackle figures for this, Suicide Squad, and beyond. I kind of shudder when I think about how extensive their Marvel line is, but, at the same time, the fanboy in me is kind of giddy at the possibilities. Like I said in the DX 15 thread, though, part of me wonders if they won't disappoint us. They seem to be posting every Age of Ultron TV Spot, trailer, poster; whatever, as well as pretty much anything to do with Star Wars of TFA, but there hasn't been a single mention of the BvS trailer, the posters; none of it.
I cannot wait for this movie. I'm still very curious about how HT are going to tackle figures for this, Suicide Squad, and beyond. I kind of shudder when I think about how extensive their Marvel line is, but, at the same time, the fanboy in me is kind of giddy at the possibilities. Like I said in the DX 15 thread, though, part of me wonders if they won't disappoint us. They seem to be posting every Age of Ultron TV Spot, trailer, poster; whatever, as well as pretty much anything to do with Star Wars of TFA, but there hasn't been a single mention of the BvS trailer, the posters; none of it.
I'm expecting a rubber suit for HT Fleckster - like their Arkham Michelin man version.

If so, do not want. :monkey4
Yeah, it is really weird when you think about how they'll do the body. I'd love to see the Armored version, as well. I'm just imagining those LED eyes on your shelf. It'd be awesome if BvS Superman followed suit, with a heat vision feature on an alternate head.

Wonder Woman's one that I'm both excited about and terrified by, because I love the costume design, and I'm looking forward to seeing that Trinity, but, at the same time, I can't help but be weary of HT's track record with Female characters. The likenesses are often off, the proportions can be weird, and the hair can be wonky, but, I'll say this: If they can successfully pull off Chewie, there is no more leeway for them on the rooted hair issue. If they screw it up, it's their ass, because there's no way in hell they can get away with it when they successfully executed a character that is completely covered in it.:lol
I like Spawn, although the CGI in all the hell scenes are tough to watch now. I thought John Leguizamo as the Clown/Violator was great. I think there are a few other comic films from the 90's that were pretty good if you like the source material, like TMNT (1990), Men in Black, and maybe Darkman? It's silly, stupid, and creepy, but it's weird or so bad that I find it entertaining. :lol Does **** Tracy count as a comic film? I always liked the look of the film...can't remember the story though.
Man the 1990 TMNT film!!! Wtf is wrong with my memory?! :gah: :lol
It's one of my all time faves!! I guess because I was focusing on mid to late 90s, I sidelined Crow & TMNT - bad Vintij!

I've got Darkman & I don't mind it, but it's not one I think about much. Never liked MIB - or Smith really, & I still haven't seen **** Tracy, but I keep meaning to buy it.
I'm expecting a rubber suit for HT Fleckster - like their Arkham Michelin man version.

If so, do not want. :monkey4

I am expect same material like MoS suit, not quite rubber. Much like textured fabric. But who the hell cares, everyone gonna museum posed it. Armored Bat will terrific, no doubt.
I'm making no sense? This coming from the guy who needs to take unrelated tangents to save face? :rotfl actually, it's not numerous people, it was but a handful and it's been ages since I've been into an argument, hell, I didn't even dispute your opinion on Man of Steel, you brought it up... :lol

I only said the divinity stuff was established in MoS and you went all "MoS sucks grumble grumble" :lol

That 55% is from the almighty critics bruh, whose entire general review can be summarized to "iz 2 durk 4 me :'(" :lol

Try 76% audience and 72% on imdb, call me retarded but that's quite the big majority :lol Hell, even the poll in this very place 80% of the people like it.

I don't even defend it anymore, there hasn't been an argument about it in AGES :lol

Hell, people here can testify I don't care what people say about MoS anymore, I think you're coming off across as a baiter more than I'm coming across as a "fanboi".

Because really, we didn't even talk about your original comment because you've been desperately trying to avoid it :lol

Yeah, you and Nam :lol back when you got mad at me for poking holes at your arguments, way to appeal to popularity I guess.
Not butt hurt, I didn't mean to insult you, I meant it as an honest observation, I don't mean you're dumb or anything, I meant that your MoS bashing was devoid of intelligence, and it was.

Okay, let's move on...

blah blah blah, blah bla blah, I luv Hopeman. Blah blah blah, didn't mean to say you are dumb, blah blah blah, you are dumb and Hopman is great, blah blah blah, I luv Hopeman, I'm not defensive, but don't say anything against hope man...

Seriously bro, I wasn't even talking to you. I simply said that I thought a couple of shots in the new teaser were cliched.
You jumped in and said I was wrong. I think they are cliched, not in concept but in execution.. but you claim I cannot even put my point across intelligently. I would report you for breaking the new COC rules, but I feel sorry for you, I don't think you are a bad guy, just very tunnel visioned and misguided.

I also think MOS was mostly garbage, some great elements ruined by a video game approach to film making. That's just my opinion.. Get over it. Why does it even matter to you what other people think about MOS?
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Confirmed: "Do you bleed? You will" is this year's "What was I supposed to do? Just let 'em die?" "Maybe." :lol

That was one of my biggest issues with Man of Steel. Not necessarily the ideas at play, but the execution. The idea that Jonathan Kent would sacrifice himself rather than have his son reveal his secret? Not bad. The fact that he did so by getting sucked into a Tornado to get a dog that his invincible son could've reached without using any of his super powers? More terrible than Lex Luthor stealing 40 cakes.

Same goes for the aforementioned line above. You can have Jonathan Kent be conflicted, but you don't have him outright say that "maybe you should've let that bus load of prepubescent kids slowly suffocate and drown instead of your mom and I having to deal with that fat boy's religious zealot mother and her crackpot theories."
That's part of the reason I'm so excited about Terrio acting as the script doctor on this one. I'm not Goyer's biggest fan, but I don't think the guy's the writer's equivalent of Satan; I just think that final drafts are not his forte. I like the ideas he puts out there, as general concepts, but the way he leaves those concepts suck major taint.:lol

I will say this, though. Cheesy lines are to be expected, when dealing with movies like this. Even The Dark Knight wasn't free of them. One of my favorites has to be "if you're going to kill a Public Servant, I recommend you buy American.":lol Hell, even Gordon's final monologue was OTT. Sure, it left you leaving the theater pretty amped up about how epic it was, but, if you deconstruct it, you wind up thinking "who the hell talks like that in real life? Apparently, a dude who also likes to read Dickens at Funerals."
Confirmed: "Do you bleed? You will" is this year's "What was I supposed to do? Just let 'em die?" "Maybe." :lol

That was one of my biggest issues with Man of Steel. Not necessarily the ideas at play, but the execution. The idea that Jonathan Kent would sacrifice himself rather than have his son reveal his secret? Not bad. The fact that he did so by getting sucked into a Tornado to get a dog that his invincible son could've reached without using any of his super powers? More terrible than Lex Luthor stealing 40 cakes.

Same goes for the aforementioned line above. You can have Jonathan Kent be conflicted, but you don't have him outright say that "maybe you should've let that bus load of prepubescent kids slowly suffocate and drown instead of your mom and I having to deal with that fat boy's religious zealot mother and her crackpot theories."
That's part of the reason I'm so excited about Terrio acting as the script doctor on this one. I'm not Goyer's biggest fan, but I don't think the guy's the writer's equivalent of Satan; I just think that final drafts are not his forte. I like the ideas he puts out there, as general concepts, but the way he leaves those concepts suck major taint.:lol

I will say this, though. Cheesy lines are to be expected, when dealing with movies like this. Even The Dark Knight wasn't free of them. One of my favorites has to be "if you're going to kill a Public Servant, I recommend you buy American.":lol Hell, even Gordon's final monologue was OTT. Sure, it left you leaving the theater pretty amped up about how epic it was, but, if you deconstruct it, you wind up thinking "who the hell talks like that in real life? Apparently, a dude who also likes to read Dickens at Funerals."

Completely agree. I mean look at Watchmen, it was full of potentially cheesy comic book lines, but it was clever and executed perfectly most of the time.
I've said it before, I hope this movie feels like Watchmen, albeit a more family friendly version. Hyper-realised, clever dialogue and loads of crazy characters running around. To me it's a great template for a movie with a Batman and an Aquaman and a god-like alien in it. It could work, and Snyder has shown that he can do it well when it's all mapped out for him, he is a good visual interpreter but not a good originator.
Completely agree. I mean look at Watchmen, it was full of potentially cheesy comic book lines, but it was clever and executed perfectly most of the time.
I've said it before, I hope this movie feels like Watchmen, albeit a more family friendly version. Hyper-realised, clever dialogue and loads of crazy characters running around. To me it's a great template for a movie with a Batman and an Aquaman and a god-like alien in it. It could work, and Snyder has shown that he can do it well when it's all mapped out for him, he is a good visual interpreter but not a good originator.

Definitely. Snyder's direction is only as good as the script put in front of him. That's not a shot at him; that's just the case with most directors. There are very few exceptions to that rule, and that's to be expected because, frankly, the story isn't the directors job, but, with that in mind, I feel that it becomes more apparent with Snyder because his style is very flashy. If the story doesn't provide substance, then the dude literally is the definition of style over substance.:lol Watchmen was awesome because it was safe. They didn't stray too far from the book, and, in turn, you were left with a solid film, because you can't do much better, in terms of substance, than one of the greatest graphic novels of all time.

That's mainly why, as people have been hating on Affleck, I've been loving the dude since day 1, because, as someone who really did like Man of Steel, but had some problems with it, he added some additional legitimacy to the project, and, when I heard about Terrio coming on board, I could only assume that that was also some of his influence being felt. The reason I love it so much is because it really does seem like WB filling some of the creative holes in their universe. How do you take Goyer's very general, and somewhat crude concepts and turn them into a tight script? Get the guy who just won them an Oscar for "tight scripts." Same goes for Affleck as Batman. It's the best of both worlds. You've got a guy who looks like a superhero, whose acting talent has grown exponentially from the last time he played a superhero, and whose artistic style as a director is as close to the polar opposite of Snyder as you can get.

The guy's a huge Batman fan, he harbors deep regret over what Daredevil turned out to be, and it just seems like he would call a spade a spade, if necessary, particularly, when not doing so could put him right back in the hole that he spent almost a decade digging himself out of.
Completely agree about Affleck, I was pretty happy from day one with him being new Bats. Sure he has done a load of cheesy movies, but like most actors he does that for the cash, he is quite underrated IMO, and think he is gonna make a great Batman. I really do wish this was his movie though, I have grave concerns about Snyder's taste. He walks a very unbalanced line between super cool visuals and cliched cheesy material. It's that "everything is so ****ing awesome" attitude, lacking intellectual reality and verisimillitude. Hopefully that will come from Affleck's involvement.