Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Midnighter's gonna be so badass.

Thor's granddaughters are better Thor's than nuThor :lol

Yeah, Midnighter is gonna be soooo boss! The fact that Moon Knight and Midnighter both currently have ongoings makes me a really happy person.

Squirell Girl's better than NuThor and I hate Squirell Girl...
BAH GAWD! IT'S THE ROCK BOTTOM! Gaspar laying the smackdown! :lol


I still can't believe Austin dropped his last match. :monkey2
Definitely. Snyder's direction is only as good as the script put in front of him. That's not a shot at him; that's just the case with most directors. There are very few exceptions to that rule, and that's to be expected because, frankly, the story isn't the directors job, but, with that in mind, I feel that it becomes more apparent with Snyder because his style is very flashy. If the story doesn't provide substance, then the dude literally is the definition of style over substance.:lol Watchmen was awesome because it was safe. They didn't stray too far from the book, and, in turn, you were left with a solid film, because you can't do much better, in terms of substance, than one of the greatest graphic novels of all time.

That's mainly why, as people have been hating on Affleck, I've been loving the dude since day 1, because, as someone who really did like Man of Steel, but had some problems with it, he added some additional legitimacy to the project, and, when I heard about Terrio coming on board, I could only assume that that was also some of his influence being felt. The reason I love it so much is because it really does seem like WB filling some of the creative holes in their universe. How do you take Goyer's very general, and somewhat crude concepts and turn them into a tight script? Get the guy who just won them an Oscar for "tight scripts." Same goes for Affleck as Batman. It's the best of both worlds. You've got a guy who looks like a superhero, whose acting talent has grown exponentially from the last time he played a superhero, and whose artistic style as a director is as close to the polar opposite of Snyder as you can get.

The guy's a huge Batman fan, he harbors deep regret over what Daredevil turned out to be, and it just seems like he would call a spade a spade, if necessary, particularly, when not doing so could put him right back in the hole that he spent almost a decade digging himself out of.

What a great post, batfan. I agree wholeheartedly. With Affleck and company on board, there's a lot of potential. I think we are going to be in for a real treat. And I think that at the end of B vs. S, we will be left wanting more. Come on 2016! :rock
We need a Frank Miller DK PF like yesterday!

I'm genuinely surprised there hasn't been one. Still, you could get the Mezco 1:12 Collective figure to tide you over, it's really fantastic. I know they're doing the Mutant Leader and allegedly Superman too in the future, I want them to give me a power armour Batman. Apart from one small statue, I don't think we've ever had a figure of that.
Well there's obviously a conflict between style and utility. '89 Batman looks great, but can't move for ****. Same for Begins in the head department. Same will probably be the case for Snyder Bats.

Sad, but true.
I have read an article that the designers says turning the head is not an issue for Batfleck version and it is the least thing fans should worry about the suit. Turning the head has been an issue for a very long time and they had to solve it this time while maintaining the style.
Yes, the MoS figure captured perfectly the look and feel of the movie costume, sure, a few minor inaccuracies, but that doesn't detract from the choice of material, they should do the same with both Superman and Batman for their respective figures.

Nailed it 100%

Hey! That's what people like, that's what sells, there are some changes to the status quo that are fantastic, I've heard Superior Spiderman was top notch and some people have been bummed for Peter's return :lol and then there's the rest of the status quo guacamole Marvel is doing to appease the social justice warriors :lol

Heh haven't seen one of those little meltdowns in here in a while, congrats for bringing the old mood back I guess, hope you can sleep better now.

You may not understand how discussion boards work, you said it was cliche, I disagreed, plainly and harmlessly, then you went full MOS ape**** :lol you went out of your way to repeatedly focus the discussion on MoS, yet I'm the tunnel vision fanboi, eh, alrighty, I take it since everything's backwards with you.
Yes, please, go ahead, report me, that would be a 1st, I could report you for calling me fanboi and hurting my feelings sniff sniff, but I'm not petty, I forgive you.

That's great, still don't know what that has to do with anything, but great.

Be sure to go through every thread telling everyone about how MoS is garbage and all, you show them that RT score you like so much, show your objectiveness to all the fanbois, like you showed troll fanboi Gaspar, get'em!

Overall fantastic job on moving on! 10/10

You need some help with that nerd rage (young?) man.
It's ok, we all get you. In this thread you're like an annoying but lovable puppy who pisses all over the carpet, but you can't blame him because he can't help himself yet. :lol
I told you you had a meltdown and your comeback's about nerd rage? Why don't you just say "umadbruh?" it'd mask the feels better, and thank you, I'm totally a lovable puppy, sorry for pissing in your cereal, can't help it.
You need some help with that nerd rage (young?) man. It's ok, we all get you. In this thread you're like an annoying but lovable puppy who pisses all over the carpet, but you can't blame him because he can't help himself yet. :lol
I told you you had a meltdown and your comeback's about nerd rage? Why don't you just say "umadbruh?" it'd mask the feels better, and thank you, I'm totally a lovable puppy, sorry for pissing in your cereal, can't help it.

I have read an article that the designers says turning the head is not an issue for Batfleck version and it is the least thing fans should worry about the suit. Turning the head has been an issue for a very long time and they had to solve it this time while maintaining the style.
I definitely agree that the turning of the head is the least, last thing people should worry about with this movie.