Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Jesus, this is being torn to shreds online.
I wonder if Warner are ******** themselves right now.

It will make money regardless of how good it is, but the longterm implications and investment must be a concern.

It was being torn apart since day one. It will still make money and warrant sequels. If I get a cool Hot Toys Batman and solo Affleck Batman movies from this then I'll be content.
It was being torn apart since day one. It will still make money and warrant sequels. If I get a cool Hot Toys Batman and solo Affleck Batman movies from this then I'll be content.

yeah, I feel the same. This trailer has changed a lot of peoples opinions though. It just seems so dated and kinda cheesy. Even the effects, when you compare this to the Star Wars trailers or the Civil War trailers it looks so dated already IMO.

I would love a Batfleck movie, but not in this universe. Seriously Suicide Squad looks a lot more interesting than this right now.
The Good. I dig Clark Kent's mannerisms a lot, reminds me of George Reeves actually. I think Batman/Bruce Wayne looks and sounds awesome. No doubt in my mind that Affleck is going to be as good as the others. Pretty nice introduction to Wonder Woman.

The Bad. Lex Luthor reminds me of Batman Forever Edward Nygma sans charisma and energy. Eisenberg kinda made me cringe. The Doomsday thing does nothing for me, he also looks awful like the abomination in the Incredible Hulk from 2008. Way to blow the "Batman vs Superman" dynamic by already showing that they team up.

I dunno.


Why do they insist of making movie Lex be funny?!? Smallville Lex (and his father) was the perfect iteration of the character. Even the cartoon got it right.

Otherwise I liked Wayne and Kent together. Although I thought it was funny that Clark asks the guy who Bruce Wayne is, and then in the next scene has an insightful question about Batman and Gotham ready for him. Must have Googled him quick on his phone before meeting him!
I'll go see this, but Lex still sucks. I would've preferred this to be just Bats and Supes. WW should've had a solo movie before appearing in this.

Why do they insist of making movie Lex be funny?!? Smallville Lex (and his father) was the perfect iteration of the character. Even the cartoon got it right.

Otherwise I liked Wayne and Kent together. Although I thought it was funny that Clark asks the guy who Bruce Wayne is, and then in the next scene has an insightful question about Batman and Gotham ready for him. Must have Googled him quick on his phone before meeting him!

It feels like Kent, Wayne and Luthor all know who each other are in that scene.
It feels like Kent, Wayne and Luthor all know who each other are in that scene.

It does, doesn't it? So is it supposed to be a different party than the one Clark is asking who BW is, a party later where Clark found out BW is BM, and Bruce knows Clark is Supes, and Lex knows all? Or is it supposed to be a wink at the audience who knows who their secret identities are, and that the dialogue is all supposed to be clever double entendres?
Well I watched the trailer last night too and here was my take (apparently quite different than most here):

I was blown away, thought it looked totally epic and still believe it could easily be the biggest movie of 2016. Completely SHOCKED that Doomsday is in this. Was that common knowledge? LOVED Wonder Woman's introduction (though it did have a bit of an "I saw her first!" Batman Returns vibe. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing.)

Though I did have a couple misgivings. First of all, again DOOMSDAY??? I went from "holy crap!" when he appeared in the trailer to "wait, they could have totally kept that a secret, why give it away now?" So now I can't help but have a bit of a flashback to Genisys spoiling the John Connor twist in the trailer. Which means the studio is nervous and feels it must give big things away early. Not a good sign.

Love Affleck and WW, not so sure about Supes and Lex. The whole "OMG Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne are meeting each other!" seemed like a contrived moment that tried too hard to create an "iconic" meeting. Though the way Clark and Wayne were speaking to each other did seem to imply that they'd already figured out each other's secret identities which I think might be kind of cool if true.

I think the general public will show up in droves for this one. Maybe I'm just being forgiving because I don't really give a **** (I'll probably be watching TFA for the 16th time when BvS opens) but it seems like it will be a fun spectacle.
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Well I'm not surprised to see my streak of being the odd man out is holding true. I thought it looked great. I don't know why I have such a disconnect between what I like and what others like. Probably me looking at it as a cool looking action movie versus how it looks to a true fan. In all seriousness my opinion is probably wrong but I think I will enjoy this movie.
It does, doesn't it? So is it supposed to be a different party than the one Clark is asking who BW is, a party later where Clark found out BW is BM, and Bruce knows Clark is Supes, and Lex knows all? Or is it supposed to be a wink at the audience who knows who their secret identities are, and that the dialogue is all supposed to be clever double entendres?

That's the problem with trailers, theres no continuity, cut n splice for 2+ mins.
I had no idea that the creature shown towards the end of the trailer was supposed to be Doomsday until I read the comments in this thread. Looks more like the cave troll from LOTR.

Jesse Eisenberg as LL was always a poor choice in my mind and this trailer just confirms it for me.

Those are the two "bad" parts of the trailer for me.

The rest I thought was pretty decent. I will see this in the theaters, but my excitement has diminished a bit, mainly because the trailer seems to give away the whole plot of the movie.
Did they show the whole ****ing movie in the trailer? This is the main reason I don’t watch them (Just so happened it was on Kibbel last night)

FYI – I have not seen any Force Awakens trailers yet.
Yeah, if you don't want to apparently have the whole movie spoiled (and there were some doozy twists that I wasn't expecting) then don't watch the trailer and I'd leave this thread until the film opens. Some big cats were let out of the bag last night.
To the general cinema going audience Doomsday = generic boring monster.
Like the one in Hulk, or LOTR or The Amazing Spider-man.
CG thing. Big mistake IMO.

They needed actors in this not CG creatures. Too much fakey smash smashy already in Snyder's "vision".
Imagine Man Of Steel with a CG villain?
Im not one of those guys that is waiting for this movie BUT when I saw this trailer as good as it looked I was disappointed in how much was revealed.
Love Affleck and WW, not so sure about Supes and Lex. The whole "OMG Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne are meeting each other!" seemed like a contrived moment that tried too hard to create an "iconic" meeting. Though the way Clark and Wayne were speaking to each other did seem to imply that they'd already figured out each other's secret identities which I think might be kind of cool if true.

Why would Lex even know who Clark Kent is for that matter let alone make a big deal of him meeting Bruce Wayne. Weird.
To the general cinema going audience Doomsday = generic boring monster.
Like the one in Hulk, or LOTR or The Amazing Spider-man.
CG thing. Big mistake IMO.

They needed actors in this not CG creatures. Too much fakey smash smashy already in Snyder's "vision".
Imagine Man Of Steel with a CG villain?

Best CG villan to date IMO Davy Jones. I don’t see CG I see character/actor

Gollum from LOTR is looking slightly dated
To the general cinema going audience Doomsday = generic boring monster.
Like the one in Hulk, or LOTR or The Amazing Spider-man.
CG thing. Big mistake IMO.

They needed actors in this not CG creatures. Too much fakey smash smashy already in Snyder's "vision".
Imagine Man Of Steel with a CG villain?

Snyder's "vision" my @$$. The guy's a grade-A ********* who takes every chance to praise himself and "note" how this movie is going to go down in the history books. Zack, you've directed a movie about schoolgirl ninjas and warrior owls, while your crowning achievement was a movie about 300 beefcakes. I don't think you're entitled to being so full of yourself...

Like their movies or not, Marvel started from the bottom. Literally. They took a C-Lister and turned him into an A-Lister "overnight". You might not like any of their movies and that's fine, but you've got to at least accept the fact that they made an empire out of nothing. Meanwhile, Snyder's the rich kid with access to all the toys, who's talking smack behind his daddy's bodyguards. His "flavor of the week" comments are in really bad taste IMO and he just keeps on going. I'm almost hoping that the movie fails so that he can finally shut up...