Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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classic 1988 horror flick......awesome......who do we have the honor in our forums Tom or Jon?


j in jye stands for joe.

Those 2 plus me were the creative core of that craziness plus the remainder of the cast that were also productive in getting it done.

In other words, a solid team effort.

j in jye stands for joe.

Those 2 plus me were the creative core of that craziness plus the remainder of the cast that were also productive in getting it done.

In other words, a solid team effort.

I can't speak for anyone else but I made Cannibal Campout which grants me the authority to dissect $500 million dollar budget movies. :lol
Just because I know there are haters out there of all star Batman and Robin, this is just for you.

"I'm the god damn batman!"


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Thor could look better, but look at DC's Green Lantern...worst costume ever, and that's not including some of the previous Batman costumes or the horrible Superman Returns suit. Capt's costumes have been pretty good in his solo films and so were the look and designs of those films.

CA:TFA and TWS >>>>>>>>> BVS.


:lol I don't know, I hate Thor's look with a passion, just look at it, it's not modern, it's not classic, it's just a blob of over designed pseudo sci-fi videogame-y crap, I would even rate GL's costume higher.

And there's nothing wrong with SR's costume imo, a bit boring if anything.

And yes Cap's costumes have been great.
Made it before 11 thank god!

:cuckoo: deadpool was a sh** movie anyway. Even if BVS was mediocre at best, it was still better than deadpool. Trust me, I already know I'm very much alone on this opinion. Give deadpool 5 years and every one will realize how overrated it is.

Deadpool was a pretty genetic by the numbers superhero movie just out of order and with 4th wall breaking.
It even has a similar love plot as x men origins wolverine,
Typical origin story
Typical love plot
Typical revenge story.

Not saying "bad" not saying bad at all. But for all the hype and all the noise they made about how "different" and "edgy" it was, it really wasn't.
I wish someone makes a Fan edit where they put the flashbacks in order because in order it is just a regular hero plot.

I didn't have a bad time but it felt disappointing that they hyped it out so much.
Ryan made SO MUCH fun of green lantern and SO MUCH fun of wolverine, and all 3 movies have the same love stuff and a similar revenge origin story.

All that hype made me disappointed with it.

The video game handle the story and introduction much better.

Sachiel; said:
It's also a comedy. A ****ing hilarious one. Which helped a lot.

This is why it did so well. I think people were ready for a hero movie with that kind of in your face attitude.
Not just the humor but the rated r jokes and comments

The truth is, Marvel/Disney would do a great job with Superman....look at Capt America. They know how to balance the drama and humor and somehow give an edge to CA while still keeping him likable and a boy scout.

In an alternate reality DC (owned by universal) has made an amazing franchise with a dozen movies all connecting to each other over a decade while marvel has made a couple unsuccessful very crappy movies and a badly written avengers movie with absolutely no buildup trying to catch up to DC lol :lol :lol

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I know the whole "all comic movies should go to Feige" argument is obnoxious,

As much as I am done with the DCEU beyond Suicide Squad I'd rather see them stick to whatever plan they have rather than go into knee jerk reaction mode like they've done before.
It's also a comedy. A ****ing hilarious one. Which helped a lot.


After three dozen big-budget superhero movies audiences were ready for a winking Airplane! take on the genre.

The grimdark ultra-serious spectacle got played out by Nolan.

We're way past the imaginary start-line that Warner Bros. still views as cutting edge.

Marvel Studios is gonna eat WB's lunch, drink their milkshake, and then pork WB's spouse while WB's busy posting on an internet forum.

I know the whole "all comic movies should go to Feige" argument is obnoxious, but imagining someone working under him doing Superman--the prototype of all other heroes. . .it could be so damn good.

That's a good point.
But it seems to me that WB should have figured out how to adapt their DCU to film by now. :slap

And I'd prefer to see WB climb the learning curve on their own . . . please stop them from copying the MCU's homework before class and trying to pass it off as their own.
Their animated universe proves that they can deliver the goods.
They're just chronic under-achievers when it comes to live-action ...

But Warner Bros. is run by a such a craptastic corporate hierarchy of idiots that I don't see them learning.
Making a great comic-book film has turned out to be their kryptonite.


Superman killed zod TWICE!
THINK about that... Killed the same guy TWO times...
And, if he didn't kill zod. If he found some way to capture him without killing him, doomsday would have never been created

I know it seems impossible, but maybe cover his eyes with his hand or something.

In fact, lex would have never gone in the ship or anything. Lex would not have been able to do what he did.

If u think about it, the moment superman broke zods neck, he killed himself.
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Noe, noe, no! Doomsday was a clone wasn't he? Yes, yes....

Besides, in an alternate universe, Superman could've easily remove Zod's body and the ship to a hidden place, say the moon, for example.

But also in an alternate universe, Zod could've reason with Superman to retrieve the codex peacefully and everyone is safe. But ohhh, noe, noe, no! We get the awesome that is BvS.
That story is about Superman killing mxyzptlk? Please, oath or not there's no way Supes would react that way to offing that prick.
It's just interesting that the killing of zod put in notion a set of events that lead to lex being able to do what he did. And led to doomsday
That story is about Superman killing mxyzptlk? Please, oath or not there's no way Supes would react that way to offing that prick.

But it's canon. Seeing is believing and like they said, pics are worth a thousands words. Anyway, there are so many various possibility out there, it's just that peep are attached to a certain nostalgic version of Superman. Peep think they have control but oh, no, no, no. Movies of old won't be the same as contemporary movie. Enjoy it for what it is.
Noe, noe, no! Doomsday was a clone wasn't he? Yes, yes...

Actually, Doomsday can't be classified as a clone. A clone would have to have the same exact genetic material in all of his cells, whereas Doomsday is birthed by the merging of at least two different "genomes" for a lack of a better term (I mean, who knows how the birth chamber works). If anything, you can call him either the product of the "mating" between Lex and Zod, or Zod himself being mutated. But a "clone"? I don't think so.
But it's canon. Seeing is believing and like they said, pics are worth a thousands words. Anyway, there are so many various possibility out there, it's just that peep are attached to a certain nostalgic version of Superman. Peep think they have control but oh, no, no, no. Movies of old won't be the same as contemporary movie. Enjoy it for what it is.

It's not canon though. Canon is what is set in the current, line-wide continuity. It's canon in the particular AU, but it's not in either of the "major" DC universes. Same thing with TDKR or Earth X for example.