"Charles Roven, now co-captain of a cargo plane hauling rubber dog **** out of Hong Kong with veteran pilot Rick McCallum was unavailable for comment."
BvS had an opportunity to be the one who cleaned house in March and then could say "We moved our release date...but we didn't have to." Now they just look like Marvel ***** slapped them to the curb.
Nobody expects a cave troll from LOTR as a secret villain!
Yeah, I remember months before BvS came out IrishJedi was going off about how he and Zack were all "we're gonna kick Marvel's *****, I can't believe they made a Cap movie, people will be so surprised when the 'secret villain shows up'," etc., etc., and where is he now?
I think Zack comes off well on interviews. And those little jabs are just a little bit of friendly banter, I don't think many see it as anything other than that. Why not?
What my issue is, is when he's asked about certain aspects of the film it's like he doesn't understand it himself. Like talking about Batman killing. He said he wanted it to be murder by proxy or whatever. But clearly batman kills people directly with his machine guns... So what's that about?