Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Nah, like we already established, Superman is the ****.
Nah, like we already established, Superman is the ****.

I also honestly still do not understand why you'd constantly be in this thread if you hate man of steel so much.
I think Superman and Batman should be punching each other into the wee hours of the night until finally, when they are both barely able to stand, the sun rises and illuminates them. They stop, look around, and see Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and the Flash. They all nod to each other, then as a single unified team, stare into the sun. End credits.
I think Superman and Batman should be punching each other into the wee hours of the night until finally, when they are both barely able to stand, the sun rises and illuminates them. They stop, look around, and see Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and the Flash. They all nod to each other, then as a single unified team, stare into the sun. End credits.
He is right about one thing though he's a very obscure character Martian Manhunter with general public will not be able to connect with him. To many Aliens in one movie . Who is his arch enemy I'm not sure of it .
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I knew more about Martian Manhunter because of those animated properties and the Warner Bros store (I miss it), than Thor, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Captain America. I knew next to nothing about them. I never heard of Guardians of the Galaxy until the movie was announced.
Who said that they're going to use Aquaman they have no to confirmed anything. You have a lot of work to build that Justice League movie if we are talking about a new Green Lantern maybe flash. We dont know whst the line up will be
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If they're doing a JLA movie, I'm pretty sure they're using Aquaman. It would probably be a better risk than Green Lantern at this point.
Because the general public's connection with him is a movie no one saw or really cared about.
Are they going to use John Stewart instead? They know even less about him.
It's funny cause War was based off JL Origin where they originally had Aquaman, and he was way more Badass than Cap Marvel in War, I hope they use AM, and later on add Cap Marvel.Again we have no idea. I think the are going to use JL war movie as their platform anf adapt that minus Captain marvel and use Aquaman.
But using Aquaman in a movie is difficult due to the water components. But I think they can find a way