I was just watching BTAS the Clayface episode, I would LOVE if Clayface was one of the villains of a Batman movie.
I agree but . . . naht realistic enough.
Goyer will be the first villain the Justice League will face, but unfortunately not over come.
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No way. Not if he's portrayed the way he should be, which is a nigh invulnerable god the Omega beam plus the entire population of Apocalypse at his disposal. He's the ultimate DC bad guy, and has been portrayed that way for a long time.There are many equals or greater threats to Darkseid, like Lex Luthor teaming up with other villains is just as bad, or Vandal Savage and his plans of conquest, the injustice league, crime syndicate, etc etc.
You're right, but the only reason DS didn't succeed in JL War was because he underestimated earth's heroes, who barely kicked him out of Earth, making his eventual return a certainty, so it adds to the notion that he's a force of nature that you can evade but not stop.No way. Not if he's portrayed the way he should be, which is a nigh invulnerable god the Omega beam plus the entire population of Apocalypse at his disposal. He's the ultimate DC bad guy, and has been portrayed that way for a long time.
Yes, he was just a videogame boss in AC, but it was like that because at that point in time CF was already established in that universe, where in BTAS he was being introduced, anyway I was only referring to his confrontation, his fight was a fantastic one in AC, and of course BTAS Clayface story is supreme, that's why I love BTAS so much, all villains are given proper motivation for their actions and Clayface's final deception in form of a death scene in that episode was just fantastic.Clayface would need to be more sympathetic to work on film I think. The Arkham version is just a stupid video game boss.
In BTAS, there's some real emotion behind that character. I love when Batman puts in the video tapes (disguised as a Janitor no less) of all the roles Matt Hagen played. Seeing clayface spaz out and morph into all those characters was a really emotional scene, music and all. None of the films have captured a similar moment, save for maybe Penguin's death scene.
Nah, I see Goyer's face on a giant Starro the conqueror starfish form (with Goyer's face where the eye should be). Then, Terrio can be the JL film's version of Snapper Carr who defeats him while all of the JL members are hypnotized with Goyer Starros on their face. Someone needs to photoshop dat sheet.![]()
You're right, but the only reason DS didn't succeed in JL War was because he underestimated earth's heroes, who barely kicked him out of Earth, making his eventual return a certainty, so it adds to the notion that he's a force of nature that you can evade but not stop.
I hope that's how it plays out anyway, the only reason villains often fail is because they underestimate us, humans.
Man of Steel spent two hours "exploring" how mankind would emotionally react to an alien being, hero or not. The unknown, fear of what we don't understand. How threatened we would feel once we finally knew that there are other unknown and possibly advanced species out there.
Well at least that was the intention of Nolan, Goyer and erm.. Snyder.
In the sequel, we have an Amazonian with a magic lasso, a fish man from Atlantis and god knows whatever else, I've lost count.
It's just stupid. Reboot the reboot, just don't pretend it's a sequel to anything. It's just an Avengers pastiche without the groundwork and creative foundations.
That's awesome.Now flip it 90° and stick it on Batfleck/sad Batman's face (in black and white), and we'll have a good idea of how the movie'll turn out.
I thought DS was a moderate struggle at best for the JL in JLW.
He was tougher in S/B Apocalypse, of all titles.![]()
Why'd you go & do that for!!!
It took the whole team to be solely focused on him for the good last 15 or 20 minutes of the movie, and even blind he was still kicking their *****they barely sent him back through one of his portals.
I thought he was tough enough.
What's that coming out of Starro's vag?