Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Interesting that no one rushed out to own Titanic in high definition when it was released on blu in 2012. It hasn't even cracked the top 50. To date it has sold 214,824 DVD's and 310,852 blu-rays. A tiny fraction of those who saw it in the theater in 1997 have felt the need to actually own it/watch it at home.

The backlash was strong against that one.

I would also theorise that so much of it's cinema take was the teenage girl repeat viewing, girls who were using it as much as a social occasion as anything else. Owning it on DVD and blu ray probably wasn't all that important for many of them because it wasn't a day out with the friends anymore.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

He does have a point, though. I don't care if you can force choke a guy across the room. Good luck outrunning Omega beams that could obliterate Superman, fired from a few miles away with those clunky prosthetic legs. I'm setting aside my bias as a DC fan here, because I think Vader's a kickass character, but going toe to toe with Darkseid? I don't see it happening.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

How high is Darkseid's midichlorian count though? :tap

What does it matter? Under the mask, Darth Vader were these guys,



Anyone could kick his ass, especially some big, blue, rock lookin' fellar with frickin' lazer beams for eyes.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

If you really want to know how each movie impacted each generation then someone should figure out how to track ticket sales ONLY and then post what each movie made its first year or two of release. No cheating with 3D enhancements 10-15 years later or ongoing re-releases over decades when home video didn't exist. That I'd be really curious to see.
So now it's about "how each movie impacted each generation".
You keep changing the parameters all the time, it's hard to follow.
3D and re-releases aren't cheating, they just help sell movies, that kind of thing has been around forever in one form or another.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

So now it's about "how each movie impacted each generation".
You keep changing the parameters all the time, it's hard to follow.
3D and re-releases aren't cheating, they just help sell movies, that kind of thing has been around forever in one form or another.

No, I'm really not, but I don't consider your inability to follow the discussion as my problem to solve. I've said what I've wanted to say this time around, and this is a topic that has been belabored in the past and more than a little boring to continue at this point. :lol Have a good one.