Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I just put on SW1 to watch tonight with the family.

As the movie started my son requested if I could change to TPM. :slap
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The more I think about it, the more I think Man of Steel was a Superman movie made for Batman fans.

Goyer: "You know what would be awesome? A Batman Vs. Superman movie."

Snyder: "Yeah, but who would people root for?"

Goyer: "Let's just make Superman a total **** in this movie, so everyone roots for Batman in the next one. Besides, everybody likes Batman better, anyways. Trust me, I wrote three of his movies; I know."

June 13, 2013-Superman purists everywhere:

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


Cavill does a really good job.

I still think my favorite defense of this movie came from an io9 commenter. He said, "people are mistaking this for Superman: Year One; it's not; it's Superman: Day One," and that is so true. Man of Steel is as much a coming-of-age drama as it is a superhero origin story. We're witnessing Clark Kent's journey of self-discovery, and even though he wears the suit, and even though the military calls him that, I firmly believe that Superman, as we know him, is not present in the movie. That's Clark fighting Zod, at the end; that's Clark making that ultimate decision, at the end, and that's, ultimately, Clark establishing why Superman's moral code is what it is, in all of the iterations we know.