Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Star Wars thread? or Batman/Superman thread? Can it be both?View attachment 126569

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Agree, they are both a masterpiece compared to new Gahzilla.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

No, I'm really not, but I don't consider your inability to follow the discussion as my problem to solve. I've said what I've wanted to say this time around, and this is a topic that has been belabored in the past and more than a little boring to continue at this point. :lol Have a good one.

Is that what you do when you're out of arguments?
Thanks for posting I guess. :toilet_cl
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

People have seen Avengers already, been there done that.

No one has ever witnessed Batman vs Superman in a cbm.

Now, that same argument doesn't apply to SW mind you.

Yes, we've all seen SW already, but people actually just want to forget the PT abortion, hence why E7 is highly anticipated.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Avengers 2 having a robot theme is going to give it the advantage in the ever growing Asian market.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Until the trailer comes out. I honestly think Avengers 2 should be the favorite to have the biggest opening weekend and to be the biggest box-office hit. It's Marvel, and their last two films this summer were great/really good. The only way BvS is going to make more money, is if they make a great film. When was the last time Snyder made a great film? Never, imo. SW has a strong fan base, but if the reviews aren't great, it's the prequels all over again. They will still make a lot of money, but Marvel really seems to know what they are doing and they have people's trust, which is something the other two do not have right now. People are curious about BvS and SW because they could be good or a total cluster****, but not Marvel. People expect it to be better or as good as the last one. That's guaranteed money.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

He wrote Lethal Weapon . . . and Iron Man 3.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

He wrote "Last Action Hero" so I forgive him for iStark3.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Until the trailer comes out. I honestly think Avengers 2 should be the favorite to have the biggest opening weekend and to be the biggest box-office hit. It's Marvel, and their last two films this summer were great/really good. The only way BvS is going to make more money, is if they make a great film. When was the last time Snyder made a great film? Never, imo. SW has a strong fan base, but if the reviews aren't great, it's the prequels all over again. They will still make a lot of money, but Marvel really seems to know what they are doing and they have people's trust, which is something the other two do not have right now. People are curious about BvS and SW because they could be good or a total cluster****, but not Marvel. People expect it to be better or as good as the last one. That's guaranteed money.

Good thoughts- very well stated. Marvel wins but the BIGGEST question and INTEREST has to be MUCH is riding on it and the challlenge to make it great and successful is hard to ignore- SW will be good and make tons of money but the joker in the deck is's the one I am most curious about and anticipating
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Imo, the original Blade is still better than several of the Xmen movies, all the Fantastic Four movies, Superman Returns, Hulk and even a couple of the modern MCU movies. The movie was just badass.
