Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I always liked boxing better than UFC. I don't know; I think it's the atmosphere. Boxing is almost like a chess game, in a way, with each fighter gauging their opponent and reacting accordingly, but UFC always struck me as a more graceful, shirtless version of two drunk dudes beating the ever living **** out of each other. Nothing against people who enjoy it; I just always found boxing to be the one I liked better.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yup, Boxing is the sweet science, no way could someone like Brock Lesnar decide to take up boxing and become a champion.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah, I know right. There's no science involved in jujutsu or judo, it's just a wild flailing free for all. Don't even get me started on stand-up in MMA, those posers have to worry about takedowns and kicks, elbows, knees....not like the real chess game of boxing where you only throw fist blows.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I made a point that it's more graceful than an all out brawl, and I hope what I said wasn't interpreted as me downplaying the talent involved with MMA; it's mainly just a question of aesthetics, for me.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I like all disciplines, Boxers are masters of one craft, and not many MMA fighters are masters of one craft.

There are also not many Boxers than can defend themselves against an MMA fighter.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I made a point that it's more graceful than an all out brawl, and I hope what I said wasn't interpreted as me downplaying the talent involved with MMA; it's mainly just a question of aesthetics, for me.

Not at all.

Although, there is much to admire in terms of aesthetics in the brutality of the MMA fights too.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I like all disciplines, Boxers are masters of one craft, and not many MMA fighters are masters of one craft.

There are also not many Boxers than can defend themselves against an MMA fighter.

Not many MMA fighters that are master of one craft? Are you aware of the number of accomplished wrestlers or jujutsu black belts in MMA? Or how about Olympic level judoka? Or how about guys like CroCop posted above, champion K1 kickboxer?

Their "boxing" will never be as good as a strict boxer, but they are certainly much more versatile.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Not many MMA fighters that are master of one craft? Are you aware of the number of accomplished wrestlers or jujutsu black belts in MMA? Or how about Olympic level judoka? Or how about guys like CroCop posted above, champion K1 kickboxer?

Compared to the universe of MMA fighters, no, not many.

Are you aware of what an MMA fighter is? You are confused if you think an Olympic judoka is an MMA fighter.

Their "boxing" will never be as good as a strict boxer, but they are certainly much more versatile.

That's my point.
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