Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well, yeah Whiplash was pretty cool too, and Mickey Rourke kicks ass, I'm gonna check him off my list there.

WS was a badass, but I don't count him as a villain, he was a plot device and possibly redeemed into a hero or anti-hero.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well, yeah Whiplash was pretty cool too, and Mickey Rourke kicks ass, I'm gonna check him off my list there.

WS was a badass, but I don't count him as a villain, he was a plot device and possibly redeemed into a hero or anti-hero.

but he still played the villain role, at least for a while so I guess he could be considered both
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah, so far DC's villains have been more interesting than Marvel's for the most part

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah, so far DC's villains have been more interesting than Marvel's for the most part, Ultron should be an exception, and later on Thanos.

Zod > Malekith, Ronan, Loki, "Mandarin"...

Faora, Nam-Ek > The chitauri, the dark elves, 10 rings etc etc.

Red Skull, Whiplash, Pierce and Obadiah have been pretty badass though.

Of the Marvel villains listed above I think the Red Skull seems to be the most developed , but a back story or something like they did with Zod would have helped even more. The general issue with all these villains is that they don't give them enough screen time they are there to serve a purpose and that is it . I know the movie is called Iron Man but at least 45 % of the time they should devote to the villain so I can form a connection.

The villain behind the villain is not working either because both villains end up being under utilized, they did it in Iron Man 2, and 3 and again in the Winter Solider If you are the villain your lackey should not be taking up more screen time. If they do it that way one can be purely the muscle and the other the brain, but not both. The thing I did not like about Winter Solider was Alexander Pierce except for when he slapped the winter solider he felt dry and the twist in Iron Man 3 with the Mandarin was a disappointment, because they trailer painted him in such a way only to have Pierce come in and by then it was to late to to get attached to him.

Loki is done very well you can for a real connection with him and this was from the get go from the first movie.

I hope DC can do decent job I want some one menacing that is why they really need to scale back on all these characters they cram in to these movies. Guardians was filled with characters and not enough of Ronan.

I am not even sure how they expect the audience to connect with Thanos from the get go with out showing how dangerous he is these little hints are nothing but gimmicks and do not convey anything to the viewer.
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah, so far DC's villains have been more interesting than Marvel's for the most part, Ultron should be an exception, and later on Thanos.

Zod > Malekith, Ronan, Loki, "Mandarin"...

Faora, Nam-Ek > The chitauri, the dark elves, 10 rings etc etc.

Red Skull, Whiplash, Pierce and Obadiah have been pretty badass though.
I agree that Zod was better than most Marvel villains, nearly on par with Red Skull, except Skull wins because he was better written. But Loki was way better than he was, even after only the first Thor movie. He was so interesting. Zod was good, mostly because of the actor and the fact that he was allowed to chew up the scenery, while most of the major Marvel villains were either reigned in and left a bit generic (Ronan, Malekith) or were traditional action movie government/business/scientist bad guys (Stane, Killian, Pierce, Arnim Zola). I suspect DC will be giving us more of the same once they have to actually flesh out their movies, but we'll see. But Zod wasn't really great, which is the fault of the writing. Loki was, as is Magneto, though that isn't Marvel Studios obviously, and as pointed out above, Doc Ock was excellent. Faora was OK, but just a generic secondary thug on the order of the black dude from GOTG or what we saw of Crossbones in Winter Soldier. If she gets extra points, it's only because she's a hot woman. I have no idea who Nam-Ek is (isn't that Dragonball Z?).
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Loki is better than Zod, even though Loki is a little manipulative *****. Red Skull trumps Zod too.

Doc Ock and Magneto are better than all of those though. They're up there with the cinematic DC Jokers in my opinion. The only really compelling villains DC/WB have offered (other than the original Terrance Stamp Zod).
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Magneto, particularly Fassbender Magneto, is at the top of the list for me. But as far as mustache twirling villains go, Stamp
Zod will be hard to beat, though I really enjoyed Red Skull, and think he can't come back soon enough.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Bane is my favorite villain ever created, I know Heath’s Joker was the better villain, but I thought Bane was so much more cooler. Scarecrow and Ra’s are also up there, if we’re counting the Nolan universe here, then DC takes it.

Fassneto, Dafoe GG, Loki (Thor 1 only), Ian Mckellan’s Magneto, Nomak (Blade 2), Obadiah Stane and Brian Cox’s Stryker are probably my favorite villains from the Marvel films.

Hopefully Apocalypse is added to this list come 2016.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah, Stryker from X2 is phenomenal. Definitely one of my favorites.

"I was pilotin' Black Ops missions in the jungles of North Vietnam while you were suckin' on your mama's tit at Woodstock, Kelly. Don't lecture me about war. This already is a war."
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah, Stryker from X2 is phenomenal. Definitely one of my favorites.

"I was pilotin' Black Ops missions in the jungles of North Vietnam while you were suckin' on your mama's tit at Woodstock, Kelly. Don't lecture me about war. This already is a war."

Why did you have to go on and quote that?

Now I have no choice but to watch it on blu ray tonight :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Off topic (or on-topic? I'm lost):

I dunno much about Momoa as an actor, seen him only in Re-Conan and thought he has no charm. But I know for sure that casting Polynesian actor to play the most Nordic character of DC is a point of no return of my interest in this CU.