Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

*gleeful Jonah Jameson voice* We finally got to em! The power of internet fan complaints triumphs!


Question about Jameson's hair - does the carpet match the drapes? I bet the ladies like the...diversity. :wink1:
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

This movie scares me. I think the closer it gets and the more that's released about it, the more nervous I get. The stakes for this film are enormous. Yeah, I want it to successfully jumpstart that wonderful plan they announced, yesterday, but, from a historical perspective, as well. These are arguably the two greatest superheroes of all time. I'm not saying that lightly, either. When Dennis O'Neil said that "these characters are our modern mythology," in that pantheon of Superheroes, Superman and Batman stand at the forefront as Zeus and Hades.

The point is, this is a clash of Titans; the first time in the 75 year history (by the time the film comes out, 75+ year history) of these characters that they'll be colliding on film. It truly is a historic moment, for movies, and I just hope and pray it doesn't suck.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It ain't coming out in Mexico until 2023! :mwaha

Actually, we've been getting movies like 2 weeks before you guys :monkey3


This movie scares me. I think the closer it gets and the more that's released about it, the more nervous I get. The stakes for this film are enormous. Yeah, I want it to successfully jumpstart that wonderful plan they announced, yesterday, but, from a historical perspective, as well. These are arguably the two greatest superheroes of all time. I'm not saying that lightly, either. When Dennis O'Neil said that "these characters are our modern mythology," in that pantheon of Superheroes, Superman and Batman stand at the forefront as Zeus and Hades.

The point is, this is a clash of Titans; the first time in the 75 year history (by the time the film comes out, 75+ year history) of these characters that they'll be colliding on film. It truly is a historic moment, for movies, and I just hope and pray it doesn't suck.

That's not an overstatement in any way, you're right.

I'm thinking this movie will build such a hype, that it may collapse on itself and it will be impossible to reach such expectations, sort of like a Half-life 3, this movie will not be considered a success unless it exceeds everyone's expectations (even the crazy ones), is unanimously considered better than any Marvel movie, AND earns more than any Marvel movie.

It will be the litmus test, no doubt.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Theres gonna be haters, but I think this thing will be hailed as the beginning of all things glorious when it hits, I'm almost positive WB is going to do something to hit the wow button... they have to know that MoS was a missed opportunity by not cameoing Bruce at the end. I don't think theyre going to try coasting on "hey its Batman", but I could be wrong. :(
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

This movie scares me. I think the closer it gets and the more that's released about it, the more nervous I get. The stakes for this film are enormous. Yeah, I want it to successfully jumpstart that wonderful plan they announced, yesterday, but, from a historical perspective, as well. These are arguably the two greatest superheroes of all time. I'm not saying that lightly, either. When Dennis O'Neil said that "these characters are our modern mythology," in that pantheon of Superheroes, Superman and Batman stand at the forefront as Zeus and Hades.

The point is, this is a clash of Titans; the first time in the 75 year history (by the time the film comes out, 75+ year history) of these characters that they'll be colliding on film. It truly is a historic moment, for movies, and I just hope and pray it doesn't suck.

Melodrama, Zeus' butthole

Fantasy: old DC editor lays claim that the characters are modern myths, historical icons, legends for this century

Reality: couple of Jewish kids came up with a quick, get rich scheme for two superheroes and after decades of conflict over who owns/created what, both characters became glorified, commercialized products than actual folklore. Action figures and lunch boxes that have proven easy sells moreso than cultural phenomenons.

This movie isn't a historical event that rivals the pantheons, it's a ****ing movie thought up by a bunch of board execs that want dat $$$.:lecture
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Melodrama, Zeus' butthole

Fantasy: old DC editor lays claim that the characters are modern myths, historical icons, legends for this century

Reality: couple of Jewish kids came up with a quick, get rich scheme for two superheroes and after decades of conflict over who owns/created what, both characters became glorified, commercialized products than actual folklore. Action figures and lunch boxes that have proven easy sells moreso than cultural phenomenons.

This movie isn't a historical event that rivals the pantheons, it's a ****ing movie thought up by a bunch of board execs that want dat $$$.:lecture

And to think most people here have wasted most of their lives on the veneration of these lunch boxes decals.

Better tell pop culture these two are not important.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

And to think most people here have wasted most of their lives on the veneration of these lunch boxes decals.

Better tell pop culture these two are not important.


Same thing with Star Wars. "Mythological zeitgeist" my ass. The phenomenon was created for the sole intent of selling space toys! Then what happens is, these kids grow up but haven't grown out of these characters, so in attempt to justify it to the world they act all scholarly and think up ways for their childhood icons to come off as sophisticated.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Melodrama, Zeus' butthole

Fantasy: old DC editor lays claim that the characters are modern myths, historical icons, legends for this century

Reality: couple of Jewish kids came up with a quick, get rich scheme for two superheroes and after decades of conflict over who owns/created what, both characters became glorified, commercialized products than actual folklore. Action figures and lunch boxes that have proven easy sells moreso than cultural phenomenons.

This movie isn't a historical event that rivals the pantheons, it's a ****ing movie thought up by a bunch of board execs that want dat $$$.:lecture

You aren't going to be seeing it in between "The American Civil War" and "The Beginning of the Apocalypse of 2084," but, nevertheless, in the American Pop Culture landscape, this is a historic moment. The Zeus thing? I digress; perhaps a bit of an overstatement, but, in American folklore? I'd wager that more people are familiar with Superman and Batman than Johnny Appleseed and Paul Bunyon, and I'm talking by the boatloads, here. On top of that, they've sort of evolved past the point of being inherently American. Whether we're talking funny books or "the great American novel," these are some of the most iconic characters in all of fiction that the 20th century produced.

Now that I think about it, though? How do we know the modern mythology thing doesn't catch on? 1,000 years from now, who's to say a team of archaeologists don't find a long forgotten video file of the Burton Batman film and think "the barbaric Amir-Kahns of 1989 A.D. worshipped this Bat-god of the night. We were able to ascertain this information from a variety of sources. It appeared that the original bible of this creature was known as 'Detective Comics #27,' it was said that the vicious Amir-Kahns would celebrate this creature with feasts of dried corn, while watching the sacrifice of clowns and other outcasts at all times of night."
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Pfft, Johnny Appleseed isn't toyetic enough and you know it!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Now that I think about it, though? How do we know the modern mythology thing doesn't catch on? 1,000 years from now, who's to say a team of archaeologists don't find a long forgotten video file of the Burton Batman film and think "the barbaric Amir-Kahns of 1989 A.D. worshipped this Bat-god of the night. We were able to ascertain this information from a variety of sources. It appeared that the original bible of this creature was known as 'Detective Comics #27,' it was said that the vicious Amir-Kahns would celebrate this creature with feasts of dried corn, while watching the sacrifice of clowns and other outcasts at all times of night."

Fuchir peepulls iz stoopid.