Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I doubt the superhero movies decrease in popularity. Comics have steadily gained popularity (the population continues to grow as well). While they might not have 3 per year (per studio) after 2020, they will be around for a long time. one generation might get tired of them, but the next gen will discover them and become fanatics.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Superhero movies are here to stay forever. The only thing that will ebb and flow will be certain characters. When people get tired of one character (or sour on it due to a horrible film or two) then he/she will go out of rotation (like Green Lantern already did) while others rotate in to the forefront. If there was just Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man then yeah I'd say things would get old fast. But there are hundreds of characters and stories from decades past to present time that can all be mined for film.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Superheroic knockback slide of imminent counterattack noted. You really let your fingers dig in. :lecture
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Khev may be right about them being here to stay.

Since STM 1978, what was the longest break between superhero movies?

Couldn't been that long.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Superheroic knockback slide of imminent counterattack noted. You really let your fingers dig in. :lecture


Khev may be right about them being here to stay.

Since STM 1978, what was the longest break between superhero movies?

Couldn't been that long.

Since X-Men in 2000 there's been one or more every year since with the sole exception of 2001. So we've gone 12 straight years, 13 of the last 14, with superhero movies only *gaining* in worldwide popularity. This ain't no flash in the pan genre.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

More than widespread decline, I could more easily see transitions from one kind of comic to another. Traditional superhero stuff has come in and out of style over time. It waned in the mid-late '80s, and didn't really come back until the 2000s. In-between we saw gritty violent comics, bat**** crazy indie stuff like Grant Morrison's Invisibles, and thoughtful sophisticated stuff like Sandman start to take hold. I can imagine the same happening in comic films as cultural tastes change. Just like cinema in general, thinking about how films seem to react to the times, being optimistic, pessimistic, frustrated and repressed, excited and manic, etc. depending on what's going on in the world.

In some ways we see this now. Easy for me to understand why the X-Men movie succeeded more abroad than in the U.S., while GOTG was a huge domestic hit. Because they respectively connected better with those cultural sensibilities.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


STM 78
STM2 80
STM3 83
Supergirl 84
STM 4 87
Batman 89
Batman Returns 92
Batman Forever 95
Batman and Robin 97
Blade 98

That's not even counting The Crow, Spawn, Swamp Thing, Howard the Duck, Darkman, Judge Dredd etc.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah, there were comic movies in the '80s and '90s, but it wasn't because comic movies were a big thing. It was because Superman and Batman were big.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Movies are going extinct anyway, they'll soon be transitioning into Hologram theaters.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Superhero movies are here to stay forever. The only thing that will ebb and flow will be certain characters. When people get tired of one character (or sour on it due to a horrible film or two) then he/she will go out of rotation (like Green Lantern already did) while others rotate in to the forefront. If there was just Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man then yeah I'd say things would get old fast. But there are hundreds of characters and stories from decades past to present time that can all be mined for film.


they'll survive, Khev wins. :lol

Things change.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Things change.

Thank goodness. All that independent filmmaker character exploration crap that bloated the 90s was pure hell to navigate through without accidentally stepping on a few of those landmines.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


STM 78
STM2 80
STM3 83
Supergirl 84
STM 4 87
Batman 89
Batman Returns 92
Batman Forever 95
Batman and Robin 97
Blade 98

That's not even counting The Crow, Spawn, Swamp Thing, Howard the Duck, Darkman, Judge Dredd etc.

You forgot the best, not the Phantom.

This 90's masterpiece.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm betting that, with Star Wars on the horizon, the space opera will cause the downfall of the superhero, followed by a resurgence in the pulp adventure genre after that, and, eventually, the triumphant return of the comic book film.

Marvel has GOTG and a bunch of other space stuff they can use and DC/WB has plenty of space opera stuff. Also, Avatar was the biggest film ever and superhero films are just fine, same with Star Trek. SW won't have any effect on Marvel or DC because Marvel reaches a larger demographic....including people who aren't into SW or the space stuff. The beuty of superhero films is that they can be anything, they can be comedic, political thrillers, crime dramas, space opera, fantasy/medieval stories, traditional superhero films, even westerns, so the sky is the limit if Marvel and DC keep introducing characters and new worlds. Star Wars has limits. Marvel and DC don't.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

If 2005 didn't kill superhero films, nothing will :lol Ten films came out that year, and only one was good :lol Also, from 1993 - 1997 there were 25 straight bad superhero films, so I think Marvel and DC can survive a few bad films in the next 10 years.