Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I love Man of Steel. I think people overanalyzed it. It had great fight scenes, Cavill is a fantastic Clark/Kal, and Zimmer's score is amazing. 'Flight' still gets blasted around my place all the time.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

If I had to guess, I'd say that what he meant by that is that a film should have a beginning, a middle, and an end, and that having a cliffhanger after the film already ended so that it ties into something else is akin to not making a full movie, since it never really ends...

...or he could just be acting like a ****.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'll just leave this here,

Christopher Nolan Nixed Post-Credit Scene for 'Man of Steel' - Hollywood Reporter

Iron Man, Avengers, Captain America: Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy aren't real movies.

I don't think any those movies you listed are great films, they're really good superhero movies granted each of those are a million times better than MOS, but I'm not fond of post-credit scenes either, they usually come off as cheesy and blatant milkage.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I don't think any those movies you listed are great films, they're really good superhero movies granted each of those are a million times better than MOS, but I'm not fond of post-credit scenes either, they usually come off as cheesy and blatant milkage.

I would definitely disagree with that. I think The Winter Soldier is a great film and since I am a Whedon fanboy I also think The Avengers is a great film.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


DOFP isn't a real movie.

There's always exceptions, but I actually didn't like that post credits scene either, it just really felt tacked on.

The only post credits scene I really liked was Iron Man 1.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Not the same type of post-credit scene though, I'm sure he was specifically talking about post-credit scenes that tease or hint what's coming next.

I don't know anything about Nolan, never even heard the guy speak, but the way he teased The Joker at the end of Batman Begins was in my opinion a far more affective way of hinting what's coming next but still ending the film without that feeling that he purposely left something or someone out of the movie so they can make make a sequel/make more money.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

So arrogant...

I love the post credit scenes. I enjoy sitting there thinking about the movie I just watched, letting it all sink in or perhaps discussing and then enjoy that small treat that are the post credit scenes.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

So Bond movies aren't movies, since they always tease that James Bond will return in... Cool. Nolan is a ****ing genius.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Of course you'd think that.

Nolan made cape movies, he's not above any of it as far as I'm concerned. Instead of post-credit scenes, he made 6 minute prologue sequences where you would go to see ANOTHER Warner Bros. movie that was promoting this upcoming one. That's not high art, it's doing exactly what other studios do, building hype.

You can choose to leave after the credits and it's not "leaving anything out". Guardians of the Galaxy was the best blockbuster of the year for me so far, and me not seeing the post credits scene did nothing to attribute to that. A lot of them are for fun, others for Iron Man, First Avenger and Winter Soldier are nice teases to anticipate the next project. Nothing more. They're all real movies.

I'm a bigger X-Men fan than I am a Batman fan and I didn't like how they teased Apocalypse at the end of DOFP, it felt cheap, so I don't know why you would think I'm defending his comments based on me being a fan of TDK trilogy.

The difference is he's building hype to the movie he's currently making at the time, not the next one, or in the Avengers case the the 20th film or so in the franchise.

Some of the post-credit scenes are fun, but most feel out of place and tacked on, especially The Winter Soldier's, the cinematography throughout that whole movie was great, and then you get this Whedon directed scene with terrible camera angles, cheesy dialogue, and overacting, it just felt so out of place. I would have preferred they left that out.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

If I had to guess, I'd say that what he meant by that is that a film should have a beginning, a middle, and an end, and that having a cliffhanger after the film already ended so that it ties into something else is akin to not making a full movie, since it never really ends...

Yeah, I'm guessing that's a pretty out of context quote. Nolan usually backs up stuff like this with a theory.

...or he could just be acting like a ****.

also this. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Of course you'd think that.

Nolan made cape movies, he's not above any of it as far as I'm concerned. Instead of post-credit scenes, he made 6 minute prologue sequences where you would go to see ANOTHER Warner Bros. movie that was promoting this upcoming one. That's not high art, it's doing exactly what other studios do, building hype.

You can choose to leave after the credits and it's not "leaving anything out". Guardians of the Galaxy was the best blockbuster of the year for me so far, and me not seeing the post credits scene did nothing to attribute to that. A lot of them are for fun, others for Iron Man, First Avenger and Winter Soldier are nice teases to anticipate the next project. Nothing more. They're all real movies.

Good post Mr Fabio.
So... WB wanted Nolan to direct a Batman movie even tho he didn't want to.
Thanks to Goyer, he eventually did it. Three times. Even tho he didn't like comic books.
Now every DC movie will be co-produced by him.

I find it very funny yet incredibly sad.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I don't think Marvel has made a great film yet, just my opinion, TWS and Iron Man are the closest in my book, the rest of the the MCU films just come off as big dumb blockbusters that most people go to for the action or laughs, myself included, but I wouldn't call any of them great films.

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