Bertie 12" Robots $299 each

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I have a tough question for you guys. I'm a pretty avid gamer, and most of the time, when I spend time with friends, we play games. Anyways, the deal is, I'd be selling a game system to fund DD, and want an honest opinion on how much enjoyment you've gotten out of yours. This will differ from person to person, I know, but how often do you repose yours, mess with it, photograph it, show it off, etc?
Well, I don't have one of these, but to be honest I'm not sure it's such a great idea to sell a game system to get something like this. I personally would get way more enjoyment out of the games, since with a figure you tend to get accustomed to it after a little while.
Then you don't understand that these are mostly art to begin with. To me, these are the small pieces of Ashley's art that I can actually afford. I saw one of his small sized oil paintings on eBay today going for $2500. It was the cover to the ZvR #2!!!! Wish I had that kind of cash lying around.

What's the most you've spent on a piece? Bet is was more than $300. It's really all about what you like, not what everyone else likes. You don't like these and I'm sure that some people don't like some of you buy and don't think it was worth whatever it was.
To be honest I don't understand why these are that expensive. I'm a big fan of AW owning most of his books and original arts, but these Berties are produced with Vinyl which seems very cheaper.

They are produced by 3Zero a Hong Kong company which made a lot of Urban Vinyls few years back when it was the hype. They were considered designer figures, Michael Lau started it all and vinyl toys cost a lot but the quality wasn't that great. Having owned both verisons of Bertie, I felt quite let down by the material used, I would have prefered them to used hard plastic moulds than the vinyl which was used. The only thing good was the accessories. Also both Berties had a lot of grease applied for the dirty appearance, but deosn't that make it flameable?

For the money I would have just bought an original piece of work, or prefered AW to have produced Bertie statues instead. As for 3zero I don't rate them to be a quality company having owned couple of their figures in the past.
Then you don't understand that these are mostly art to begin with. To me, these are the small pieces of Ashley's art that I can actually afford. I saw one of his small sized oil paintings on eBay today going for $2500. It was the cover to the ZvR #2!!!! Wish I had that kind of cash lying around.

What's the most you've spent on a piece? Bet is was more than $300. It's really all about what you like, not what everyone else likes. You don't like these and I'm sure that some people don't like some of you buy and don't think it was worth whatever it was.

actually i really like these things , i just cant justify spending 300 dollars on these when i could spend it on a higher quality pf/statue , but i will most likely pickup atleast one version of bramble but the bertie design is cool but weird imo.
The price also comes from the extremely small numbers these are produced in.
The brown Aliens for example is limited to 300 pieces and is worth much more then the other ones with a higher production number.
You make good points, but still... you have to think of it in the "collectible industry world" way of thinking. You pointed out that they are vinyl, which has been huge for the last 6 or so years in collecting (even more years than that, but people started catching on recently), with some figures around 5 to 6 inches going for $400. To me, if people are willing to drop that kind of $ down on those, why not drop $300 on a 14" Bertie?

As an Ash fan for a few years now, it's no question to me. As some have pointed out, this is a piece of art, direct from his pages to our shelves.

To be honest I don't understand why these are that expensive. I'm a big fan of AW owning most of his books and original arts, but these Berties are produced with Vinyl which seems very cheaper.

They are produced by 3Zero a Hong Kong company which made a lot of Urban Vinyls few years back when it was the hype. They were considered designer figures, Michael Lau started it all and vinyl toys cost a lot but the quality wasn't that great. Having owned both verisons of Bertie, I felt quite let down by the material used, I would have prefered them to used hard plastic moulds than the vinyl which was used. The only thing good was the accessories. Also both Berties had a lot of grease applied for the dirty appearance, but deosn't that make it flameable?

For the money I would have just bought an original piece of work, or prefered AW to have produced Bertie statues instead. As for 3zero I don't rate them to be a quality company having owned couple of their figures in the past.
You make good points, but still... you have to think of it in the "collectible industry world" way of thinking. You pointed out that they are vinyl, which has been huge for the last 6 or so years in collecting (even more years than that, but people started catching on recently), with some figures around 5 to 6 inches going for $400. To me, if people are willing to drop that kind of $ down on those, why not drop $300 on a 14" Bertie?

As an Ash fan for a few years now, it's no question to me. As some have pointed out, this is a piece of art, direct from his pages to our shelves.

:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2 such an emotional post!
Hey. To each his own. Anyone here who buys anything from SS puts themselves in a category outside of the mainstream. Every purchase made can be looked at by an outsider with an ignorant eye and get a "you spent how much????" comment. One would hope most here are intelligent enough to understand the value to the individual collector, and not try the lame "what's it made of" argument. That one wouldn't hold water with any other pieces here anyway. Polystone? Plastic? Vinyl? Be real. Which one of those materials is really worth 300.00 unless your getting them by the pound? Live and let live in the 100% subjective world that is this board.
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actually i really like these things , i just cant justify spending 300 dollars on these...
If you were to see one in person you wouldn't say that, I wasn't into them at first, but then I saw all the cool pics in this thread and finally saw them in person and man I was impressed. I'm an Ashley Wood fan now and I'll probably buy anything his company makes.
Me too actually, I first saw these over on the Spawn Board ,where I spend most of my time, where a Boardie artist showed us these pics of the Desert Bertie and everybody including me was impressed with the fig but let down by the $350 pricetag.
But then when I looked farther into the whole world behind this Bertie and the books and amazing art by Ashley I began to appreciate these figs much more then that first glance! I could not live without my 2 Bertie's and my future Bramble now! :rock
Understand what you're saying bagelsncheesey. Being a collector now I consider all my pieces a work of art, well after some customization on some SS 1/6s. I mean AW's name is massive in the toy and comic scene, I guess he can generate that kind of price, but would have prefered the manufacturer to have used better material on the berties.

Like you I'm a massive fan of AW having followed his work when he started Hellspawn with Bendis, which I still consider that best team and story arc I read in comics. I own several of his original artwork and was able to purchase the Original paint cover of Hellspawn 11 for $150 several years ago, now you cannot even get a decent Ash sketch for that. I think at the moment only KAWS can generate a price of $400 for his figures, even Michael Lau which is considered King of Vinyl have lost some followers and his prices are around $150.

I guess end of the day my rant is just the material used which isn't the best in my opinion, like I said if Bertie was statue based then you wouldn't hear me complaining. :D Both my berties looks great and I have pre-ordered the Les Mort figure, but if Bramble is produced with vinyl again then I give it a miss and save that money towards an original Ash art.
Got the notice for both my Berties today!! Just gotta see if I wanna get them from SSC or from DSC. Hmm???

Lost 2 auctions on eBay lastnight for some artwork. A Les Mort hand-drawn cover comic and a sketch!! But I needed moneies for the Berties!

Also, new artwork from Ashley!! ^^^^in' amazing as always!
