*BEWARE SPOILERS* Deadpool & Wolverine (July 26th, 2024)

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The reason they havent been doing the wolverine mask all these years is because it looked stupid and cheesy. His white eyes do not translate well into live action. This is what happens when you give nerds what they ask for.
Looks good on the figure though. 😎 👌
Damn. The vibe in this thread is bumming me out. Personallly, I absolutely loved this movie.
Don’t let it get to you. I also really enjoyed the movie and had a great time. That’s what counts. 🤝
I fully agree. it's really awful. it truly is nonsense.
it's not as funny or charming as Ryan wants it to be.
he thinks he created a super funny super charming movie but it's annoying

if it was a love letter they wouldn't ridicule and trash so much of wolverine suit.
It’s Deadpool, he ridicules everything. Don’t take it to heart.
The Deadpool corps fight was a huge waste of time that ultimately served no narrative purpose

  • Did it make sense for the plot? No, I agree with you on that.
  • Does every scene have to drive the plot? No, name one movie where every scene served the plot than rather setting the tone.
  • Does the scene set the tone for the movie? Big YES.
Edit: I thought we were talking bout the intro fight. I misread, a little „e“ on the right spot or missing on the spot can make a huge difference. 😅
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The reason they havent been doing the wolverine mask all these years is because it looked stupid and cheesy. His white eyes do not translate well into live action. This is what happens when you give nerds what they ask for.
The comic suit can work. It was just executed poorly. And why they teased us with it and made it out to be this big reveal instead of kicking off with it from the get go? I will never know. Especially when we've seen what it looks like in all the merchandise and promo art... only to end up looking so much worse in the film for the little screen time it had.
the movie needed a better villain. someone scarier and threatening. someone big and scary.
the entire movie falls flat because of the weak jokey villain.
I thought the white eyes were great and worked well. Probably would have been just as happy with his real eyes but it was a nice reference to his classic design.

And while I have to acknowledge the movie as flawed I did personally enjoy it quite a bit. I suspect a lot of the negativity comes from the fact that there was so much hype here and hopes that this film would deviate from the narrative problems of most recent marvel movies. But it was a vehicle for getting wolverine and Deadpool to go on a wacky adventure first and everything else only existed to serve that purpose. Their scene in the van is a microcosm of what the filmmakers wanted to achieve here in my opinion. And as someone whose favorite comic character since the mid 80s has been wolverine I'm ok with that. Despite all the films he has been in, none have gone balls out with his aggressively violent nature the way they did here. The shot where he runs on all fours like an animal was great. All the stuff where he is self pitying and a loner were great. The scenes at the end were really fun. I appreciate the movie for that.

Having said all that, if I didn't care about wolverine (or Deadpool, though I personally can take or leave him) then I doubt this movie would have worked for me.

Haven't seen it yet, but please tell me it is better than Thor Love and Thunder!
I hated love and thunder. At least the humor here worked more or less and several characters were likable. But they both share a level of silliness.
Whew i’m so happy Marvel went thru all of that trouble getting back their X-Men characters to then
NOT USE THEM in a movie centered around them!

If your thing is humor I will say that this movie is 100 x funnier than the first 2.

I’m disappointed with the movie but none of that has to do with Jackman he looked amazing, the costume and mask looked amazing and he acted his ass off!

He literally became Wolverine 100% in this absolutely spectacular.

The narrative promise made by the actors and Feige is what failed miserably here not Jackman, not the costume.

Wrong cameos.


W R O N G C A M E O S!!!!!!!!

But I would be lying if I said I didn’t lose my **** when I saw
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Yeah it felt like maybe some other choices on the cameo front would have resonated better. They were fine but nothing to get really excited about. Trailers spoiled so many of them, as well, at least on the villain side.
They had two huge opportunities to show
the Fox X-Men in their proper costumes interacting with Wolverine.

1. Flashback showing what led to their demise and not just talking about it. They never even explained how they died and who was behind it.

2. Multiverse trickery by having the Fox X-Men fighting along side the Avengers during the Endgame battle dealing with Thanos and resetting the universe.

They did neither and instead gave us cameos that made no freaking sense.

Had they given us either of those 2 scenarios, preferably both though, then those weird cameos would’ve just been a nice cherry on top.

Casandra could’ve been tricked to resetting the MCU multiverse but nope she was just a villain of the week doing something that was already resolved in Loki S2

Instead we got a huge waste of time
Deadpool corps battle that meant absolutely nothing to the narrative.

This movie should’ve given us the next End Game level of audience excitement and participation but unfortunately all it did was make people laugh at dirty jokes.

**** Me
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Oh I am forgetting to mention the other 2 huge cameos…

Cavill. He should’ve been Patch and his cameo should’ve been given to Radcliffe. That’s just a minor complaint though. Cool cameo nonetheless.

Then Johnny Storm, why just him and not the rest of the F4. Just horrible.
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I hope people don't get discouraged by the criticism - it's really fun if you have a high Ryan Reynolds Threshold and can appreciate a lot of nonsense plotting. I can only speak for myself about the story they hang it all on. But when you have Feige saying this is an 8 out of 10 in terms of effect on the MCU....that's the kind of intentional BS promotion that works against the movie.
I hope people don't get discouraged by the criticism - it's really fun if you have a high Ryan Reynolds Threshold and can appreciate a lot of nonsense plotting. I can only speak for myself about the story they hang it all on. But when you have Feige saying this is an 8 out of 10 in terms of effect on the MCU....that's the kind of intentional BS promotion that works against the movie.
Well said and that’s what I’m trying to get across on my negative reviews.

As a standalone Deadpool movie It’s actually the best of the 3 and super funny way funnier than the other two but I’m basing my review on the promises made that we’re not kept like not even close!

While the villain was super nasty and powerful her plan was super derivative after what happened with Loki season 2.

It really REALLY does work against the movie.

Zero attempt at ANY resetting of the messy MCU.

I can’t believe we got another standalone Wolverine movie!


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