The only things I liked were the first few minutes of the first episode that shows Obi Wan's sad, lonely life on Tattooine, cutting desert sushi and going home to crappy microwave food. That felt right, cause it's exactly what he should have been doing for 20 years, but obviously there's no need to make a TV show or movie out of that.
The only other part I enjoyed was the few minutes with Anakins face peeking out of the mask. (Didn't care about the tension, zero stakes.....yawn. Lightsaber fights are SO 1999....the Prequels ruined any fun or intrigue of seeing lightsabers. Haven't enjoyed a saber fight since Dooku vs Anakin/Obi Wan.)
But seeing Hayden, seeing Ewan's horrified reaction.....that was a good scene. Really good. In my world, none of it ever happened, but that was a nice tiny moment.
The rest of the episode, the rest of the series, was pure excrement.
Yeah. Alongside the cheapness and bad directing, the other major issue I had was the story. It just wasn't a story I had any interest in.
Rescuing Leia, the Inquisitors. Don't care.
I understand why they went with PTSD Obi-Wan and his rustiness etc, it just wasn't something I was particularly interested in seeing.
He obviously gets his edge back, his mojo, in this final episode.
We had 5 episodes of bumbling Kenobi
, I assume in the final he becomes the Kenobi we know.
How does that happen? Does he have a moment, a sudden epiphany and suddenly he's competent again?
Always liked the desert wanderer concept of Obi, since he must have been doing SOMETHING all that time. (And am glad I own the SSC figure of Obi and the HT Qui-gon

.) But, IMO it's the
degree of Obi's despair I've got issue with. IMO it makes no sense.
Obi was a well trained Jedi, and yeah, would've been pretty strained by having to kill his brother....and now, now, there's the desperate, secret hope in the form of Luke. He HAD to have turned the original "misunderstood prophecy" over in his mind. The prophecy is in effect accurate, tho not the way anyone had believed (except Mace and Yoda, maybe...) So there's this secret, desperate hope (Luke) AND at the end of ROS, he's all happy since Yoda will teach him to commune with Qui-Gon.
So ur telling me Yoda and/or Qui-Gon would let Obi-Wan sink to the utter depths of despair, when force ghosts were all too happy to pop in to chat to Ahsoka, Ezra, Kanaan, Luke, and even Rey? Why? If the Force created Anakin to eventually produce Luke and Leia to achieve balance, wouldn't Yoda and Qui-Gon help out the only Jedi protecting Luke?
And yeah, if Obi was supposed to have some sort of epiphany, what was it? Usually when the hero picks up the sword, achieves magic, etc. it's a MOMENT. But the show just rolled tepidly along. And how do you get "rusty" using the Force anyway; unless the implication was that Obi was so bummed out he had lost faith, in the Force. Or something.
It's like when ROTS winds up, Obi is solemn and a whole lot of bad has happened; but so then he goes off to a cave and just sort of has a mental breakdown

? I didn't picture any of this at all - I thought the show would be about the desert wanderer Obi, sure, but more of a cat and mouse game with him dodging Inquisitors, maybe helping a fleeing Jedi-in-training (since Coruscant wasn't the only temple, according to Rebels) or even checking out some other Jedi temples (that would have been interesting).
Enough's been said about Reva; suppose she'll pop up in the Ahsoka show and Ahsoka will show her the NEW GIRLPOWER WAY. Back to back lightsaber scenes like End Game girlpower redux.
Think I got about 10 minutes in the whole series that I really appreciate (the Vader interchange was great). A d@mn shame, this should have been a lot more fun than just - tepid fanfiction.