Great discussions, folks. I completely forgot to vote in my own thread yesterday, so I'll do it now

. I went with Solid Snake. When I first played as him in MGS 1, I thought that he was the most badass video game character ever conceived - and I still think so to this day. Solid Snake simply personifies everything that men everywhere strive to be: a suave ladies man (at the epitome of physical fitness), who's good with animals, wise beyond his years, and completely fearless in life-and-death situations. You really get to see the fruition of Solid Snake's experience in MGS 2 (I just wish that we had more of Snake and less Raiden).
Big Boss is also a great character. He is a master in guerrilla warfare, an experienced tracker, and one of the founders of close-quarter-combat. But, at this point in time, I think he has gotten a bit stale - since all he seems to do it pine after The Boss, and there was hardly any character growth in him between Portable Ops and Peace Walker. I hope that we see something different in GZ and TPP. But, from the way that KojiPro has scripted the "Big Boss Saga" (as I like to call it) - namely, MGS 3, Portable Ops, and Peace Walker - it's literally impossible for Big Boss to become the evil mastermind that Solid Snake had defeated in MG 1 and 2. If anything, he's nothing more than a tragic hero, fighting futilely against the whirlwind of the times established by Zero and The Patriots.
Also, besides all of the series retcons that are associated with the Big Boss games (that I won't get into here), he has already starred in three games; five, if GZ and TPP are counted. Solid Snake, on the other hand, had only starred in two full games, and was reduced to a cameo role in MGS 2.
For whatever reason, Kojima had always seemed to be in a hurry to get rid of Snake. In MGS 2, he was replaced by Raiden, and in MGS 4, he was turned into an old man who was very much of a shell of his former self (eg. chronic back pain, memory problems, needing a muscle suit to get around).
But, Big Boss seems to be getting all of the attention now - much of which is unneeded (don't flame me, bros

). The MGS series simply wouldn't have been what it was today, if it weren't for the foundations established by the Solid Snake games, and I really believe that Kojima should have given the character more respect than what was handed to him. Remakes of MG 1 and 2 seem inevitable, since GZ and TPP are focusing on the establishment of Outer Heaven. I just hope that Solid Snake will eventually be brought back to his former glory.