Totally agree. That picture alone is a perfect example of why I can't understand how people can like the in-game renders over his look in the artwork. To each his own though!
Shinikawa's Snake is amazing, but I don't know..there's just something about that in-game model that really got to me

I remember seeing his new MGS2 face back in 2000 and it was such a shock. It wasn't just about the technical upgrade of the model, it was the way his features looked. There was just something about that face that I thought made him look really great and distinct.
Video game character faces, its not a subject we think a lot on

, at least I know I didn't. But Snake's mug in mgs2 and mgs3 was something that really impressed me, I thought that the modeler at Konami resposible for it, really hit a jackpot with that one. It was a face that I could consider Snake's "canon features". Up until that point Snake was just generally described as a gritty, rough, Martin-Riggs-mullet-wearing amalagamation of 80's cult american movie heroes, like Snake Plissken, Rambo ect, who didn't had that "one" definitive look and whose features were slightly different in many artwork and promotional materials. But now he had like a face of his own

I don't know, there's just something about his in-game mug that looked great to me. The model had that general rough, shaggy, war-veteran look about him, but there was also a lot of subtlety to his eyes and mouth, which is very rare, when You consider that its a model from 2000, when video game characters looked like ****.
I don't think I would be able to decide which look is the best. In game model or Shinkawas artwork. They are both fantastic. I just know I have a special sentiment for MGS2 and MGS3 (and Twin Snakes too, to some extent) Snake in-game model and I really, really wish for some collectible company to finally nail that look in figure or statue form. I would throw money for that.