Freaked Out
So not happy that I missed the signature edition
But I have to place my pre-order for the regular edition asap.
The site is unfortunately a big let down. It needs to be kept up to date, and if they post on FB, it should be RSSd to the web site. So to speak.
This is one of the things that really annoys me about 'social media' (a pretentious designation if ever there was one!), and this is not about BCS as such but all companies these days...what's the point of having your own, dedicated web site if all your updates and very latest news goes straight to FARTbook to Twatter, first?
I hate FB at the best of times and only really joined because I wanted to enter a competition, when directed there from...yep you guessed it, a company's own dedicated web-site...other than that, I see it as a phenomenal waste of a person's life.
Well, who wants to have to visit 4000 webpages all the time to see what the hell is going on?
I remember the earlier days of "I wonder when such and such bands are going to release an album or go on tour" and having to check like 30 of my favorite bands websites to find out. Now you just like each of them on facebook and you get all the info straight to you.
I utterly refuse to use FB and Twit .
I watch others using it daily. Updating thir status for all the world to know that the farted, or are pissed off, or have had their second cup of Starbucks. Who the hell cares.
Who fandom in general is right up there with the Trekkers, Whedonites/Browncoats, Star Wars fanatics, and DC/Marvel diehards in it's ability to attract absolute nutcases with practically zero social skills. I mean is it really too much to as to just enjoy the thing you claim to love, and discuss aspects of it with other fans without going into full meltdown mode all the damn time?
Back in the day on the official B5 forum site the vast majority of fans were reasonably normal (not including me...). Given that the show has been dead and gone for a decade or so, can't say I run across too many fans these days, and when I do they don't tend to be deliberately acting like *****. Similar deal with most Farscape, Stargate, and X-Files fans.
I mean there's obviously good and bad in any section of fandom, I'd never pretend that there wasn't, but it just seems to me that certain fandoms tend to produce way more than their fair share of hostile, bile-fueled, over-the-top nutters. And those few I've listed previously always seem to go pretty far above their quota in that regard. And I say this as a member of most of those fandoms myself.![]()