Black Widow (July 9, 2021)

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I assume they still had a plan they followed then. Now it's just putting out content because they think people will lap up anything and abandoning what made it all work at the start.
I remember tumblr clamoring for it. Absolutely weird how they latched onto the mcu like they did post avengers 1. They were crying sexist for them not making the movie and just acting like a movie about her alone would be interesting. Maybe back then when we knew nothing about her but certainly not now
Which is why I’ll never understand why people would want to watch a movie with this black widow. Say what the hell you want about captain marvel but she is way more interesting than mcu black widow.
This character is absolutely boring as all hell. O I did some bad ****!
so what. Get in line. All the avengers did.

she has this annoying monotone voice and blank expression it’s boring. She’s so boring . Take me back to the days when you couldn’t tell who side she was on or not. Bows she’s just a chick in a tight suit who shoots little guns and scissor drops her foes.

the awful avengers game that came out had a better black widow and that’s saying something.
ScarJo's Widow might be boring, but at least she's not a walking annoyance like Larson's Danvers. I wasn't even against Danvers being pushed, they needed a Wonder Woman. But ever since they started pushing her in... 2012, I think it was. Danvers was a millitary nut who killed xenos for fun. I'd have watched a Space DBZ Capeflick, but noooooo we've got to get... whatever the Hell we got.

As with most of capeshit, there's tons of good concepts buried under bad execution. For me X-Men is the biggest missed opportunity in capes and it's why I have this love-hate relationship with it. Tons of potential, more of it realised than other capeshit, but so much wasted at the same time...
I remember tumblr clamoring for it. Absolutely weird how they latched onto the mcu like they did post avengers 1. They were crying sexist for them not making the movie and just acting like a movie about her alone would be interesting. Maybe back then when we knew nothing about her but certainly not now
Tumblr's a cesspool. It always was and Twitter is its "evolved form". Nothing will ever be good enough for them and it's honestly insulting that all mass media companies decided to throw their actual audiences under the bus to pander to a bunch of sexually frustrated, obsese female teens with no disposable income. They never cared for comics, vidya, or whatever else. They just wanted to destroy it. I spent a lot of time there to see it all firsthand. I was into SuperWhoLock back in the day, I've seen things...
So I just got back from seeing it. I give it a very solid B/B-. It starts out surprisingly strong right out of the gate, but loses a lot of momentum as it get closer to the end. I want to keep this completely spoiler free, but all I'll say is that the things that worked in this movie really worked well. And the things that didn't work really, really did not. There is one big element to this movie which I know is going to be very divisive.
I downloaded this a little bit ago to send to a friend. I skimmed through it.

Ooof. You'd have to PAY ME to actually sit through this trash.

It's funny how any and all sense of tension or "stakes" have been removed from these movies long ago by having all these ridiculous rubbery CGI people defying every known law of physics.

Remember in Iron Man 3 when Tony saves all those people that fell out of a plane? That was awesome. It had real tension to it. People were falling and flailing and thinking they were about to go SPLAT really hard.

Now people fall out of exploding airplanes and dance and sashay through debris that would in all actuality kill them instantly, having conversations and stuff while they do wacky maneuvers at terminal velocity.

I'm not condemning the genre (although it's clearly on its last legs) cause I just gave an example of how the same scene can be executed wonderfully. This is just lazy trash.
To be fair, this movie should have been out more than a year ago and has been picked apart for a good while now. Her dying in a previous movie really has some people scratching their heads on this. But Marvel will still print the money. This Covid time has really delayed the hype train, but I know there is a lot of people ready to get to theaters and scratch a Marvel movie itch.
Wrong, this movie should have been out 4/5 years ago :lecture
This adds nothing interesting to the MCU...

...apart from setting up the Hawkeye show.

Florence Pugh makes a better BW than ScarJo. When she's fighting, I can actually believe it.
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Streamed it for free..a year delayed for disappointment. The action was good..but the story was beyond boring.

I could tell Scar being a executive producer on the film did her best to tell us this is her film and she was going to take over all her parts. Problem is her supporting cast was overshadowed by her too many times whenever she was in scenes with them.

Don’t know why they got that director ..I’ve seen his other mediocre projects.
so much dialogue overkill . :slap

You have to be a true die hard Scar fan to really get into the plot.

Don’t know why Grace in her reviews was in love with Pugh..must be a SJW love thing. Her character had an awful accent ..I could barely understand her half the time.

IDK fellow freaks..try to stream for free or save your money and wait until D+ has the film off the $30 access option .

Going to the theater watching this in IMAX I’d only recommend just to get back to the feeling of watching with friends and family to get the true movie experience…but the film itself is not worth the effort or extra money involved.
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Saw it last night at the theater no more social distancing with seats being blocked I had a fatty 30ish guy next to me sneezing non stop :yess:

2 thoughts

1. BW is now officially the most rubberized character in the MCU if not in the history of cinema.
2. I can’t believe that I wasn’t spoiled on the reveal considering the production time AND the 14 month delay.

Oh one more thing before the movie started I was out in the lobby and there were these two kids next to me and one said to the other “do you remember when movies used to be good like when the first Purge movie came out”

Yeah that happened lol
Saw it last night at the theater no more social distancing with seats being blocked I had a fatty 30ish guy next to me sneezing non stop :yess:

2 thoughts

1. BW is now officially the most rubberized character in the MCU if not in the history of cinema.
2. I can’t believe that I wasn’t spoiled on the reveal considering the production time AND the 14 month delay.

Oh one more thing before the movie started I was out in the lobby and there were these two kids next to me and one said to the other “do you remember when movies used to be good like when the first Purge movie came out”

Yeah that happened lol
The fact that a kid remembers the Purge films being great films shows just what kind of world we live in now..feel sorry for the new generation . PC has ruined Hollywood in film for the last three or four years now .

thank god I didn’t grow up in this generation
Taskmaster? :lol
Lol, yes. Though it is a shame because until the reveal, the character is actually incredibly badass. Think Darth Maul in episode 1.

However what I consider to be a bigger sin is:
Through a massive retcon, It is heavily implied at the end that the ending of Civil War where Cap breaks out the imprisoned Avengers was actually Black Widow's initiative, with Cap just helping her out.

It's really a shame that the movie just kind of putters along to the finish line because as I stated, it actually starts out surprisingly strong. The first 20 minutes or so are great.

I also was not a fan of how:
Red Guardian was portrayed so heavily as an oafish buffoon. Literally every single line he has in the movie is just for the purpose of having the other characters look at him in disgust. They can't just let the guy have one minute where he isn't a personified punchline. Which is also a suprise, because he seems like a fairly competent badass in the fist scene.
Lol, yes. Though it is a shame because until the reveal, the character is actually incredibly badass. Think Darth Maul in episode 1.

However what I consider to be a bigger sin is:
Through a massive retcon, It is heavily implied at the end that the ending of Civil War where Cap breaks out the imprisoned Avengers was actually Black Widow's initiative, with Cap just helping her out.

It's really a shame that the movie just kind of putters along to the finish line because as I stated, it actually starts out surprisingly strong. The first 20 minutes or so are great.

I also was not a fan of how:
Red Guardian was portrayed so heavily as an oafish buffoon. Literally every single line he has in the movie is just for the purpose of having the other characters look at him in disgust. They can't just let the guy have one minute where he isn't a personified punchline. Which is also a suprise, because he seems like a fairly competent badass in the fist scene.
agree..Taskmaster was way off the comic book character and yes the first 20 minutes had me invested ..after that ..the plot failed miserably :Flush
Well, just finished the film. Spoiler-laden first impressions to follow:

  • First Widow attack, no attempt to gas them and wake them?
  • Red Guardian is in some mundane prison?
  • Why isn’t that chopper being pursued through Russian airspace?
  • Too heavy on the forced comedy
  • Guardian, Nat and Yelena didn't think Malena would be watched?
  • Red Guardian is a cartoon
  • The “family”’ stuff is drawn out and bland
  • Tactical stuff is sloppy for a bunch of elite assassins and soldiers
  • Crap security in the Red Room. No one was searched?
  • General Dreikov is a good villain
  • Taskmaster is a bit creepy and scary until deactivated into a weepy child
  • Last action set piece too drawn-out as per usual for MCU
  • How did Ross get jurisdiction to act on Russian soil or wherever that was?
  • Wow, she has a lot of money (Quinjet or whatever it was at the end)
  • She really is made of rubber. Freefall sequences were lame.
  • Disney tried to go dark but of course shied away from blood

I give the film a C+ on first impression. Not great, not terrible. 3.6 roentgens.
Well, just finished the film. Spoiler-laden first impressions to follow:

  • First Widow attack, no attempt to gas them and wake them?
  • Red Guardian is in some mundane prison?
  • Why isn’t that chopper being pursued through Russian airspace?
  • Too heavy on the forced comedy
  • Guardian, Nat and Yelena didn't think Malena would be watched?
  • Red Guardian is a cartoon
  • The “family”’ stuff is drawn out and bland
  • Tactical stuff is sloppy for a bunch of elite assassins and soldiers
  • Crap security in the Red Room. No one was searched?
  • General Dreikov is a good villain
  • Taskmaster is a bit creepy and scary until deactivated into a weepy child
  • Last action set piece too drawn-out as per usual for MCU
  • How did Ross get jurisdiction to act on Russian soil or wherever that was?
  • Wow, she has a lot of money (Quinjet or whatever it was at the end)
  • She really is made of rubber. Freefall sequences were lame.
  • Disney tried to go dark but of course shied away from blood

I give the film a C+ on first impression. Not great, not terrible. 3.6 roentgens.
How about the speech Natasha gave Steve in EG about not having a family..well the first 20 minutes ..seemed like she was right at home with this one
Totally agree that it's a bad thing these Disney Marvel movies are extremely violent but there's no blood.

About halfway through Winter Soldier I was thinking to myself "Good god, they've fired more rounds than an entire Tarantino movie!" and not a drop of blood. I think that does a real disservice to show that kind of indiscriminate shooting with zero consequences other than broken glass.

I thought the opening scene in Iron Man was particularly brutal. One minute he's sitting in the armored truck with YOUNG military guys, laughing and having a good time, and then BOOM! They're dead. All those young kids, killed in an instant. That was horrific and it made a lasting impression on me. I'm sure an 8 year old seeing that is not gonna forget how real the horrors of war are.

In all the later movies, nobody "good" ever gets hurt, and the bad guys just yell and fall over. No blood or anything.

The point of my church lady rambling is that these movies are really popular with young kids and they're definitely being desensitized to gun violence by having all these machine guns so ubiquitous but having no consequences.
I also think Pugh has more grit and steel than Johansson. I can buy her as a killer far more easily.

@Otomofan I agree about the sanitized gun violence. Still remember that scene from Iron Man like the day I saw it. Also recall Pulp Fiction, when Marsellus is shooting at Butch and an innocent bystander takes a stray bullet to the hip, graphically dropped, bleeding and in pain.

Explosions are dangerous too -- pressure waves go through bodies and smash internal organs, hot gases destroy lungs, shrapnel peppers tissue ... but Black Widow gets her ponytail singed and needs an Ibuprofen.

Suspension of disbelief gets stretched too thin. I don't expect a Tarantino film but the MCU is too cartoon-y now. Ah well. To be expected I guess.
I also think Pugh has more grit and steel than Johansson. I can buy her as a killer far more easily.

@Otomofan I agree about the sanitized gun violence. Still remember that scene from Iron Man like the day I saw it. Also recall Pulp Fiction, when Marsellus is shooting at Butch and an innocent bystander takes a stray bullet to the hip, graphically dropped, bleeding and in pain.

Explosions are dangerous too -- pressure waves go through bodies and smash internal organs, hot gases destroy lungs, shrapnel peppers tissue ... but Black Widow gets her ponytail singed and needs an Ibuprofen.

Suspension of disbelief gets stretched too thin. I don't expect a Tarantino film but the MCU is too cartoon-y now. Ah well. To be expected I guess.
I’m ok with cartoon rubber characters if there is a reason for them to be so.

But MCU BW was never enhanced.
Totally agree that it's a bad thing these Disney Marvel movies are extremely violent but there's no blood.

About halfway through Winter Soldier I was thinking to myself "Good god, they've fired more rounds than an entire Tarantino movie!" and not a drop of blood. I think that does a real disservice to show that kind of indiscriminate shooting with zero consequences other than broken glass.

I thought the opening scene in Iron Man was particularly brutal. One minute he's sitting in the armored truck with YOUNG military guys, laughing and having a good time, and then BOOM! They're dead. All those young kids, killed in an instant. That was horrific and it made a lasting impression on me. I'm sure an 8 year old seeing that is not gonna forget how real the horrors of war are.

In all the later movies, nobody "good" ever gets hurt, and the bad guys just yell and fall over. No blood or anything.

The point of my church lady rambling is that these movies are really popular with young kids and they're definitely being desensitized to gun violence by having all these machine guns so ubiquitous but having no consequences.
Your concerns were answered before though
