Blade Runner 2049 (October 6th, 2017) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

It's still settling in for me. I will say this, Gosling is talented, but he is missing that "x factor" that Ford (at least in his prime) has. There's an undeniable screen presence that Ford has that Gosling simply doesn't. All the "Harrison Bored" kind of pales in comparison to K's "soullessness".

By no stretch a bad movie, just a different beast than BR.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

I also feel that K/Gosling doesn't come across as dangerous.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Neither did Ford in the first movie though? All I remember is him getting his ass kicked.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Ford, pretty much regardless of his role, gives off a vibe of "don't eff with me". Does that make sense? He doesn't come across as Pinocchio, which to a certain extent, Gosling does (which I'm sure was intentional). I'm speaking more in regards to general presence and demeanor.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

No masterpiece in history has arrived without it’s critics. So, comments like this makes me even more confident that I just experienced something grand :)

Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Deckard got his ass handed to him several times in the first movie: Snake Girl Stripper, Leon, Pris, and finally Roy Batty. Only his gun saved him; or Rebecca killing Leon--again with his gun; Roy let Deckard live and basically saved him (from himself and his prejudices).

K just kicked ass.
Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

I saw this at the premier and it is a far superior movie to the original. Saw the original back in film school and thought it was a really boring movie despite its grand theme and impressive visuals. The original has serious pacing issues with the script and it was also poorly edited. It feels like a film noir directed by someone not familiar with film noir.

And worse, the world Ridley Scott created is always more interesting than the plot. The stand out is of course Rutger Hauer with his iconic look and performance and Sean Young with her doll like beauty.

But I always felt Ford was a miscast as he looked like he doesn't want to be there half the time (and turns out he didn't have an enjoyable time working on that movie according to the Blade Runner Bible, Future Noir).

This sequel improves on almost everything from the original. The main character is more compelling, the world is expended upon, and the themes are actually explored instead of being hinted at only (which to me is a missed opportunity from the original especially when you consider the pedigree the movie came from). The pacing is great despite being an almost three hour movie and not once did I ask myself when is this movie going to end which is something I did with the original each time I watch it (We did a Final Cut screening among friends a few days before the premier and very soon they were more interested with their phones).

The only thing that the original did better was having a better villain. Roy Batty is just way too iconic. Wallace is interesting and a different kind of villain but he is always in the shadows and never a standout. That role instead fell to his henchwoman Luv which to me is as generic as it gets as that super Assassin thug.

The score to me is a great tribute and an evolution of the score Vangelis did in the original. The horns can get a bit heavy in some scenes but that is Hans Zimmer for you.

This is definitely one movie I want to watch again. The cinematography is so beautiful and dreamy and Ryan Gosling as Agent K is infinitely watchable with his subtle but layered performance. His companion Joi is also a standout and has a surprising amount of soul for what is essentially glorified Siri.

As a plus I won this set of Pop Funko during a trivia at the premier.

They couldn't have ask a more obvious question. What is the original source material Blade Runner was based on and who wrote it?

I ran to the emcee before he even completed the question while everyone else was just taking out their phones to google search.

I am glad I have been reading Philip K **** books way before he before the Hollywood mainstream writer to steal from.

Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Wow as some had predicted a box office disaster in the making right now ouch.

Sorry Villeneuve but I guess middle america doesn’t care about your auteur skills.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

I saw this at the premier and it is a far superior movie to the original. Saw the original back in film school and thought it was a really boring movie despite its grand theme and impressive visuals. The original has serious pacing issues with the script and it was also poorly edited. It feels like a film noir directed by someone not familiar with film noir.

And worse, the world Ridley Scott created is always more interesting than the plot. The stand out is of course Rutger Hauer with his iconic look and performance and Sean Young with her doll like beauty.

But I always felt Ford was a miscast as he looked like he doesn't want to be there half the time (and turns out he didn't have an enjoyable time working on that movie according to the Blade Runner Bible, Future Noir).

Ford was miserable...but so was Deckard...remember he was forced to go back to being a cop,blade runner, and a killer...he was good at his roll playing someone who didn't want to ....he could have been a cocky Han solo or IJ detective kicking ass...Scotts world is miserable, all the happy folks left for off world ...that's what it was for me...anyway ford played a Deckard the way he was supposed to be...maybe ford's miserable feelings helped lol. ..for me that's a great thing...kinda like John Wayne in his final film about a guy dying of he was IRL. ..worked well for that film...just an these cases they helped imho...of course it would have backfired if the roles were of more upbeat characters
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Wow as some had predicted a box office disaster in the making right now ouch.

Sorry Villeneuve but I guess middle america doesn’t care about your auteur skills.

Poor Neca. They chose Blade Runner over IT, and they missed the opportunity to capitalize on the biggest horror phenomenon in decades. :lol
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Wow as some had predicted a box office disaster in the making right now ouch.

Sorry Villeneuve but I guess middle america doesn’t care about your auteur skills.

This Grand MASTERPIECE in History???? NO way
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Does doing well at the box-office mean anything? Only if you are a follower I guess :dunno If you like Sci-Fi go see it. If you are looking for Marvel like insane pacing/fantasy, skip this one...
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Does doing well at the box-office mean anything? Only if you are a follower I guess :dunno If you like Sci-Fi go see it. If you are looking for Marvel like insane pacing/fantasy, skip this one...

It means the studio gets its investment back?
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

You mean they didn't have them ready for the films release right?

Exactamundo. I guess they had to choose one, so they went with the big budget, "beloved", Harrison Ford movie, over the remake of a crappy 90's mini series with no A- List actors. I can't blame them, really. Funko didn't make that mistake though.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Does doing well at the box-office mean anything?

It matters a lot actually. If a "smart", big budget high quality film fails financially, don't expect more films like that from movie studios for a while. They'll just keep making Marvel and SW toy commercials. I don't mind it, but it'd be nice if audiences supported this film. Maybe, word of mouth will keep it in the top 3 spot for several weeks.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Poor Neca. They chose Blade Runner over IT, and they missed the opportunity to capitalize on the biggest horror phenomenon in decades. :lol


Does doing well at the box-office mean anything? Only if you are a follower I guess :dunno If you like Sci-Fi go see it. If you are looking for Marvel like insane pacing/fantasy, skip this one...

To the audience who loved what they saw they think the box office does not matter because as long as they loved it end of story they have their masterpiece to enjoy over and over.

But it absolutely should matter!

It certainly matters to Villeneuve the auteur, you don’t think he knows that if his movies don’t make money that the studios will kick his auteur ass right out onto the street.

It should matter to his fans because if they want to continue watching movies made by him then his movies better not be box office disasters as this one is turning out to be.

The reality is auteurs need their financiers to make huge profits so that the machinery keeps moving forward.

It’s not called Villeneuve Brothers Studio or Snyder Bros Studios, it’s called Warner Bros studios.

Where is Snyder today, that’s right he’s making movies with Iphones for Youtube after his BvS failed to break 1 billion.

When it comes to cinema art will always only be 50% of the equation, the other 50% is all about making a profit.

If the auteur can’t deliver on his end of the bargain then don’t let the door hit you on your way out and don’t worry we’ll come up with an excuse for your departure because we the studios don’t want too look like greedy *******s, what should it be today your daughters suicide, perfect.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Screw the box office. For the average movie fan box office is only important if you want a Marvel style movieverse. I haven't seen this yet but I'd rather have a solid movie over an average movie pandering to an average market in the hope of making 3 or 4 billion dollar movies (Transformers for example).