Blade Runner 2049 (October 6th, 2017) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

I like it. A lot. I've seen it twice this weekend. I would have waited until next weekend for round 2, but up my way, when something tanks, it gets moved off the screens fast and the poor BO response to this will see it out the door pretty quick.

And that's too bad.

Better than the first? Not better- different. A lot of talk about that excessive run time turning people off, but for me- it was great. Big story, lots of world-building, great vistas to soak in. I loved it.

Some of the "problems" for this movie that I can see as a dispassionate observer is that the whole idea of near-future dystopian, artificial-life, man-as-god-creator has been so over-mined for movies, graphic novels and TV shows that virtually nothing about it seems fresh anymore, It certainly isn't a hook to bring in those precious short-attention spanned millennials that the studios live and die on these days. So what's left are folks like me - the older market that has helped turn an initial box office disappointment into a cult-status movie that had an intense but small following over the years.
When I first read that Scott was talking about re-visiting this after all this time my first thought was "Why"? It can't be the money. Any studio accountant worth their coin would surely see that spending a lot of money to follow up a troubled production and cult item was a big risk to say the least.

But someday did. And I'm glad. Watching this movie unfold in the theater reminded me of how I felt watching Rogue One last year...another committee-addled production that came out the other side as a really good movie, primary because I felt I was watching a labor of love come together in spite of the studio hacks attempting to mold it to their survey-ridden, balance sheet needs. Every aspect of the production was touched by folks who put a lot of thought and care into what they were contributing to on the film and it showed.

The same is very much in evidence here. Villenueve and his team of artists have struck the perfect balance between reverence for the original and creating something new and adding to the original's story. Every aspect of the production,, from the stunning cinematography, the expansive production design, the immersive soundscapes and music to the great cast, all rise to the occasion of helping him create an extension of the world Scott introduced us too all those years ago while adding his own distinct stamp to it.

There is so much story and world-building and back story revealed here, another 2 hours could be filled easily. The mark of a successful a movie for me is two-fold. If I can't stop thinking about it and can't wait to see it again, it's a win. And what a winner. I always seem to find myself drawn to the movies that end up being really divisive for fans (and audiences in general) and this one is looking to be another one I really appreciate while others just don't like it.

Am I gushing? You bet. My expectations were pretty low for this. Not a fan of Gosling (but he was great here), really questioned the need for this movie and considering what a difficult challenge it would be for any film maker to do the follow-up to one of the great modern cult-classics and make it relevant...well, my hat's off to Denis for a job well-done!

I'll keep following this discussion for awhile and see how the tide goes....
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Just weird. Actresses and actors don't get big parts all the time. Why were they making a big deal of this one?
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Just weird. Actresses and actors don't get big parts all the time. Why were they making a big deal of this one?

She’s psychotic her behavior stories are legendary lol

But she felt betrayed by Burton and WB for what happened to her during the making of Batman 89.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

James Woods is a big fan of Sean Young.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Gonna see this again in an hour :) IMAX 2d
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Jye's sig is just incredible. The meaning. The art. Auteur? Yes.

I can't tell if the one on the right is Schumer Dos or Rosie O'Donnell. That's genius.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Jye's sig is just incredible. The meaning. The art. Auteur? Yes.

I can't tell if the one on the right is Schumer Dos or Rosie O'Donnell. That's genius.

What's worse is pictures of Amny Schumer and Rosie O'Donnell are forever on internet search. :rotfl

Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

I saw this on Saturday, there was about 8 people in the theater and 2 walked out an hour in lol I'm in my 30's and we were the youngest people there.

I liked it, it was ok, the first one is alot better to me though. I think I've just come to terms that I'm not that big of a Denis fan, I think his films are ok with the exception of Prisoners which is the one I find to be fantastic. I'll give 2049 another chance on blu ray but ultimately for me, it's just to long and there are parts that lean pretty close to just being boring. For me the first one incorporates it's theme's into the story beats where as 2049 stops the plot to bring up themes or ideas to ponder.

If you like the first I recommend it, if you don't like the first, I can't imagine this one being any different for you. I don't see this film reaching anything beyond the niche audience of the first film.

There's still room for thinking man's SCI FI but it's not in the 150 million dollar game. Things like Ex Machina and Arrival that cost less than 50 million to make is where I think this genre will live and honestly where I think it's at it's best.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Just came back from my second viewing. ...I love this thought provoking piece of art ...worthy sequel...period...hope Oscar nominations go to some....
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Certainly cinematography and production design absolutely have to be nominated. And likely should win.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Thinking back on it now...the only thing I wish more watching this film is the feeling of emotion...the BR films are "cold" to me...the first BR I felt more emotion than this film....I related to all the characters which is good...just wish I felt more emotions. ..even like feeling just didn't happen...the POTA trilogy did a great job at for BR, I guess great art can be a nice cocktail 🍸🍹