Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. As Mao said, let a hundred flowers bloom!
There's nothing wrong with your... ugh, opinion.I stand by what I said.
All art, including movies, is subjective.
I understand a lot of you LOVE this movie, and my opinion in no way diminishes or belittles that you love you feel.
I'm just saying it didn't work for me.
I don't like mindless car chases or paper thin plots dumbed down to the point where the least intelligent audiences members can shove mouthfuls of popcorn into their faces and go "huh huh.....ass! Funny!" But I just found it TOO slow. TOO meandering. TOO navel gazing. And did you miss how I said how incredibly gorgeous the film LOOKED?
Two of my favorite movies from the past decades were also considered "slow" by the masses.
Ever see "In The Bedroom?" To me that's one of the most gripping, well-acted dramas I've ever seen. It's a depressing film and not easy to watch a lot of scenes, but I absolutely adored the movie and the performances.
Same with "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford." It's slow, it's methodical....but the characters feel real, and it builds towards something. Again, one of my rare favorites from the last decade.
I' glad you enjoyed 2049 but for me it was just a painful experience. I hope we can all just agree that we have different and nuanced taste in films and that doesn't make anyone's opinions "better" than anyone else's.....just different.
I actually drove 30 minutes yesterday to catch it on the big screen at a $1.00 movie theater making it the sixth time for me on the big screen. I own the blu ray and have a nice home theater set up, but this movie like the original is an experience to behold in a theater.
Does feeling like a theme park attraction = Great art?
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Well, nothing in BR49 looked like this:
or this
or this
So, I guess it can't be called great art...
At least with Akira it had no tentacles penetrating certain areas. I remember watching Wicked City and :eek