Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface- FULL SPEC- new production paint app pics

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from hot toys announcement of sweeney todd

This summer, we will be launching more projects coming with the specially made chairs as value-added items! Stay tuned!

i wonder if one of the projects is scarface
If it is, they better hurry and announce it, so I can then cancel my pre-order with Blitzway. LOL
Dont worry, this looks awesome & it is from the same guy who sculpted HT Godfather which seemed to blow away alot of people :)
Dont worry, this looks awesome & it is from the same guy who sculpted HT Godfather which seemed to blow away alot of people :)

Thanks for that reassurance :1-1: Yeah, Inae Kang (if I'm not mistaken) who sculpted HT version of Don Vito is also responsible for this of the reasons I PO'd this baby :yess:
Dont worry, this looks awesome & it is from the same guy who sculpted HT Godfather which seemed to blow away alot of people :)

See, but this is a new company, so quality control will have to be questioned until it is fully answered, then there is tailoring, customer service, construction of body, and so many other variables that many of us feel more comfortable with, with Hot Toys. Oh, and if Hot Toys does announce a Scarface, prior to this shipping, and retailers charging for the Blitzway product, I will probably cancel.
See, but this is a new company, so quality control will have to be questioned until it is fully answered, then there is tailoring, customer service, construction of body, and so many other variables that many of us feel more comfortable with, with Hot Toys. Oh, and if Hot Toys does announce a Scarface, prior to this shipping, and retailers charging for the Blitzway product, I will probably cancel.

If HT announced their own version, of course I'll go w/ them too but until then..until then have faith on Blitzway's work. :wink1:
Hot Toys need to do a Michael form Godfather II before they even touch Scarface...LOL... My Don needs someone else to display with him...
Hot Toys need to do a Michael form Godfather II before they even touch Scarface...LOL... My Don needs someone else to display with him...

What about Predator lol.:nana:



P.S. Pictures are not mine.