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This man speaks the truth :lecture

Jeez, i thought I wasn't seeing anything about this figure because I no longer was looking. I thought that it might have made it out, but I guess not. That company is going to lose a lot of attention because of this.
LMAO -- I remember the informant on this thread was saying quite a few pages back, "coming soon...," all this stuff, and when he got called out on it, people scoffed at it.

I guess it was downright reasonable to question him and his empty promises and useless prognostications.
LMAO -- I remember the informant on this thread was saying quite a few pages back, "coming soon...," all this stuff, and when he got called out on it, people scoffed at it.

I guess it was downright reasonable to question him and his empty promises and useless prognostications.

yeah coz i'm sure he personally went to the factory and stopped production on this, and it has nothing to do with blitzway leading him on about a release date. :cuckoo:

take a step back, change out of your usual a-hole trousers, and try again.
yeah coz i'm sure he personally went to the factory and stopped production on this, and it has nothing to do with blitzway leading him on about a release date. :cuckoo:

take a step back, change out of your usual a-hole trousers, and try again.


:Since that's what everyone screams around here, whenever there is differing views:
Then again, as a representative or a dealer of Blitzway, said person should try to get more information out of Blitzway because

1) the item is past its due date and the date Blitzway actually promised (which was last month)

2) money have been paid for this item so there is indeed a great cause for concern
Then again, as a representative or a dealer of Blitzway, said person should try to get more information out of Blitzway because

1) the item is past its due date and the date Blitzway actually promised (which was last month)

2) money have been paid for this item so there is indeed a great cause for concern
I agree...
yeah coz i'm sure he personally went to the factory and stopped production on this, and it has nothing to do with blitzway leading him on about a release date. :cuckoo:

take a step back, change out of your usual a-hole trousers, and try again.

A-hole trousers...classic. :rotfl

Any of you Chicken Littles ever start a business--let alone a business licensing characters, producing them in a communist country, and getting distribution worldwide? Didn't think so. :rolleyes:

Effin' trolls, go back to changing your avatar to a Heath Ledger Joker and let the adults talk. Did you hear, HT is making a Reeve Supes that's never coming out either?
Good to some common sense prevailing in this thread. Midway through Q2 of a slated Q1 release does not warrant the lighting of torches and gathering up of pitchforks.
Lol how did this thread descend into such a b itch fest?! I trust in OSB Wai Man to get us an answer. Nothing I'm particularly worried about ... Yet
too bad this piece seems to have ended up in limbo. i'd definitely pick it up if it's released. really great looking figure over all.