That's what I'm kinda seeing. It doesn't match the proto as closely as I want it too. This does not look like the Bruce Lee collectible I've been excited about.I will say the likeness turned out really well,albeit a little dx04 looking.
I think the thing is, if you had only seen this finished piece you'd think it was a pretty nice statue of Bruce Lee. Nice pose, pretty good likeness.
But we have all seen the proto and it was a DEFINITIVE representation - for many, probably the beginning and end of a collection, nothing else that would compare. That's certainly how I felt when I saw that proto. I'm really trying to warm to this finished piece and I'm hoping better pics from collectors will help that, but geez, the difference between proto and production just feels too great even without the help of excellent lighting. The proto looked like a miniature Bruce plucked off the set of ETD. I can't help but feel this looks a little cartoony and, apart from the loss of 'ripped' detail, the one, yellowy skin tone is contributing to this impression. Definitely a case of something 'lost in translation' here IMO.
if this had no chance of matching the prototype,then they really shouldn't show the proto so people wont be disappointed when the final version falls way below what buyers expect (EB BTS GOD anyone).I still think it's a very nice statue even if it ends up looking like the not so flattering pics..but $700 worth..nope.
there's been several little tweaks compared to said proto,and the (too wide) slashes on the abs look poor against the proto's.hopefully some tone shades on the paint app will bring out more detail to at least look like the proto.the only plus on the final version,is the likeness seems better,although maybe his face is a tab wider(could be the angle).I think people seeing and wanting something like the proto,then seeing the differences in this feel badly let down by blitzway.IMO.
I don't disagree about companies needing to match the prototype statue better to the final product (even if that means lowering the prototype quality) but you're talking about the entire industry rather than just this particular statue.
Sideshow are atrocious in this regard and IMO don't meet a reasonable standard in terms of ethical behavior there. The idea that a small 'final product may vary' disclaimer excuses their ongoing behavior is rubbish.
But in this particular statue I think 'pro lighting and photography vs flash' is a bigger part of the discrepancy than production quality drop. (the stomach cuts are disappointing though ....that should have been easy to get right)
What I think has changed for the better is the core facial likeness. The proto felt almost like a Bruce impersonator. The finished piece is really pretty close.
If the body had come out with the same detail in the torso as the proto it would have been a superb statue and the definitive Bruce collectible without question for me, but right now, with the current pics we have it feels like a mass produced and much less expensive figure. I really hope I see some images come in that change my mind.
Wow, what a disappointment this has turned out to be. After having lost interest in this hobby for months now, seeing that this was close to being released kind of sparked my interest again as it was the only piece I was looking forward to at the moment, but these pics have killed any excitement I had for this release.
It honestly looks like a $150 PVC figure. Looks no different to me to the Enterbay statues released, except larger. I just don't understand how it turned out so different from their amazing proto, which had me pumped for this statue for months.
I'm still holding out in hopes that some better pics might surface, but I'm not holding my breath. As it stands, I think I'm going to cancel my order, and put my cash towards the GOD statue, which looks much better IMO.
Sculpt is the easiest thing to replicate on any statue, would be senseless for them to change it. I'm gonna bet on the lighting- looking at the first and third pic in my last post you can kind of see where the muscular def was washed out. Could be wrong but I think their is still reason to be positive.
Why they can make the first yellow suit so good but not this one .....
good post SAB.and I agree what you say,but I'm talking about this statue in issue with this statue is although we expect slight differences in the ''final'' V ''proto'' this could be a statue from EB costing $150 from a few years back.the proto could be a porche you want,but end up with a mini.i do think better pics showing some detailing will arrive but will still fall short of the proto guys saw and wanted.i'm still getting this I still think it's a nice ststue,but guys seeing this @$700 will be thinking of(and are)cancelling
due to the fall in detail/quality,that has been shown...thus far.even the GOD was only semi painted under the suit.but that can be forgiven as it can't be seen.